#ifndef SERIAL_HANDLER_H #define SERIAL_HANDLER_H #define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 char * input_buffer; int write_offset; bool inc_write_offset () { if (write_offset < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) { write_offset++; return true; } else { DEBUG_printf("[SER ] [ERR] write_offset overflow\n"); return false; } } bool dec_write_offset () { if (write_offset > 0) { write_offset--; return true; } else { DEBUG_printf("[SER ] [ERR] write_offset underflow\n"); return false; } } void rst_write_offset () { write_offset = 0; } void handle_return () { if (strcmp(input_buffer, "") == 0) { return; } else if (strcmp(input_buffer, "info") == 0) { printf("Network: %s\nHostname: %s\nAddress: %s\nHTTP Port: %i\n", WIFI_SSID, BMC_HOSTNAME, ip_ntoa(netif_ip4_addr(&cyw43_state.netif[CYW43_ITF_STA])), HTTP_PORT); } else { printf("Unknown command: %s\n", input_buffer); } } // interrupt code adapted from: https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples/blob/eca13acf57916a0bd5961028314006983894fc84/pico_w/wifi/iperf/picow_iperf.c // and fixed using the suggestion from: https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples/issues/474 // final interrupt callback which consumes the keypress // when it recieves a character, echo back to the console void key_pressed_worker_func(async_context_t * context, async_when_pending_worker_t * worker) { int key; while ((key = getchar_timeout_us(0)) > 0) { if (key == 0x08 || key == 0x7F) { // backspace & delete if (dec_write_offset()) { printf("\b \b"); input_buffer[write_offset] = 0; } } else if (key == '\r' || key == '\n') { // return printf("\n"); input_buffer[write_offset] = 0; handle_return(); rst_write_offset(); } else if (32 <= key && key <= 126) { // printable characters printf("%c", key); input_buffer[write_offset] = key; inc_write_offset(); } else if (key == 27) { // escape & escape codes while (getchar_timeout_us(0) > 0) {} break; } else { // other unhandled key DEBUG_printf("[SER ] [ERR] recieved unhandled key [%i]\n", key); } } } static async_when_pending_worker_t key_pressed_worker = { .do_work = key_pressed_worker_func }; // because of stdio_set_chars_available_callback implementation, stdlib mutex is locked here so schedule another callback void key_pressed_func(void * param) { async_context_set_work_pending((async_context_t *)param, &key_pressed_worker); } // init serial handler void serial_handler_init () { input_buffer = malloc(INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(char)); async_context_add_when_pending_worker(cyw43_arch_async_context(), &key_pressed_worker); stdio_set_chars_available_callback(key_pressed_func, cyw43_arch_async_context()); } void serial_handler_deinit () { free(input_buffer); input_buffer = NULL; } #endif