Compare commits


No commits in common. "main" and "go-rewrite" have entirely different histories.

17 changed files with 125 additions and 1921 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -1,23 +1,9 @@
.PHONY: build test clean dev-init dev-reinit
build: clean
@echo "======================== Building Binary ======================="
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -v -o dist/ .
go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o dist/ .
test: dev-reinit
@echo "======================== Running Tests ========================="
go test -v -cover -coverpkg=./app/ -coverprofile coverage ./test/
@echo "======================= Coverage Report ========================"
go tool cover -func=coverage
@rm -f coverage
test: clean
go run .
@echo "======================== Cleaning Project ======================"
go clean
rm -f dist/*
@cd scripts; make dev-init
@cd scripts; make dev-reinit
rm -f dist/*

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
# ProxmoxAAS LDAP - Simple REST API for LDAP
ProxmoxAAS LDAP provides a simple API for managing users and groups in a simplified LDAP server. Expected LDAP configuration can be initialized using [open-ldap-setup](
## Installation
### Prerequisites
- Initialized LDAP server with the following configuration
- Structure
- Users: ou=people,...
- objectType: inetOrgPerson
- At least 1 user which is a member of admin group
- Groups: ou=groups,...
- objectType: groupOfNames
- At least 1 admin group
- Permissions:
- Admin group should have write access
- Users should have write access to own attributes (cn, sn, userPassword)
- Enable anonymous binding
- Load MemberOf Policy:
- olcMemberOfDangling: ignore
- olcMemberOfRefInt: TRUE
- olcMemberOfGroupOC: groupOfNames
- olcMemberOfMemberAD: member
- olcMemberOfMemberOfAD: memberOf
- Password Policy and TLS are recommended but not required
### Installation
1. Download `proxmoxaas-ldap` binary and `template.config.json` file from [releases](
2. Rename `template.config.json` to `config.json` and modify:
- listenPort: port for PAAS-LDAP to bind and listen on
- ldapURL: url to the ldap server ie. `ldap://`
- startTLS: true if backend LDAP supports StartTLS
- basedn: base DN ie. `dc=domain,dc=net`
- sessionCookieName: name of the session cookie
- sessionCookie: specific cookie properties
- path: cookie path
- httpOnly: cookie http-only
- secure: cookie secure
- maxAge: cookie max-age
3. Run the binary
## Building and Testing from Source
Building requires the go toolchain. Testing requires the go toolchain, make, and apt. Currently only supports Debian.
### Building from Source
1. Clone the repository
2. Run `go get` to get requirements
3. Run `make` to build the binary
### Testing Source
1. Clone the repository
2. Run `go get` to get requirements
3. Run `make dev-init` to install test requirements including openldap (slapd), ldap-utils, debconf-utils
4. Run `make test` to run all tests

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package app
import (
@ -16,33 +15,19 @@ import (
var LDAPSessions map[string]*LDAPClient
var AppVersion = "1.0.6"
var APIVersion = "1.0.4"
func Run() {
log.Printf("Starting ProxmoxAAS-LDAP version %s\n", APIVersion)
configPath := flag.String("config", "config.json", "path to config.json file")
config, err := GetConfig(*configPath)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error when reading config file: %s\n", err)
log.Printf("Read in config from %s\n", *configPath)
secretKey := make([]byte, 256)
n, err := rand.Read(secretKey)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error when generating session secret key: %s\n", err.Error())
log.Printf("Generated session secret key of length %d\n", n)
config := GetConfig(*configPath)
log.Println("Initialized config from " + *configPath)
router := gin.Default()
store := cookie.NewStore(secretKey)
store := cookie.NewStore([]byte(config.SessionSecretKey))
Path: config.SessionCookie.Path,
HttpOnly: config.SessionCookie.HttpOnly,
@ -51,14 +36,8 @@ func Run() {
router.Use(sessions.Sessions(config.SessionCookieName, store))
log.Printf("Started API router and cookie store (Name: %s Params: %+v)\n", config.SessionCookieName, config.SessionCookie)
LDAPSessions = make(map[string]*LDAPClient)
router.GET("/version", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"version": APIVersion, "app-version": AppVersion})
router.POST("/ticket", func(c *gin.Context) {
var body Login
if err := c.ShouldBind(&body); err != nil { // bad request from binding
@ -102,7 +81,7 @@ func Run() {
uuid := SessionUUID.(string)
delete(LDAPSessions, uuid)
session.Options(sessions.Options{MaxAge: -1}) // set max age to -1 so it is deleted
_ = session.Save()
c.JSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, gin.H{"auth": false})
@ -121,7 +100,7 @@ func Run() {
status, res := LDAPSession.GetAllUsers()
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
c.JSON(status, res)
router.POST("/users/:userid", func(c *gin.Context) {
@ -138,24 +117,20 @@ func Run() {
var body User
if err := c.ShouldBind(&body); err != nil { // bad request from binding
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"auth": false, "error": err.Error()})
// check if user already exists
status, res := LDAPSession.GetUser(c.Param("userid"))
if status != 200 && ldap.IsErrorWithCode(res["error"].(error), ldap.LDAPResultNoSuchObject) { // user does not already exist, create new user
var body UserRequired // all user attributes required for new users
if err := c.ShouldBind(&body); err != nil { // attempt to bind user data
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"auth": false, "error": err.Error()})
status, res = LDAPSession.AddUser(c.Param("userid"), body)
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
c.JSON(status, res)
} else { // user already exists, attempt to modify user
var body UserOptional // all user attributes optional for new users
if err := c.ShouldBind(&body); err != nil { // attempt to bind user data
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"auth": false, "error": err.Error()})
status, res = LDAPSession.ModUser(c.Param("userid"), body)
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
c.JSON(status, res)
@ -174,7 +149,7 @@ func Run() {
status, res := LDAPSession.GetUser(c.Param("userid"))
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
c.JSON(status, res)
router.DELETE("/users/:userid", func(c *gin.Context) {
@ -192,7 +167,7 @@ func Run() {
status, res := LDAPSession.DelUser(c.Param("userid"))
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
c.JSON(status, res)
router.GET("/groups", func(c *gin.Context) {
@ -210,7 +185,7 @@ func Run() {
status, res := LDAPSession.GetAllGroups()
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
c.JSON(status, res)
router.GET("/groups/:groupid", func(c *gin.Context) {
@ -228,7 +203,7 @@ func Run() {
status, res := LDAPSession.GetGroup(c.Param("groupid"))
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
c.JSON(status, res)
router.POST("/groups/:groupid", func(c *gin.Context) {
@ -251,14 +226,14 @@ func Run() {
// check if group already exists
// check if user already exists
status, res := LDAPSession.GetGroup(c.Param("groupid"))
if status != 200 && ldap.IsErrorWithCode(res["error"].(error), ldap.LDAPResultNoSuchObject) { // group does not already exist, create new group
if status != 200 && ldap.IsErrorWithCode(res["error"].(error), ldap.LDAPResultNoSuchObject) { // user does not already exist, create new user
status, res = LDAPSession.AddGroup(c.Param("groupid"), body)
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
} else { // group already exists, attempt to modify group
c.JSON(status, res)
} else { // user already exists, attempt to modify user
status, res = LDAPSession.ModGroup(c.Param("groupid"), body)
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
c.JSON(status, res)
@ -277,7 +252,7 @@ func Run() {
status, res := LDAPSession.DelGroup(c.Param("groupid"))
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
c.JSON(status, res)
router.POST("/groups/:groupid/members/:userid", func(c *gin.Context) {
@ -295,7 +270,7 @@ func Run() {
status, res := LDAPSession.AddUserToGroup(c.Param("userid"), c.Param("groupid"))
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
c.JSON(status, res)
router.DELETE("/groups/:groupid/members/:userid", func(c *gin.Context) {
@ -313,13 +288,8 @@ func Run() {
status, res := LDAPSession.DelUserFromGroup(c.Param("userid"), c.Param("groupid"))
c.JSON(status, HandleResponse(res))
c.JSON(status, res)
log.Printf("Starting LDAP API on port %s\n", strconv.Itoa(config.ListenPort))
err = router.Run("" + strconv.Itoa(config.ListenPort))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error starting router: %s", err.Error())
router.Run("" + strconv.Itoa(config.ListenPort))

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package app
import (
@ -10,7 +8,6 @@ import (
// LDAPClient wrapper struct containing the connection, baseDN, peopleDN, and groupsDN
type LDAPClient struct {
client *ldap.Conn
basedn string
@ -18,20 +15,8 @@ type LDAPClient struct {
groupsdn string
// returns a new LDAPClient from the config
func NewLDAPClient(config Config) (*LDAPClient, error) {
LDAPConn, err := ldap.DialURL(config.LdapURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if config.StartTLS {
err = LDAPConn.StartTLS(&tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &LDAPClient{
client: LDAPConn,
basedn: config.BaseDN,
@ -40,7 +25,6 @@ func NewLDAPClient(config Config) (*LDAPClient, error) {
}, err
// bind a user using username and password to the LDAPClient
func (l LDAPClient) BindUser(username string, password string) error {
userdn := fmt.Sprintf("uid=%s,%s", username, l.peopledn)
return l.client.Bind(userdn, password)
@ -50,8 +34,8 @@ func (l LDAPClient) GetAllUsers() (int, gin.H) {
searchRequest := ldap.NewSearchRequest(
l.peopledn, // The base dn to search
ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
"(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))", // The filter to apply
[]string{"dn", "cn", "sn", "mail", "uid", "memberOf"}, // A list attributes to retrieve
"(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))", // The filter to apply
[]string{"dn", "cn", "sn", "mail", "uid"}, // A list attributes to retrieve
@ -66,8 +50,15 @@ func (l LDAPClient) GetAllUsers() (int, gin.H) {
var results = []gin.H{} // create list of results
for _, entry := range searchResponse.Entries { // for each result,
user := LDAPEntryToLDAPUser(entry)
results = append(results, LDAPUserToGin(user))
results = append(results, gin.H{
"dn": entry.DN,
"attributes": gin.H{
"cn": entry.GetAttributeValue("cn"),
"sn": entry.GetAttributeValue("sn"),
"mail": entry.GetAttributeValue("mail"),
"uid": entry.GetAttributeValue("uid"),
return http.StatusOK, gin.H{
@ -77,43 +68,11 @@ func (l LDAPClient) GetAllUsers() (int, gin.H) {
func (l LDAPClient) GetUser(uid string) (int, gin.H) {
searchRequest := ldap.NewSearchRequest( // setup search for user by uid
fmt.Sprintf("uid=%s,%s", uid, l.peopledn), // The base dn to search
ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
"(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))", // The filter to apply
[]string{"dn", "cn", "sn", "mail", "uid", "memberOf"}, // A list attributes to retrieve
searchResponse, err := l.client.Search(searchRequest) // perform search
if err != nil {
func (l LDAPClient) AddUser(uid string, user User) (int, gin.H) {
if user.CN == "" || user.SN == "" || user.UserPassword == "" {
return http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
"ok": false,
"error": err,
entry := searchResponse.Entries[0]
user := LDAPEntryToLDAPUser(entry)
result := LDAPUserToGin(user)
return http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"ok": true,
"error": nil,
"user": result,
func (l LDAPClient) AddUser(uid string, user UserRequired) (int, gin.H) {
if user.CN == "" || user.SN == "" || user.UserPassword == "" || user.Mail == "" {
return http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
"ok": false,
"error": ldap.NewError(
errors.New("missing one of required fields: cn, sn, mail, userpassword"),
"error": "Missing one of required fields: cn, sn, userpassword",
@ -123,8 +82,7 @@ func (l LDAPClient) AddUser(uid string, user UserRequired) (int, gin.H) {
addRequest.Attribute("sn", []string{user.SN})
addRequest.Attribute("cn", []string{user.CN})
addRequest.Attribute("mail", []string{user.Mail})
addRequest.Attribute("userPassword", []string{user.UserPassword})
addRequest.Attribute("userPassword", []string{user.CN})
addRequest.Attribute("objectClass", []string{"inetOrgPerson"})
err := l.client.Add(addRequest)
@ -141,14 +99,46 @@ func (l LDAPClient) AddUser(uid string, user UserRequired) (int, gin.H) {
func (l LDAPClient) ModUser(uid string, user UserOptional) (int, gin.H) {
if user.CN == "" && user.SN == "" && user.UserPassword == "" && user.Mail == "" {
func (l LDAPClient) GetUser(uid string) (int, gin.H) {
searchRequest := ldap.NewSearchRequest( // setup search for user by uid
fmt.Sprintf("uid=%s,%s", uid, l.peopledn), // The base dn to search
ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
"(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))", // The filter to apply
[]string{"dn", "cn", "sn", "mail", "uid"}, // A list attributes to retrieve
searchResponse, err := l.client.Search(searchRequest) // perform search
if err != nil {
return http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
"ok": false,
"error": ldap.NewError(
errors.New("requires one of fields: cn, sn, mail, userpassword"),
"ok": false,
"error": err,
entry := searchResponse.Entries[0]
result := gin.H{
"dn": entry.DN,
"attributes": gin.H{
"cn": entry.GetAttributeValue("cn"),
"sn": entry.GetAttributeValue("sn"),
"mail": entry.GetAttributeValue("mail"),
"uid": entry.GetAttributeValue("uid"),
return http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"ok": true,
"error": nil,
"user": result,
func (l LDAPClient) ModUser(uid string, user User) (int, gin.H) {
if user.CN == "" && user.SN == "" && user.UserPassword == "" {
return http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
"ok": false,
"error": "Requires one of fields: cn, sn, userpassword",
@ -162,9 +152,6 @@ func (l LDAPClient) ModUser(uid string, user UserOptional) (int, gin.H) {
if user.SN != "" {
modifyRequest.Replace("sn", []string{user.SN})
if user.Mail != "" {
modifyRequest.Replace("mail", []string{user.Mail})
if user.UserPassword != "" {
modifyRequest.Replace("userPassword", []string{user.UserPassword})
@ -227,8 +214,13 @@ func (l LDAPClient) GetAllGroups() (int, gin.H) {
var results = []gin.H{} // create list of results
for _, entry := range searchResponse.Entries { // for each result,
group := LDAPEntryToLDAPGroup(entry)
results = append(results, LDAPGroupToGin(group))
results = append(results, gin.H{
"dn": entry.DN,
"attributes": gin.H{
"cn": entry.GetAttributeValue("cn"),
"member": entry.GetAttributeValues("member"),
return http.StatusOK, gin.H{
@ -256,8 +248,13 @@ func (l LDAPClient) GetGroup(gid string) (int, gin.H) {
entry := searchResponse.Entries[0]
group := LDAPEntryToLDAPGroup(entry)
result := LDAPGroupToGin(group)
result := gin.H{
"dn": entry.DN,
"attributes": gin.H{
"cn": entry.GetAttributeValue("cn"),
"member": entry.GetAttributeValues("member"),
return http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"ok": true,
@ -290,22 +287,7 @@ func (l LDAPClient) AddGroup(gid string, group Group) (int, gin.H) {
func (l LDAPClient) ModGroup(gid string, group Group) (int, gin.H) {
modifyRequest := ldap.NewModifyRequest(
fmt.Sprintf("cn=%s,%s", gid, l.groupsdn),
modifyRequest.Replace("cn", []string{gid})
err := l.client.Modify(modifyRequest)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
"ok": false,
"error": err,
return http.StatusOK, gin.H{
return 200, gin.H{
"ok": true,
"error": nil,

View File

@ -2,17 +2,15 @@ package app
import (
type Config struct {
ListenPort int `json:"listenPort"`
LdapURL string `json:"ldapURL"`
StartTLS bool `json:"startTLS"`
BaseDN string `json:"baseDN"`
SessionSecretKey string `json:"sessionSecretKey"`
SessionCookieName string `json:"sessionCookieName"`
SessionCookie struct {
Path string `json:"path"`
@ -22,17 +20,17 @@ type Config struct {
func GetConfig(configPath string) (Config, error) {
func GetConfig(configPath string) Config {
content, err := os.ReadFile(configPath)
if err != nil {
return Config{}, err
log.Fatal("Error when opening config file: ", err)
var config Config
err = json.Unmarshal(content, &config)
if err != nil {
return Config{}, err
log.Fatal("Error during parsing config file: ", err)
return config, nil
return config
type Login struct { // login body struct
@ -40,103 +38,11 @@ type Login struct { // login body struct
Password string `form:"password" binding:"required"`
type LDAPUserAttributes struct {
CN string
SN string
Mail string
UID string
MemberOf []string
type LDAPUser struct {
DN string
Attributes LDAPUserAttributes
func LDAPEntryToLDAPUser(entry *ldap.Entry) LDAPUser {
return LDAPUser{
DN: entry.DN,
Attributes: LDAPUserAttributes{
CN: entry.GetAttributeValue("cn"),
SN: entry.GetAttributeValue("sn"),
Mail: entry.GetAttributeValue("mail"),
UID: entry.GetAttributeValue("uid"),
MemberOf: entry.GetAttributeValues("memberOf"),
func LDAPUserToGin(user LDAPUser) gin.H {
return gin.H{
"dn": user.DN,
"attributes": gin.H{
"cn": user.Attributes.CN,
"sn": user.Attributes.SN,
"mail": user.Attributes.Mail,
"uid": user.Attributes.UID,
"memberOf": user.Attributes.MemberOf,
type LDAPGroupAttributes struct {
CN string
Member []string
type LDAPGroup struct {
DN string
Attributes LDAPGroupAttributes
func LDAPEntryToLDAPGroup(entry *ldap.Entry) LDAPGroup {
return LDAPGroup{
DN: entry.DN,
Attributes: LDAPGroupAttributes{
CN: entry.GetAttributeValue("cn"),
Member: entry.GetAttributeValues("member"),
func LDAPGroupToGin(group LDAPGroup) gin.H {
return gin.H{
"dn": group.DN,
"attributes": gin.H{
"cn": group.Attributes.CN,
"member": group.Attributes.Member,
type UserOptional struct { // add or modify user body struct
type User struct { // add or modify user body struct
CN string `form:"cn"`
SN string `form:"sn"`
Mail string `form:"mail"`
UserPassword string `form:"userpassword"`
type UserRequired struct { // add or modify user body struct
CN string `form:"cn" binding:"required"`
SN string `form:"sn" binding:"required"`
Mail string `form:"mail" binding:"required"`
UserPassword string `form:"userpassword" binding:"required"`
type Group struct { // add or modify group body struct
func HandleResponse(response gin.H) gin.H {
if response["error"] != nil {
err := response["error"].(error)
LDAPerr := err.(*ldap.Error)
response["error"] = gin.H{
"code": LDAPerr.ResultCode,
"result": ldap.LDAPResultCodeMap[LDAPerr.ResultCode],
"message": LDAPerr.Err.Error(),
return response
} else {
return response

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"listenPort": 80,
"ldapURL": "ldap://localhost",
"startTLS": true,
"basedn": "dc=example,dc=com",
"sessionSecretKey": "super secret key",
"sessionCookieName": "PAASLDAPAuthTicket",
"sessionCookie": {
"path": "/",
"httpOnly": true,
"secure": false,
"maxAge": 7200
"maxAge": 7200000

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module proxmoxaas-ldap
go 1.23.2
go 1.22.4
require ( v1.0.1
@ -11,37 +11,35 @@ require (
require ( v0.0.0-20221128193559-754e69321358 // indirect v1.12.4 // indirect v0.2.1 // indirect v1.11.8 // indirect v0.1.1 // indirect v0.1.4 // indirect v0.2.0 // indirect v1.4.6 // indirect v1.4.4 // indirect v0.1.0 // indirect v1.5.7 // indirect v0.14.1 // indirect v0.18.1 // indirect v10.22.1 // indirect v10.22.0 // indirect v0.10.3 // indirect v0.6.0 // indirect v1.6.0 // indirect v1.1.2 // indirect v1.1.2 // indirect v1.4.0 // indirect v1.3.0 // indirect v1.1.12 // indirect v2.2.9 // indirect v1.10.1 // indirect v2.2.8 // indirect v1.4.0 // indirect v0.0.20 // indirect v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd // indirect v1.0.2 // indirect v2.2.3 // indirect v2.2.2 // indirect v0.15.1 // indirect v1.2.12 // indirect v0.12.0 // indirect v0.29.0 // indirect v0.31.0 // indirect v0.27.0 // indirect v0.20.0 // indirect v1.35.1 // indirect v0.8.0 // indirect v0.24.0 // indirect v0.26.0 // indirect v0.21.0 // indirect v0.16.0 // indirect v1.34.2 // indirect v3.0.1 // indirect

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
.PHONY: prerequisites dev-init dev-reinit
@echo "=================== Installing Prerequisites ==================="
apt install debconf-utils slapd ldap-utils sudo gettext
git clone
cd open-ldap-setup/; bash < ../gencert.conf;
rm -rf open-ldap-setup/
dev-init: prerequisites dev-reinit
@echo "====================== Initializing Slapd ======================"
cat debconf-slapd.conf | debconf-set-selections
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg-reconfigure slapd
git clone
cd open-ldap-setup/; bash < ../setup.conf;
rm -rf open-ldap-setup/

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
slapd slapd/password1 password admin
slapd slapd/internal/adminpw password admin
slapd slapd/internal/generated_adminpw password admin
slapd slapd/password2 password admin
slapd slapd/unsafe_selfwrite_acl note
slapd slapd/purge_database boolean true
slapd slapd/domain string test.paasldap
slapd slapd/ppolicy_schema_needs_update select abort installation
slapd slapd/invalid_config boolean true
slapd slapd/move_old_database boolean true
slapd slapd/backend select MDB
slapd shared/organization string paasldap
slapd slapd/dump_database_destdir string /var/backups/slapd-VERSION
slapd slapd/no_configuration boolean false
slapd slapd/dump_database select when needed
slapd slapd/password_mismatch note

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
"listenPort": 80,
"ldapURL": "ldap://localhost",
"startTLS": true,
"basedn": "dc=test,dc=paasldap",
"sessionCookieName": "PAASLDAPAuthTicket",
"sessionCookie": {
"path": "/",
"httpOnly": true,
"secure": false,
"maxAge": 7200

View File

@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
package tests
import (
func RandInt(min int, max int) int {
return rand.Intn(max+1-min) + min
func RandString(n int) string {
var letters = []rune("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
b := make([]rune, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = letters[rand.Intn(len(letters))]
return string(b)
// random ldap style DN
func RandDN(n int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cn=%s,ou=%s,dc=%s,dc=%s", RandString(n), RandString(n), RandString(n), RandString(n))
// typically for testing values of a variable
func AssertEquals[T comparable](t *testing.T, label string, a T, b T) {
if a != b {
t.Errorf(`%s = %#v; expected %#v.`, label, a, b)
// asserting the success or failure of a generic error
func AssertError(t *testing.T, label string, gotErr error, expectErr error) {
if gotErr != nil && expectErr != nil {
if gotErr.Error() != expectErr.Error() {
t.Errorf(`%s returned %s; expected %s`, label, gotErr.Error(), expectErr.Error())
} else {
if gotErr != expectErr {
t.Errorf(`%s returned %s; expected %s`, label, gotErr.Error(), expectErr.Error())
// typically for asserting the success or failure of an ldap result
func AssertLDAPError(t *testing.T, label string, gotErr any, expectErrCode uint16) {
expectError := ldap.LDAPResultCodeMap[expectErrCode]
if expectErrCode == ldap.LDAPResultSuccess { // expect success
if gotErr != nil { // got an error
gotErr := gotErr.(error)
t.Errorf(`%s returned %s; expected %s.`, label, gotErr.Error(), "success")
} // did not get an error
} else { // expect error
if gotErr == nil { // did not get an error
t.Errorf(`%s returned %s; expected %s.`, label, "success", expectError)
gotErr := gotErr.(error)
if !ldap.IsErrorWithCode(gotErr, expectErrCode) { // got an error that does not match the expected error
t.Errorf(`%s returned %s; expected %s.`, label, gotErr.Error(), expectError)
} // got the expected error
// typically for asserting the success or failure of an http result
func AssertStatus(t *testing.T, label string, gotCode int, expectCode int) {
if expectCode == http.StatusOK {
if gotCode != http.StatusOK { // got an error
t.Errorf(`%s returned %d; expected %d.`, label, gotCode, expectCode)
} else { // expect error
if gotCode == http.StatusOK { // did not get an error
t.Errorf(`%s returned %d; expected %d.`, label, gotCode, expectCode)
} else if gotCode != expectCode { // got an error that does not match the expected error
t.Errorf(`%s returned %d; expected %d.`, label, gotCode, expectCode)
// compare if two users are equal, accepts LDAPUser or gin.H
func AssertLDAPUserEquals(t *testing.T, label string, a any, b app.LDAPUser) {
aObj, ok := a.(app.LDAPUser)
if ok {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(aObj, b) {
t.Errorf(`%s = %#v; expected %#v.`, label, aObj, b)
aGin, ok := a.(gin.H)
if ok {
bGin := app.LDAPUserToGin(b)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(aGin, bGin) {
t.Errorf(`%s = %#v; expected %#v.`, label, aGin, bGin)
// not a supported type
t.Errorf(`%s = %#v; expected %#v.`, label, a, b)
// compare if two users are equal, accepts LDAPUser or gin.H
func AssertLDAPGroupEquals(t *testing.T, label string, a any, b app.LDAPGroup) {
aObj, ok := a.(app.LDAPGroup)
if ok {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(aObj, b) {
t.Errorf(`%s = %#v; expected %#v.`, label, aObj, b)
aGin, ok := a.(gin.H)
if ok {
bGin := app.LDAPGroupToGin(b)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(aGin, bGin) {
t.Errorf(`%s = %#v; expected %#v.`, label, aGin, bGin)
// not a supported type
t.Errorf(`%s = %#v; expected %#v.`, label, a, b)
var _config, _ = app.GetConfig("test_config.json")
var BaseDN = _config.BaseDN
var PeopleDN = fmt.Sprintf("ou=people,%s", BaseDN)
var GroupDN = fmt.Sprintf("ou=groups,%s", BaseDN)
type User struct {
username string
password string
userObj app.LDAPUser
type Group struct {
groupname string
groupObj app.LDAPGroup

View File

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
package tests
import (
app "proxmoxaas-ldap/app"
// test the GetConfig utility function because it used in other tests
func TestConfig_ValidPath(t *testing.T) {
config, err := app.GetConfig("test_config.json")
AssertError(t, "GetConfig()", err, nil)
AssertEquals(t, "config.ListenPort", config.ListenPort, 80)
AssertEquals(t, "config.LdapURL", config.LdapURL, "ldap://localhost")
AssertEquals(t, "config.BaseDN", config.BaseDN, "dc=test,dc=paasldap")
AssertEquals(t, "config.SessionCookieName", config.SessionCookieName, "PAASLDAPAuthTicket")
AssertEquals(t, "config.SessionCookie.Path", config.SessionCookie.Path, "/")
AssertEquals(t, "config.SessionCookie.HttpOnly", config.SessionCookie.HttpOnly, true)
AssertEquals(t, "config.SessionCookie.Secure", config.SessionCookie.Secure, false)
AssertEquals(t, "config.SessionCookie.MaxAge", config.SessionCookie.MaxAge, 7200)
func TestConfig_InvalidPath(t *testing.T) {
badFileName := RandString(16)
_, err := app.GetConfig(badFileName)
expectedErr := fmt.Errorf("open %s: no such file or directory", badFileName)
AssertError(t, "GetConfig()", err, expectedErr)
_, err = app.GetConfig("bad_config.json")
expectedErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid character ',' looking for beginning of object key string")
AssertError(t, "GetConfig()", err, expectedErr)
// test the LDAPEntryToUser and LDAPUserToGin utility functions
func TestLDAPUserDataPipeline(t *testing.T) {
var memberOf []string
for i := 0; i < RandInt(5, 20); i++ {
memberOf = append(memberOf, RandDN(16))
expectedUser := app.LDAPUser{
DN: RandDN(16),
Attributes: app.LDAPUserAttributes{
CN: RandString(16),
SN: RandString(16),
Mail: RandString(16),
UID: RandString(16),
MemberOf: memberOf,
attributes := make(map[string][]string)
attributes["cn"] = []string{expectedUser.Attributes.CN}
attributes["sn"] = []string{expectedUser.Attributes.SN}
attributes["mail"] = []string{expectedUser.Attributes.Mail}
attributes["uid"] = []string{expectedUser.Attributes.UID}
attributes["memberOf"] = expectedUser.Attributes.MemberOf
entry := ldap.NewEntry(expectedUser.DN, attributes)
user := app.LDAPEntryToLDAPUser(entry)
AssertLDAPUserEquals(t, "LDAPEntryToLDAPUser(entry) -> user", user, expectedUser)
json := app.LDAPUserToGin(user)
AssertLDAPUserEquals(t, "LDAPUserToGin(user) -> json", json, expectedUser)
// test the LDAPEntryToGroup and LDAPGroupToGin utility functions
func TestLDAPGroupDataPipeline(t *testing.T) {
var member []string
for i := 0; i < RandInt(5, 20); i++ {
member = append(member, RandDN(16))
expectedGroup := app.LDAPGroup{
DN: RandDN(16),
Attributes: app.LDAPGroupAttributes{
Member: member,
attributes := make(map[string][]string)
attributes["member"] = expectedGroup.Attributes.Member
entry := ldap.NewEntry(expectedGroup.DN, attributes)
group := app.LDAPEntryToLDAPGroup(entry)
AssertLDAPGroupEquals(t, "LDAPEntryToLDAPGroup(entry) -> group", group, expectedGroup)
json := app.LDAPGroupToGin(group)
AssertLDAPGroupEquals(t, "LDAPGroupToGin(group) -> json", json, expectedGroup)
func TestHandleResponse(t *testing.T) {
for errorCode := range ldap.LDAPResultCodeMap {
expectedMessage := RandString(16)
LDAPerr := ldap.NewError(errorCode, errors.New(expectedMessage))
res := gin.H{
"error": LDAPerr,
LDAPResult := ldap.LDAPResultCodeMap[errorCode]
handledResponseError := (app.HandleResponse(res))["error"].(gin.H)
AssertEquals(t, `HandleResponse(res)["error"]["code"]`, handledResponseError["code"].(uint16), errorCode)
AssertEquals(t, `HandleResponse(res)["error"]["result"]`, handledResponseError["result"].(string), LDAPResult)
AssertEquals(t, `HandleResponse(res)["error"]["message"]`, handledResponseError["message"].(string), expectedMessage)
res := gin.H{
"ok": true,
"status": RandInt(0, 600),
handledResponse := app.HandleResponse(res)
AssertEquals(t, `HandleResponse(res)["ok"]`, handledResponse["ok"].(bool), res["ok"].(bool))
AssertEquals(t, `HandleResponse(res)["satus"]`, handledResponse["status"].(int), res["status"].(int))
AssertEquals(t, `HandleResponse(res)["error"]`, handledResponse["error"], nil)