improved and streamlined config error handling

Former-commit-id: 99efefd3025f99ca65cf73dd694baa86a2a65e73
This commit is contained in:
Arthur Lu 2021-11-06 00:04:11 +00:00
parent 14ed3cc507
commit b9610b7b46

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@ -166,6 +166,12 @@ from interface import splash, log, ERR, INF, stdout, stderr
from data import get_previous_time, set_current_time, get_database_config, set_database_config, check_new_database_matches
from module import Match, Metric, Pit
class ConfigurationError (Exception):
code = None
def __init__(self, str, code):
self.code = code
config_path = "config.json"
sample_json = """{
@ -247,6 +253,8 @@ def main(send, verbose = False, profile = False, debug = False):
if "client" in locals():
if "f" in locals():
exit_code = 0
@ -267,18 +275,12 @@ def main(send, verbose = False, profile = False, debug = False):
config = {}
if load_config(config_path, config):
send(stderr, ERR, "could not find config at <" + config_path + ">, generating blank config and exiting", code = 100)
exit_code = 1
raise ConfigurationError("could not find config at <" + config_path + ">, generating blank config and exiting", 110)
send(stdout, INF, "found and loaded config at <" + config_path + ">")
flag, apikey, tbakey, preference, sync = parse_config_persistent(send, config)
if flag:
exit_code = 1
apikey, tbakey, preference, sync = parse_config_persistent(send, config)
send(stdout, INF, "found and loaded database and tba keys")
client = pymongo.MongoClient(apikey)
@ -286,16 +288,9 @@ def main(send, verbose = False, profile = False, debug = False):
send(stdout, INF, "established connection to database")
send(stdout, INF, "analysis backtimed to: " + str(get_previous_time(client)))
resolve_config_conflicts(send, client, config, preference, sync)
if config == 1:
exit_code = 1
flag, exec_threads, competition, config_modules = parse_config_variable(send, config)
if flag:
exit_code = 1
config = resolve_config_conflicts(send, client, config, preference, sync)
exec_threads, competition, config_modules = parse_config_variable(send, config)
for m in config_modules:
if m in modules:
@ -320,7 +315,8 @@ def main(send, verbose = False, profile = False, debug = False):
send(stdout, INF, "finished all tasks in " + str(time.time() - loop_start) + " seconds, looping")
if profile:
return 0 # return instead of break to avoid sys.exit
exit_code = 0
event_delay = config["variable"]["event-delay"]
if event_delay:
@ -343,6 +339,13 @@ def main(send, verbose = False, profile = False, debug = False):
send(stdout, INF, "terminated threads, exiting")
except ConfigurationError as e:
send(stderr, ERR, "encountered a configuration error: " + str(e), code = e.code)
traceback.print_exc(file = stderr)
exit_code = 1
except Exception as e:
send(stderr, ERR, "encountered an exception while running", code = 1)
traceback.print_exc(file = stderr)
@ -354,54 +357,41 @@ def main(send, verbose = False, profile = False, debug = False):
def parse_config_persistent(send, config):
exit_flag = False
apikey = config["persistent"]["key"]["database"]
send(stderr, ERR, "database key field in config must be present", code = 111)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("persistent/key/database field is invalid or missing", 111)
tbakey = config["persistent"]["key"]["tba"]
send(stderr, ERR, "tba key field in config must be present", code = 112)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("persistent/key/tba field is invalid or missing", 112)
preference = config["persistent"]["config-preference"]
send(stderr, ERR, "config-preference field in config must be present", code = 113)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("persistent/config-preference field is invalid or missing", 113)
sync = config["persistent"]["synchronize-config"]
send(stderr, ERR, "synchronize-config field in config must be present", code = 114)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("persistent/synchronize-config field is invalid or missing", 114)
if apikey == None or apikey == "":
send(stderr, ERR, "database key field in config must not be empty, please populate the database key", code = 115)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("persistent/key/database field is empty", 115)
if tbakey == None or tbakey == "":
send(stderr, ERR, "tba key field in config must not be empty, please populate the tba key", code = 116)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("persistent/key/tba field is empty", 116)
if preference == None or preference == "":
send(stderr, ERR, "config-preference field in config must not be empty, please populate config-preference", code = 117)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("persistent/config-preference field is empty", 117)
if sync != True and sync != False:
send(stderr, ERR, "synchronize-config field in config must be a boolean, please populate synchronize-config", code = 118)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("persistent/synchronize-config field is empty", 118)
return exit_flag, apikey, tbakey, preference, sync
return apikey, tbakey, preference, sync
def parse_config_variable(send, config):
exit_flag = False
sys_max_threads = os.cpu_count()
cfg_max_threads = config["variable"]["max-threads"]
send(stderr, ERR, "max-threads field in config must not be empty, refer to documentation for configuration options", code = 109)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("variable/max-threads field is invalid or missing, refer to documentation for configuration options", 109)
if cfg_max_threads > -sys_max_threads and cfg_max_threads < 0 :
alloc_processes = sys_max_threads + cfg_max_threads
elif cfg_max_threads > 0 and cfg_max_threads < 1:
@ -411,38 +401,31 @@ def parse_config_variable(send, config):
elif cfg_max_threads == 0:
alloc_processes = sys_max_threads
send(stderr, ERR, "max-threads must be between -" + str(sys_max_threads) + " and " + str(sys_max_threads) + ", but got " + cfg_max_threads, code = 110)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("variable/max-threads must be between -" + str(sys_max_threads) + " and " + str(sys_max_threads) + ", but got " + cfg_max_threads, 110)
exec_threads = Pool(processes = alloc_processes)
except Exception as e:
send(stderr, ERR, "unable to start threads", code = 200)
send(stderr, INF, e)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("unable to start threads", 200)
send(stdout, INF, "successfully initialized " + str(alloc_processes) + " threads")
competition = config["variable"]["competition"]
send(stderr, ERR, "could not find competition field in config", code = 101)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("variable/competition field is invalid or missing", 101)
modules = config["variable"]["modules"]
send(stderr, ERR, "could not find modules field in config", code = 102)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("variable/modules field is invalid or missing", 102)
if competition == None or competition == "":
send(stderr, ERR, "competition field in config must not be empty", code = 105)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("variable/competition field is empty", 105)
if modules == None:
send(stderr, ERR, "modules in config must not be empty", code = 106)
exit_flag = True
raise ConfigurationError("variable/modules field is empty", 106)
send(stdout, INF, "found and loaded competition, match, metrics, pit from config")
return exit_flag, exec_threads, competition, modules
return exec_threads, competition, modules
def resolve_config_conflicts(send, client, config, preference, sync):
@ -453,34 +436,28 @@ def resolve_config_conflicts(send, client, config, preference, sync):
if remote_config != config["variable"]:
set_database_config(client, config["variable"])
send(stdout, INF, "database config was different and was updated")
return config
elif preference == "remote" or preference == "database":
send(stdout, INF, "config-preference set to remote/database, loading remote config information")
remote_config= get_database_config(client)
if remote_config != config["variable"]:
config["variable"] = remote_config
if save_config(config_path, config):
send(stderr, ERR, "local config was different but could not be updated")
config = 1
raise ConfigurationError("local config was different but could not be updated", 121)
send(stdout, INF, "local config was different and was updated")
return config
send(stderr, ERR, "config-preference field in config must be \"local\"/\"client\" or \"remote\"/\"database\"")
config = 1
raise ConfigurationError("persistent/config-preference field must be \"local\"/\"client\" or \"remote\"/\"database\"", 120)
if preference == "local" or preference == "client":
send(stdout, INF, "config-preference set to local/client, loading local config information")
return config
elif preference == "remote" or preference == "database":
send(stdout, INF, "config-preference set to remote/database, loading database config information")
config["variable"] = get_database_config(client)
return config
send(stderr, ERR, "config-preference field in config must be \"local\"/\"client\" or \"remote\"/\"database\"")
config = 1
raise ConfigurationError("persistent/config-preference field must be \"local\"/\"client\" or \"remote\"/\"database\"", 120)
def load_config(path, config_vector):