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2022-08-12 05:01:28 +00:00
// CSE141L
import definitions::*;
// control decoder (combinational, not clocked)
// inputs from instrROM, ALU flags
// outputs to program_counter (fetch unit)
module Ctrl (
input[ 8:0] Instruction, // machine code
input[ 7:0] DatMemAddr,
output logic Jump ,
BranchEn ,
RegWrEn , // write to reg_file (common)
MemWrEn , // write to mem (store only)
LoadInst , // mem or ALU to reg_file ?
PCTarg ,
tapSel ,
Ack // "done w/ program"
// output logic[2:0] ALU_inst
/* ***** All numerical values are completely arbitrary and for illustration only *****
// ALU commands
//assign ALU_inst = Instruction[2:0];
// STR commands only -- write to data_memory
assign MemWrEn = Instruction[8:6]==3'b110;
// all but STR and NOOP (or maybe CMP or TST) -- write to reg_file
assign RegWrEn = Instruction[8:7]!=2'b11;
// route data memory --> reg_file for loads
// whenever instruction = 9'b110??????;
assign LoadInst = Instruction[8:6]==3'b110; // calls out load specially
assign tapSel = LoadInst && DatMemAddr=='d62;
// jump enable command to program counter / instruction fetch module on right shift command
// equiv to simply: assign Jump = Instruction[2:0] == kRSH;
if(Instruction[2:0] == kRSH)
Jump = 1;
Jump = 0;
// branch every time instruction = 9'b?????1111;
assign BranchEn = &Instruction[3:0];
// whenever branch or jump is taken, PC gets updated or incremented from "Target"
// PCTarg = 2-bit address pointer into Target LUT (PCTarg in --> Target out
assign PCTarg = Instruction[3:2];
// reserve instruction = 9'b111111111; for Ack
assign Ack = &Instruction;