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2022-08-11 22:01:28 -07:00

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// Create Date: 2019.01.25
// Design Name: CSE141L
// Module Name: reg_file
// Revision: 2022.05.04
// Additional Comments: allows preloading with user constants
// This version is fully synthesizable and highly recommended.
/* parameters are compile time directives
this can be an any-width, any-depth reg_file: just override the params!
module RegFile #(parameter W=8, D=4)( // W = data path width (leave at 8); D = address pointer width
input Clk,
Reset, // note use of Reset port
input [D-1:0] RaddrA, // address pointers
input [W-1:0] DataIn,
output [W-1:0] DataOutA, // showing two different ways to handle DataOutX, for
output logic [W-1:0] DataOutB // pedagogic reasons only
// W bits wide [W-1:0] and 2**4 registers deep
logic [W-1:0] Registers[2**D]; // or just registers[16] if we know D=4 always
// combinational reads
/* can use always_comb in place of assign
difference: assign is limited to one line of code, so
always_comb is much more versatile
assign DataOutA = Registers[RaddrA]; // assign & always_comb do the same thing here
always_comb DataOutB = Registers[RaddrB]; // can read from addr 0, just like ARM
// sequential (clocked) writes
always_ff @ (posedge Clk)
if (Reset) begin
for(int i=0; i<2**D; i++)
Registers[i] <= 'h0;
// we can override this universal clear command with desired initialization values
Registers[0] <= 'd30; // loads 30 (=0x1E) into RegFile address 0
Registers[2] <= 'b101; // loads 00000101 into RegFile address 2
else if (WriteEn) // works just like data_memory writes
Registers[Waddr] <= DataIn;