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Raw Normal View History

2024-05-09 11:46:51 -07:00
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(uuid "f7e74e9f-66e6-4128-b2ef-d8e2d8424016")
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(uuid "d3e85bff-e181-4aa7-80df-d568a52031e5")
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(uuid "9cc06cc5-a763-4a61-b87d-81cdcbf63fd4")
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(uuid "649a1f79-d674-4838-af60-4aee123ba9e4")
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(uuid "888c3945-d14b-42e1-af46-d0ec7651344a")
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(pintype "power_in+no_connect")
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(name "RF Copper Keep Out")
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(name "Antenna Copper Keep Out")
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(tracks not_allowed)
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(pads not_allowed)
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(xy 148.095 126.079895) (xy 143.395 122.429895) (xy 143.395 118.09) (xy 157.595 118.09) (xy 157.595 122.429895)
(xy 152.895 126.079895) (xy 152.895 126.09) (xy 148.095 126.09)
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(name "Board Keep Out USB Cable")
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(min_thickness 0.254)
(filled_areas_thickness no)
(tracks allowed)
(vias allowed)
(pads allowed)
(copperpour allowed)
(footprints allowed)
(thermal_gap 0.508)
(thermal_bridge_width 0.508)
(xy 144.295 53.44) (xy 156.695 53.44) (xy 156.695 73.84) (xy 144.295 73.84)
(net 0)
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(name "Board Keep Out Suggestion RF")
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(min_thickness 0.254)
(filled_areas_thickness no)
(tracks allowed)
(vias allowed)
(pads allowed)
(copperpour allowed)
(footprints allowed)
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(xy 157.595 127.09) (xy 171.495 127.09) (xy 171.495 136.09) (xy 129.495 136.09) (xy 129.495 127.09)
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(name "USB Cable Keep Out")
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(min_thickness 0.254)
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(tracks allowed)
(vias allowed)
(pads allowed)
(copperpour allowed)
(footprints not_allowed)
(thermal_gap 0.508)
(thermal_bridge_width 0.508)
(xy 144.745 73.39) (xy 146.555 73.39) (xy 146.555 73.69) (xy 154.435 73.69) (xy 154.435 73.39)
(xy 156.245 73.39) (xy 156.245 53.89) (xy 144.745 53.89)
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(xy 168.837511 117.463794) (xy 168.786 117.475) (xy 132.204 117.475) (xy 132.136961 117.455315)
(xy 132.091206 117.402511) (xy 132.08 117.351) (xy 132.08 79.287135) (xy 133.167 79.287135) (xy 133.167 80.73287)
(xy 133.167001 80.732876) (xy 133.173408 80.792483) (xy 133.223702 80.927328) (xy 133.223706 80.927335)
(xy 133.309952 81.042544) (xy 133.309955 81.042547) (xy 133.425164 81.128793) (xy 133.425171 81.128797)
(xy 133.560017 81.179091) (xy 133.560016 81.179091) (xy 133.566944 81.179835) (xy 133.619627 81.1855)
(xy 135.065372 81.185499) (xy 135.124983 81.179091) (xy 135.259831 81.128796) (xy 135.375046 81.042546)
(xy 135.461296 80.927331) (xy 135.511591 80.792483) (xy 135.518 80.732873) (xy 135.517999 79.287128)
(xy 135.511591 79.227517) (xy 135.461296 79.092669) (xy 135.461295 79.092668) (xy 135.461293 79.092664)
(xy 135.404752 79.017135) (xy 165.472 79.017135) (xy 165.472 80.46287) (xy 165.472001 80.462876)
(xy 165.478408 80.522483) (xy 165.528702 80.657328) (xy 165.528706 80.657335) (xy 165.614952 80.772544)
(xy 165.614955 80.772547) (xy 165.730164 80.858793) (xy 165.730171 80.858797) (xy 165.865017 80.909091)
(xy 165.865016 80.909091) (xy 165.871944 80.909835) (xy 165.924627 80.9155) (xy 167.370372 80.915499)
(xy 167.429983 80.909091) (xy 167.564831 80.858796) (xy 167.680046 80.772546) (xy 167.766296 80.657331)
(xy 167.816591 80.522483) (xy 167.823 80.462873) (xy 167.822999 79.017128) (xy 167.816591 78.957517)
(xy 167.8 78.913035) (xy 167.766297 78.822671) (xy 167.766293 78.822664) (xy 167.680047 78.707455)
(xy 167.593994 78.643035) (xy 167.552124 78.587101) (xy 167.54714 78.517409) (xy 167.569352 78.469042)
(xy 167.650784 78.361208) (xy 167.747848 78.16628) (xy 167.798005 77.99) (xy 166.963186 77.99) (xy 166.96758 77.985606)
(xy 167.020241 77.894394) (xy 167.0475 77.792661) (xy 167.0475 77.687339) (xy 167.020241 77.585606)
(xy 166.96758 77.494394) (xy 166.963186 77.49) (xy 167.798005 77.49) (xy 167.798005 77.489999) (xy 167.747848 77.313719)
(xy 167.650784 77.118791) (xy 167.519554 76.945014) (xy 167.358631 76.798314) (xy 167.173487 76.683677)
(xy 167.173485 76.683676) (xy 166.970431 76.605013) (xy 166.970421 76.60501) (xy 166.897501 76.591378)
(xy 166.8975 76.591379) (xy 166.8975 77.424314) (xy 166.893106 77.41992) (xy 166.801894 77.367259)
(xy 166.700161 77.34) (xy 166.594839 77.34) (xy 166.493106 77.367259) (xy 166.401894 77.41992) (xy 166.3975 77.424314)
(xy 166.3975 76.591379) (xy 166.397498 76.591378) (xy 166.324578 76.60501) (xy 166.324568 76.605013)
(xy 166.121514 76.683676) (xy 166.121512 76.683677) (xy 165.936369 76.798314) (xy 165.936368 76.798314)
(xy 165.775445 76.945014) (xy 165.644215 77.118791) (xy 165.547151 77.313719) (xy 165.496994 77.489999)
(xy 165.496995 77.49) (xy 166.331814 77.49) (xy 166.32742 77.494394) (xy 166.274759 77.585606) (xy 166.2475 77.687339)
(xy 166.2475 77.792661) (xy 166.274759 77.894394) (xy 166.32742 77.985606) (xy 166.331814 77.99)
(xy 165.496995 77.99) (xy 165.547151 78.16628) (xy 165.644215 78.361208) (xy 165.725647 78.469042)
(xy 165.750339 78.534404) (xy 165.735774 78.602738) (xy 165.701005 78.643035) (xy 165.614952 78.707455)
(xy 165.528706 78.822664) (xy 165.528702 78.822671) (xy 165.478408 78.957517) (xy 165.476265 78.977454)
(xy 165.472001 79.017123) (xy 165.472 79.017135) (xy 135.404752 79.017135) (xy 135.375047 78.977455)
(xy 135.288994 78.913035) (xy 135.247124 78.857101) (xy 135.24214 78.787409) (xy 135.264352 78.739042)
(xy 135.345784 78.631208) (xy 135.442848 78.43628) (xy 135.493005 78.26) (xy 134.658186 78.26) (xy 134.66258 78.255606)
(xy 134.715241 78.164394) (xy 134.7425 78.062661) (xy 134.7425 77.957339) (xy 134.715241 77.855606)
(xy 134.66258 77.764394) (xy 134.658186 77.76) (xy 135.493005 77.76) (xy 135.493005 77.759999) (xy 135.442848 77.583719)
(xy 135.345784 77.388791) (xy 135.214554 77.215014) (xy 135.053631 77.068314) (xy 134.868487 76.953677)
(xy 134.868485 76.953676) (xy 134.665431 76.875013) (xy 134.665421 76.87501) (xy 134.592501 76.861378)
(xy 134.5925 76.861379) (xy 134.5925 77.694314) (xy 134.588106 77.68992) (xy 134.496894 77.637259)
(xy 134.395161 77.61) (xy 134.289839 77.61) (xy 134.188106 77.637259) (xy 134.096894 77.68992) (xy 134.0925 77.694314)
(xy 134.0925 76.861379) (xy 134.092498 76.861378) (xy 134.019578 76.87501) (xy 134.019568 76.875013)
(xy 133.816514 76.953676) (xy 133.816512 76.953677) (xy 133.631369 77.068314) (xy 133.631368 77.068314)
(xy 133.470445 77.215014) (xy 133.339215 77.388791) (xy 133.242151 77.583719) (xy 133.191994 77.759999)
(xy 133.191995 77.76) (xy 134.026814 77.76) (xy 134.02242 77.764394) (xy 133.969759 77.855606) (xy 133.9425 77.957339)
(xy 133.9425 78.062661) (xy 133.969759 78.164394) (xy 134.02242 78.255606) (xy 134.026814 78.26)
(xy 133.191995 78.26) (xy 133.242151 78.43628) (xy 133.339215 78.631208) (xy 133.420647 78.739042)
(xy 133.445339 78.804404) (xy 133.430774 78.872738) (xy 133.396005 78.913035) (xy 133.309952 78.977455)
(xy 133.223706 79.092664) (xy 133.223702 79.092671) (xy 133.173408 79.227517) (xy 133.167001 79.287116)
(xy 133.167001 79.287123) (xy 133.167 79.287135) (xy 132.08 79.287135) (xy 132.08 75.689) (xy 132.099685 75.621961)
(xy 132.152489 75.576206) (xy 132.204 75.565) (xy 168.786 75.565)