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# Unreleased
# v6.0.0
- [changed] Upgraded Cloud Firestore client to v0.16.0.
- [changed] Firestore and Storage client libraries are now defined as optional
- [changed] Dropped support for Node.js 4.
# v5.13.1
- [changed] Upgraded Cloud Firestore client to v0.15.4.
- [changed] Exposed the Firestore `Timestamp` type from the `admin.firestore`
# v5.13.0
- [changed] Admin SDK can now create custom tokens without being initialized
with service account credentials. When a service account private key is not
available, the SDK uses the remote IAM service to sign JWTs in the cloud.
- [changed] Updated the typings of the `admin.database.Query.once()`
method to return a more specific type.
- [changed] Admin SDK can now read the Firebase/GCP project ID from both
`GCLOUD_PROJECT` and `GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT` environment variables.
- [changed] Updated the `WebpushNotification` typings to match
[the current API](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/fcm/rest/v1/projects.messages#webpushconfig).
- [changed] Upgraded Cloud Firestore client to v0.15.2.
# v5.12.1
- [changed] Admin SDK now lazy loads all child namespaces and certain heavy
dependencies for faster load times. This change also ensures that only
the sources for namespaces that are actually used get loaded into the
Node.js process.
- [changed] Upgraded Cloud Firestore client to v0.14.0.
# v5.12.0
- [feature] Added the session cookie management APIs for creating and verifying
session cookies, via `auth.createSessionCookie()` and
- [added] Added the `mutableContent` optional field to the `Aps` type of
the FCM API.
- [added] Added the support for specifying arbitrary custom key-value
fields in the `Aps` type.
# v5.11.0
- [changed] Added the `auth.importUsers()` method for importing users to
Firebase Auth in bulk.
# v5.10.0
- [changed] Upgraded Realtime Database client to v0.2.0. With this upgrade
developers can call the `admin.database().ref()` method with another
`Reference` instance as the argument.
- [changed] Upgraded Cloud Firestore client to v0.13.0.
# v5.9.1
- [changed] The `admin.initializeApp()` method can now be invoked without an
explicit `credential` option. In that case the SDK will get initialized with
Google application default credentials.
- [changed] Upgraded Realtime Database client to v0.1.11.
- [changed] Modified the Realtime Database client integration to report the
correct user agent header.
- [changed] Upgraded Cloud Firestire client to v0.12.0.
- [changed] Improved error handling in FCM by mapping more server-side errors
to client-side error codes.
# v5.9.0
- [added] Added the `messaging.send()` method and the new `Message` type for
sending Cloud Messaging notifications via the
[new FCM REST endpoint](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/fcm/rest/v1/projects.messages).
# v5.8.2
- [changed] Exposed `admin.firestore.DocumentReference` and
`admin.firestore.DocumentSnapshot` types from the Admin SDK typings.
- [changed] Upgraded Firestore dependency version to
# v5.8.1
- [changed] Upgraded Firestore dependency version from 0.10.0 to 0.11.1.
This includes several bug fixes in Cloud Firestore.
# v5.8.0
### Initialization
- [added] The [`admin.initializeApp()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin#.initializeApp)
method can now be invoked without any arguments. This initializes an app
using Google Application Default Credentials, and other
[`AppOptions`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.app.AppOptions) loaded from
the `FIREBASE_CONFIG` environment variable.
### Authentication
- [changed] Upgraded the `jsonwebtoken` library to 8.1.0.
# v5.7.0
### Authentication
- [added] A new [`revokeRefreshTokens()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.auth.Auth#revokeRefreshTokens)
method for revoking refresh tokens issued to a user.
- [added] The [`verifyIdToken()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.auth.Auth#verifyIdToken)
method now accepts an optional `checkRevoked` argument, which can be used to
check if a given ID token has been revoked.
# v5.6.0
- [added] A new [`admin.instanceId()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.instanceId)
API that facilitates deleting instance IDs and associated user data from
Firebase projects.
- [changed] Updated the TypeScript typings for `admin.AppOptions` to reflect the
introduction of the `projectId` option.
- [changed] Removed some unused third party dependencies.
# v5.5.1
### Cloud Firestore
- [changed] Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client to the latest available
version, which adds input validation to several operations, and retry logic
to handle network errors.
### Realtime Database
- [changed] Fixed an issue in the TypeScript typings of the Realtime Database API.
# v5.5.0
### Realtime Database
- [added] [`app.database()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.app.App#database)
method now optionally accepts a database URL. This feature can be used to
access multiple Realtime Database instances from the same app.
- [changed] Upgraded the Realtime Database client to the latest available
### Cloud Firestore
- [changed] Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client to the latest available
# v5.4.3
- [changed] Fixed a regression in module loading that prevented using
the Admin SDK in environments like AWS Lambda. This regression was
introduced in the 5.4.0 release, which added a new dependency to Firestore
and gRPC. This fix lazily loads Firestore and gRPC, thus enabling
Admin SDK usage in the affected environments as long as no explicit
attempts are made to use the Firestore API.
# v5.4.2
- [changed] Upgraded the Cloud Firestore client dependency to 0.8.2, which
resolves an issue with saving objects with nested document references.
# v5.4.1
- [changed] Upgraded the Firestore client dependency to 0.8.1, which resolves
the installation issues reported in the Yarn environment.
# v5.4.0
- [added] A new [`admin.firestore()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.firestore)
API that facilitates accessing [Google Cloud Firestore](https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore)
databases using the
library. See [Set Up Your Node.js App for Cloud Firestore](https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/server/setup-node)
to get started.
# v5.3.0
- [changed] SDK now retries outbound HTTP calls on all low-level I/O errors.
### Authentication
- [added] A new [`setCustomUserClaims()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.auth.Auth#setCustomUserClaims)
method for setting custom claims on user accounts. Custom claims set via this
method become available on the ID tokens of the corresponding users when they
sign in. To learn how to use this API for controlling access to Firebase
resources, see
[Control Access with Custom Claims and Security Rules](https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/custom-claims).
- [added] A new [`listUsers()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.auth.Auth#listUsers)
method for listing all the users in a Firebase project in batches.
### Storage
- [changed] Declared a more concrete TypeScript return type (`Bucket`) for the
[`bucket()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.storage.Storage#bucket) method
in the Storage API.
# v5.2.1
- [changed] A bug in the TypeScript type declarations that come bundled with the
SDK (`index.d.ts`) has been fixed.
# v5.2.0
- [added] A new [Cloud Storage API](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.storage)
that facilitates accessing Google Cloud Storage buckets using the
### Authentication
- [changed] New type definitions for the arguments of `createUser()` and
`updateUser()` methods.
### Cloud Messaging
- [changed] Redefined the arguments of `sendToDevice()` using intersection
instead of overloading.
# v5.1.0
### Authentication
- [added] Added the method
to the [`admin.auth`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.auth) interface. This method
enables retrieving user profile information by a phone number.
- [added] [`createUser()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.auth.Auth#createUser)
and [`updateUser()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.auth.Auth#updateUser) methods
now accept a `phoneNumber` property, which can be used to create users with a phone
number field and/or update the phone number associated with a user.
- [added] Added the `phoneNumber` field to
which exposes the phone number associated with a user account.
- [added] Added the `phoneNumber` field to
which exposes the phone number associated with a user account by a linked
identity provider.
# v5.0.1
- [changed] Improved the error messages thrown in the case of network and RPC
errors. These errors now include outgoing HTTP request details that make
it easier to localize and debug issues.
### Authentication
- [changed] Implemented support in the user management API for handling photo
URLs with special characters.
# v5.0.0
### Initialization
- [changed] The deprecated `serviceAccount` property in the
type has been removed in favor of the `credential` property.
- [changed] Initializing the SDK without setting a credential
results in an exception.
- [changed] Initializing the SDK with a malformed private key string
results in an exception.
### Authentication
- [changed] `createdAt` and `lastSignedInAt` properties in
have been renamed to `creationTime` and `lastSignInTime`. Also these
properties now provide UTC formatted strings instead of `Date` values.
# v4.2.1
- [changed] Updated the SDK to periodically refresh the OAuth access token
internally used by `FirebaseApp`. This reduces the number of authentication
failures encountered at runtime by SDK components like Realtime Database.
# v4.2.0
### Cloud Messaging
- [added] Added the methods
to the [`admin.messaging()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.messaging)
service. The new methods allow subscribing to and unsubscribing from {{messaging}}
topics via registration tokens.
# v4.1.4
### Authentication
- [changed] Cleaned up a number of types to improve the log output, thereby
making debugging easier.
### Realtime Database
- [changed] Fixed an issue which could cause infinite loops when using `push()`
with no arguments.
# v4.1.3
- [changed] Fixed incorrect usage of `undefined` - as opposed to `void` - in
several places in the TypeScript typings.
- [changed] Added missing properties to the TypeScript typings for
- [changed] Fixed issues when using some types with the TypeScript
`strictNullChecks` option enabled.
- [changed] Removed incorrect `admin.Promise` type from the TypeScript typings
in favor of the Node.js built-in `Promise` type, which the SDK actually uses.
- [changed] Added error codes to all app-level errors. All errors in the SDK
now properly implement the
[`FirebaseError`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.FirebaseError) interface.
- [changed] Improved error handling when initializing the SDK with a credential
that cannot generate valid access tokens.
- [added] Added new `admin.database.EventType` to the TypeScript typings.
### Realtime Database
- [changed] Improved how the Realtime Database reports errors when provided with
various types of invalid credentials.
# v4.1.2
### Authentication
- [changed] Improved input validation and error messages for all user
management methods.
- [changed]
now works with non-cert credentials, assuming the `GCLOUD_PROJECT` environment
variable is set to your project ID, which is the case when running on Google
infrastructure such as Google App Engine and Google Compute Engine.
### Realtime Database
- [changed] Added `toJSON()` methods to the `DataSnapshot` and `Query` objects
to make them properly JSON-serializable.
### Cloud Messaging
- [changed] Improved response parsing when
are provided with unexpected inputs.
# v4.1.1
- [changed] Added in missing TypeScript typings for the `FirebaseError.toJSON()`
### Authentication
- [changed] Fixed issue with
which sometimes caused multiple users to share the same email.
# v4.1.0
- [changed] Added in missing TypeScript typings for the `toJSON()` method off
of several objects.
### Cloud Messaging
- [added] A new
[`admin.messaging()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.messaging) service
allows you to send messages through
[Firebase Cloud Messaging](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/admin/). The new service
includes the
# v4.0.6
### Initialization
- [changed] Fixed an issue which caused importing the library via the ES2015
import syntax (`import * as admin from "firebase-admin"`) to not work
# v4.0.5
- [changed] TypeScript support has been greatly improved. Typings for the
Realtime Database are now available and all other known issues with incorrect or
incomplete type information have been resolved.
### Initialization
- [changed] Fixed an issue which caused the SDK to appear to hang when provided
with a credential that generated invalid access tokens. The most common cause
of this was using a credential whose access had been revoked. Now, an error
will be logged to the console in this scenario.
### Authentication
- [added] The error message for an `auth/internal-error` error now includes
the raw server response to more easily debug and track down unhandled errors.
- [changed] Fixed an issue that caused an `auth/internal-error` error to be
thrown when calling
[`getUser()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.auth.Auth#getUser) or
for a user without a creation date.
- [changed] Fixed an issue which caused an `auth/internal-error` error to be
thrown when calling
[`createUser()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.auth.Auth#createUser) with
an email that corresponds to an existing user.
- [changed] Fixed an issue which caused an `auth/internal-error` error to be
thrown when calling Authentication methods with a credential with insufficient
permission. Now, an `auth/insufficient-permission` error will be thrown
# v4.0.4
### Authentication
- [changed] Fixed an issue that caused several Authentication methods to throw
an error when provided with inputs containing Unicode characters.
# v4.0.3
### Initialization
- [changed] Fixed an issue that caused a `null` value for the
`databaseAuthVariableOverride` property to be ignored when passed as part
of the first argument to
[`initializeApp()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin#.initializeApp), which
caused the app to still have full admin access. Now, passing this value has
the expected behavior: the app has unauthenticated access to the
Realtime Database, and behaves as if no user is logged into the app.
### Authentication
- [changed] Fixed an issue that caused an `auth/invalid-uid` error to
be thrown for valid `uid` values passed to several Authentication methods.
# v4.0.2
- [added] Improved error messages throughout the Admin Node.js SDK.
- [changed] Upgraded dependencies so that the Admin Node.js SDK no longer
throws warnings for using deprecated `Buffer` APIs in Node.js `7.x.x`.
# v4.0.1
- [changed] Fixed issue which caused the 4.0.0 release to not
include the `README.md` and `npm-shrinkwrap.json` files.
# v4.0.0
- [added] The Admin Node.js SDK (available on npm as `firebase-admin`) is a
new SDK which replaces and expands the admin capabilities of the standard
`firebase` npm module. See
[Add the Firebase Admin SDK to your Server](https://firebase.google.com/docs/admin/setup/) to get
- [issue] This version does not include the `README.md` and
`npm-shrinkwrap.json` files. This was fixed in version 4.0.1.
### Initialization
- [deprecated] The `serviceAccount` property of the options passed as the
first argument to
[`initializeApp()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin#.initializeApp) has been
deprecated in favor of a new `credential` property. See
[Initialize the SDK](https://firebase.google.com/docs/admin/setup/#initialize_the_sdk) for more details.
- [added] The new
method allows you to authenticate the SDK with a service account key file.
- [added] The new
method allows you to authenticate the SDK with a Google OAuth2 refresh token.
- [added] The new
method allows you to authenticate the SDK with Google Application Default
### Authentication
- [added] A new Admin API for managing your Firebase Authentication users is now
available. This API lets you manage your users without using their existing
credentials, and without worrying about client-side rate limiting. The new
methods included in this API are
[`updateUser()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.auth.Auth#updateUser), and
[`deleteUser()`](https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.auth.Auth#deleteUser). See
[Manage Users](https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/manage-users) for more details.
- [changed] The
method is now asynchronous, returning a `Promise<string>` instead of a