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ProxmoxAAS LDAP - Simple REST API for LDAP

ProxmoxAAS LDAP provides a simple API for managing users and groups in a simplified LDAP server. Expected LDAP configuration can be initialized using open-ldap-setup.



  • Initialized LDAP server with the following configuration
    • Structure
      • Users: ou=people,...
        • objectType: inetOrgPerson
        • At least 1 user which is a member of admin group
      • Groups: ou=groups,...
        • objectType: groupOfNames
        • At least 1 admin group
    • Permissions:
      • Admin group should have write access
      • Users should have write access to own attributes (cn, sn, userPassword)
      • Enable anonymous binding
    • Load MemberOf Policy:
      • olcMemberOfDangling: ignore
      • olcMemberOfRefInt: TRUE
      • olcMemberOfGroupOC: groupOfNames
      • olcMemberOfMemberAD: member
      • olcMemberOfMemberOfAD: memberOf
    • Password Policy and TLS are recommended but not required


  1. Download proxmoxaas-ldap binary and template.config.json file from releases
  2. Rename template.config.json to config.json and modify:
    • ldapURL: url to the ldap server ie. ldap://
    • baseDN: base DN ie. dc=domain,dc=net
    • sessionSecretKey: random value used to randomize cookie values, replace with any sufficiently large random string
  3. Run the binary