export const resourcesConfig = { cpu: { name: "CPU Type", icon: "images/resources/cpu.svg", id: "proctype", unitText: null }, cores: { name: "CPU Amount", icon: "images/resources/cpu.svg", id: "cores", unitText: "Cores" }, memory: { name: "Memory", icon: "images/resources/ram.svg", id: "ram", unitText: "MiB" }, swap: { name: "Swap", icon: "images/resources/swap.svg", id: "swap", unitText: "MiB" }, disk: { actionBarOrder: ["move", "resize", "detach_attach", "delete"], lxc: { prefixOrder: ["rootfs", "mp", "unused"], rootfs: { name: "ROOTFS", icon: "images/resources/drive.svg", actions: ["move", "resize"] }, mp: { name: "MP", icon: "images/resources/drive.svg", actions: ["detach", "move", "reassign", "resize"] }, unused: { name: "UNUSED", icon: "images/resources/drive.svg", actions: ["attach", "delete", "reassign"] } }, qemu: { prefixOrder: ["ide", "sata", "scsi", "unused"], ide: { name: "IDE", icon: "images/resources/disk.svg", actions: ["delete"] }, sata: { name: "SATA", icon: "images/resources/drive.svg", actions: ["detach", "move", "reassign", "resize"] }, scsi: { name: "SCSI", icon: "images/resources/drive.svg", actions: ["detach", "move", "reassign", "resize"] }, unused: { name: "UNUSED", icon: "images/resources/drive.svg", actions: ["attach", "delete", "reassign"] } }, actions: { attach: { src: "images/actions/disk/attach.svg", title: "Attach Disk" }, detach: { src: "images/actions/disk/detach.svg", title: "Detach Disk" }, delete: null } }, network: { name: "Network", icon: "images/resources/network.svg", id: "network", unitText: "MB/s", prefix: "net" }, pci: { name: "Devices", icon: "images/resources/device.svg", id: "devices", unitText: null, prefix: "hostpci" } }; export const instancesConfig = { running: { status: { src: "images/status/active.svg", alt: "Instance is running", clickable: false }, power: { src: "images/actions/instance/stop.svg", alt: "Shutdown Instance", clickable: true }, config: { src: "images/actions/instance/config-inactive.svg", alt: "Change Configuration (Inactive)", clickable: false }, console: { src: "images/actions/instance/console-active.svg", alt: "Open Console", clickable: true }, delete: { src: "images/actions/delete-inactive.svg", alt: "Delete Instance (Inactive)", clickable: false } }, stopped: { status: { src: "images/status/inactive.svg", alt: "Instance is stopped", clickable: false }, power: { src: "images/actions/instance/start.svg", alt: "Start Instance", clickable: true }, config: { src: "images/actions/instance/config-active.svg", alt: "Change Configuration", clickable: true }, console: { src: "images/actions/instance/console-inactive.svg", alt: "Open Console (Inactive)", clickable: false }, delete: { src: "images/actions/delete-active.svg", alt: "Delete Instance", clickable: true } }, loading: { status: { src: "images/status/loading.svg", alt: "Instance is loading", clickable: false }, power: { src: "images/status/loading.svg", alt: "Loading Instance", clickable: false }, config: { src: "images/actions/instance/config-inactive.svg", alt: "Change Configuration (Inactive)", clickable: false }, console: { src: "images/actions/instance/console-inactive.svg", alt: "Open Console (Inactive)", clickable: false }, delete: { src: "images/actions/delete-inactive.svg", alt: "Delete Instance (Inactive)", clickable: false } } }; export const nodesConfig = { online: { status: { src: "images/status/active.svg", alt: "Node is online" } }, offline: { status: { src: "images/status/inactive.svg", alt: "Node is offline" } }, uknown: { status: { src: "images/status/inactive.svg", alt: "Node is offline" } } }; export const bootConfig = { eligiblePrefixes: ["ide", "sata", "scsi", "net"], ide: { icon: "images/resources/disk.svg", alt: "IDE Bootable Icon" }, sata: { icon: "images/resources/drive.svg", alt: "SATA Bootable Icon" }, scsi: { icon: "images/resources/drive.svg", alt: "SCSI Bootable Icon" }, net: { icon: "images/resources/network.svg", alt: "NET Bootable Icon" } }; export function getCookie (cname) { const name = cname + "="; const decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); const ca = decodedCookie.split(";"); for (let i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { let c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) === " ") { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) === 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ""; } export async function requestPVE (path, method, body = null) { const prms = new URLSearchParams(body); const content = { method, mode: "cors", credentials: "include", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } }; if (method === "POST") { content.body = prms.toString(); content.headers.CSRFPreventionToken = getCookie("CSRFPreventionToken"); } const response = await request(`${window.API}/proxmox${path}`, content); return response; } export async function requestAPI (path, method, body = null) { const prms = new URLSearchParams(body); const content = { method, mode: "cors", credentials: "include", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } }; if (method === "POST" || method === "DELETE") { content.headers.CSRFPreventionToken = getCookie("CSRFPreventionToken"); } if (body) { content.body = prms.toString(); } const response = await request(`${window.API}${path}`, content); return response; } export async function getInstancesFragment () { const content = { method: "GET", mode: "cors", credentials: "include", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } }; content.headers.CSRFPreventionToken = getCookie("CSRFPreventionToken"); const response = await request(`${window.DASH}/instances_fragment`, content); return response; } async function request (url, content) { try { const response = await fetch(url, content); const contentType = response.headers.get("Content-Type"); let data = null; if (contentType.includes("application/json")) { data = await response.json(); data.status = response.status; } else if (contentType.includes("text/html")) { data = { data: await response.text() }; data.status = response.status; } else if (contentType.includes("text/plain")) { data = { data: await response.text() }; data.status = response.status; } else { data = response; } if (!response.ok) { return { status: response.status, error: data ? data.error : response.status }; } else { data.status = response.status; return data || response; } } catch (error) { return { status: 400, error }; } } export function goToPage (page, data = null) { const params = data ? (new URLSearchParams(data)).toString() : ""; window.location.href = `${page}${data ? "?" : ""}${params}`; } export function goToURL (href, data = {}, newwindow = false) { const url = new URL(href); for (const k in data) { url.searchParams.append(k, data[k]); } if (newwindow) { window.open(url, document.title, "height=480,width=848"); } else { window.location.assign(url.toString()); } } export function getURIData () { const url = new URL(window.location.href); return Object.fromEntries(url.searchParams); } const settingsDefault = { "sync-scheme": "always", "sync-rate": 5, "search-criteria": "fuzzy", "appearance-theme": "auto" }; export function getSyncSettings () { let scheme = localStorage.getItem("sync-scheme"); let rate = Number(localStorage.getItem("sync-rate")); if (!scheme) { scheme = settingsDefault["sync-scheme"]; localStorage.setItem("sync-scheme", scheme); } if (!rate) { rate = settingsDefault["sync-rate"]; localStorage.setItem("sync-rate", rate); } return { scheme, rate }; } export function getSearchSettings () { let searchCriteria = localStorage.getItem("search-criteria"); if (!searchCriteria) { searchCriteria = settingsDefault["search-criteria"]; localStorage.setItem("search-criteria", searchCriteria); } return searchCriteria; } export function setAppearance () { let theme = localStorage.getItem("appearance-theme"); if (!theme) { theme = settingsDefault["appearance-theme"]; localStorage.setItem("appearance-theme", theme); } if (theme === "auto") { document.querySelector(":root").classList.remove("dark-theme", "light-theme"); } else if (theme === "dark") { document.querySelector(":root").classList.remove("light-theme"); document.querySelector(":root").classList.add("dark-theme"); } else if (theme === "light") { document.querySelector(":root").classList.add("light-theme"); document.querySelector(":root").classList.remove("dark-theme"); } } // assumes href is path to svg, and id to grab is #symb export function setSVGSrc (svgElem, href) { let useElem = svgElem.querySelector("use"); if (!useElem) { useElem = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "use"); } useElem.setAttribute("href", `${href}#symb`); svgElem.append(useElem); } export function setSVGAlt (svgElem, alt) { svgElem.setAttribute("aria-label", alt); } /** * Simple object check. * @param item * @returns {boolean} */ export function isObject (item) { return (item && typeof item === "object" && !Array.isArray(item)); } /** * Deep merge two objects. * @param target * @param ...sources */ export function mergeDeep (target, ...sources) { if (!sources.length) return target; const source = sources.shift(); if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) { for (const key in source) { if (isObject(source[key])) { if (!target[key]) Object.assign(target, { [key]: {} }); mergeDeep(target[key], source[key]); } else { Object.assign(target, { [key]: source[key] }); } } } return mergeDeep(target, ...sources); } /** * Checks if object or array is empty * @param {*} obj * @returns */ export function isEmpty (obj) { if (obj instanceof Array) { return obj.length === 0; } else { for (const prop in obj) { if (Object.hasOwn(obj, prop)) { return false; } } return true; } } export function addResourceLine (resourceConfig, field, attributesOverride, labelPrefix = null) { const iconHref = resourceConfig.icon; const elementType = resourceConfig.element; const labelText = labelPrefix ? `${labelPrefix} ${resourceConfig.name}` : resourceConfig.name; const id = resourceConfig.id; const unitText = resourceConfig.unitText; const attributes = { ...(resourceConfig.attributes), ...(attributesOverride) }; const icon = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"); setSVGSrc(icon, iconHref); setSVGAlt(icon, labelText); field.append(icon); const label = document.createElement("label"); label.innerText = labelText; label.htmlFor = id; field.append(label); let element; if (elementType === "input") { element = document.createElement("input"); for (const k in attributes) { element.setAttribute(k, attributes[k]); } element.id = id; element.name = id; element.required = true; element.classList.add("w3-input"); element.classList.add("w3-border"); field.append(element); } else if (elementType === "select" || elementType === "multi-select") { element = document.createElement("select"); for (const option of attributes.options) { element.append(new Option(option)); } element.value = attributes.value; element.id = id; element.name = id; element.required = true; element.classList.add("w3-select"); element.classList.add("w3-border"); if (elementType === "multi-select") { element.setAttribute("multiple", true); } field.append(element); } else if (customElements.get(elementType)) { element = document.createElement(elementType); if (attributes.options) { for (const option of attributes.options) { element.append(new Option(option)); } } element.value = attributes.value; element.id = id; element.name = id; element.required = true; field.append(element); } let unit; if (unitText) { unit = document.createElement("p"); unit.innerText = unitText; field.append(unit); } else { unit = document.createElement("div"); unit.classList.add("hidden"); field.append(unit); } return { icon, label, element, unit }; }