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Arthur Lu 8e6962ad4d combine PTY and CHK instruction,
recode remaining operands
2022-08-20 01:23:00 -07:00

79 lines
1.8 KiB

// Module Name: ALU
// Project Name: CSE141L
// Description: combinational (unclocked) ALU
import Definitions::*;
module ALU #(parameter W=8)(
input [W-1:0] A, B, // data inputs
input op_mne ALU_OP, // ALU opcode, part of microcode
output logic [W-1:0] Out, // data output
output logic Zero // zero flag
logic [W-1:0] AdderA, AdderB;
logic CIN;
logic [W:0] AdderResult;
carry_lookahead_adder #(.N(W)) c (
always_comb begin
AdderA = A;
AdderB = B;
CIN = 'b0;
NOP: Out = A; // pass A to out
CLB: Out = {1'b0, A[6:0]}; // set MSB of A to 0
ADD: Out = AdderResult[W-1:0]; // add A to B
SUB: begin // subtract B from A
AdderB = ~B;
CIN = 'b1;
Out = AdderResult[W-1:0];
AND: Out = A & B; // bitwise AND between A and B
LSH: Out = B << A; // shift B by A bits (limitation of control)
RXOR: Out = ^(A[7:0]); // perform reduction XOR of 8 bits of A
XOR: Out = A ^ B; // bitwise XOR between A and B
default: Out = 'bx; // flag illegal ALU_OP values
Zero = Out == 0;
module carry_lookahead_adder #(parameter N=16) (
input logic[N-1:0] A, B,
input logic CIN,
output logic[N:0] result
logic[N-1:-1] carry;
logic[N-1:0] p, g;
genvar i;
assign carry[-1] = CIN;
for(i = 0; i < N; i++) begin : fa_loop
fulladder f(.a(A[i]), .b(B[i]), .cin(carry[i-1]), .sum(result[i]), .cout());
assign g[i] = A[i] & B[i];
assign p[i] = A[i] | B[i];
assign carry[i] = g[i] | (p[i] & carry[i-1]);
end : fa_loop
assign result[N] = carry[N-1];
endmodule: carry_lookahead_adder
module fulladder(
input logic a, b, cin,
output logic sum, cout
logic p, q;
assign p = a ^ b;
assign q = a & b;
assign sum = p ^ cin;
assign cout = q | (p & cin);
endmodule: fulladder