import { requestPVE, requestAPI, goToPage, setAppearance, getSearchSettings, goToURL, getInstancesFragment } from "./utils.js"; import { alert, dialog } from "./dialog.js"; import { setupClientSync } from "./clientsync.js"; import wfaInit from "../modules/wfa.js"; class InstanceCard extends HTMLElement { actionLock = false; shadowRoot = null; constructor () { super(); const internals = this.attachInternals(); this.shadowRoot = internals.shadowRoot; this.actionLock = false; } get type () { return this.dataset.type; } set type (type) { this.dataset.type = type; } get status () { return this.dataset.status; } set status (status) { this.dataset.status = status; } get vmid () { return this.dataset.vmid; } set vmid (vmid) { this.dataset.vmid = vmid; } get name () { return; } set name (name) { = name; } get node () { return { name: this.dataset.node, status: this.dataset.nodestatus }; } set node (node) { this.dataset.node =; this.dataset.nodetsatus = node.status; } set searchQueryResult (result) { this.dataset.searchqueryresult = JSON.stringify(result); } get searchQueryResult () { return JSON.parse(!this.dataset.searchqueryresult ? "{}" : this.dataset.searchqueryresult); } update () { const nameParagraph = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#instance-name"); nameParagraph.innerText = ""; if (this.searchQueryResult.alignment) { let i = 0; // name index let c = 0; // alignment index const alignment = this.searchQueryResult.alignment; while (i < && c < alignment.length) { if (alignment[c] === "M") { const part = document.createElement("span"); part.innerText =[i]; = "color: var(--lightbg-text-color); background-color: var(--highlight-color);"; nameParagraph.append(part); i++; c++; } else if (alignment[c] === "I") { const part = document.createElement("span"); part.innerText =[i]; nameParagraph.append(part); i++; c++; } else if (alignment[c] === "D") { c++; } else if (alignment[c] === "X") { const part = document.createElement("span"); part.innerText =[i]; nameParagraph.append(part); i++; c++; } } } else { nameParagraph.innerHTML = ? : " "; } const powerButton = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#power-btn"); if (powerButton.classList.contains("clickable")) { powerButton.onclick = this.handlePowerButton.bind(this); } const configButton = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#configure-btn"); if (configButton.classList.contains("clickable")) { configButton.onclick = this.handleConfigButton.bind(this); } const consoleButton = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#console-btn"); if (consoleButton.classList.contains("clickable")) { consoleButton.classList.add("clickable"); consoleButton.onclick = this.handleConsoleButton.bind(this); } const deleteButton = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#delete-btn"); if (deleteButton.classList.contains("clickable")) { deleteButton.onclick = this.handleDeleteButton.bind(this); } if (this.node.status !== "online") { powerButton.classList.add("hidden"); configButton.classList.add("hidden"); consoleButton.classList.add("hidden"); deleteButton.classList.add("hidden"); } } async handlePowerButton () { if (!this.actionLock) { const header = `${this.status === "running" ? "Stop" : "Start"} VM ${this.vmid}`; const body = `

Are you sure you want to ${this.status === "running" ? "stop" : "start"} VM ${this.vmid}

`; dialog(header, body, async (result, form) => { if (result === "confirm") { this.actionLock = true; const targetAction = this.status === "running" ? "stop" : "start"; const targetStatus = this.status === "running" ? "stopped" : "running"; const prevStatus = this.status; this.status = "loading"; this.update(); const result = await requestPVE(`/nodes/${}/${this.type}/${this.vmid}/status/${targetAction}`, "POST", { node:, vmid: this.vmid }); const waitFor = delay => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); while (true) { const taskStatus = await requestPVE(`/nodes/${}/tasks/${}/status`, "GET"); if ( === "stopped" && === "OK") { // task stopped and was successful this.status = targetStatus; this.update(); this.actionLock = false; break; } else if ( === "stopped") { // task stopped but was not successful this.status = prevStatus; alert(`Attempted to ${targetAction} ${this.vmid} but got: ${}`); this.update(); this.actionLock = false; break; } else { // task has not stopped await waitFor(1000); } } } }); } } handleConfigButton () { if (!this.actionLock && this.status === "stopped") { // if the action lock is false, and the node is stopped, then navigate to the config page with the node info in the search query goToPage("instance.html", { node:, type: this.type, vmid: this.vmid }); } } handleConsoleButton () { if (!this.actionLock && this.status === "running") { const data = { console: `${this.type === "qemu" ? "kvm" : "lxc"}`, vmid: this.vmid, vmname:, node: this.node, resize: "off", cmd: "" }; data[`${this.type === "qemu" ? "novnc" : "xtermjs"}`] = 1; goToURL(window.PVE, data, true); } } handleDeleteButton () { if (!this.actionLock && this.status === "stopped") { const header = `Delete VM ${this.vmid}`; const body = `

Are you sure you want to delete VM ${this.vmid}

`; dialog(header, body, async (result, form) => { if (result === "confirm") { this.actionLock = true; this.status = "loading"; this.update(); const action = {}; action.purge = 1; action["destroy-unreferenced-disks"] = 1; const result = await requestAPI(`/cluster/${}/${this.type}/${this.vmid}/delete`, "DELETE"); if (result.status === 200) { if (this.parentElement) { this.parentElement.removeChild(this); } } else { alert(`Attempted to delete ${this.vmid} but got: ${result.error}`); this.status = this.prevStatus; this.update(); this.actionLock = false; } } }); } } } customElements.define("instance-card", InstanceCard); window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init); async function init () { setAppearance(); const cookie = document.cookie; if (cookie === "") { goToPage("login.html"); } wfaInit("modules/wfa.wasm"); initInstances(); document.querySelector("#instance-add").addEventListener("click", handleInstanceAdd); document.querySelector("#vm-search").addEventListener("input", sortInstances); setupClientSync(refreshInstances); } async function refreshInstances () { let instances = await getInstancesFragment(); if (instances.status !== 200) { alert("Error fetching instances."); } else { instances =; const container = document.querySelector("#instance-container"); container.setHTMLUnsafe(instances); sortInstances(); } } function initInstances () { const container = document.querySelector("#instance-container"); let instances = container.children; instances = []; for (let i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) { instances[i].update(); } } function sortInstances () { const searchCriteria = getSearchSettings(); const searchQuery = document.querySelector("#search").value || null; let criteria; if (!searchQuery) { criteria = (item, query = null) => { return { score: item.vmid, alignment: null }; }; } else if (searchCriteria === "exact") { criteria = (item, query) => { const substrInc = item.includes(query); if (substrInc) { const substrStartIndex = item.indexOf(query); const queryLength = query.length; const remaining = item.length - substrInc - queryLength; const alignment = `${"X".repeat(substrStartIndex)}${"M".repeat(queryLength)}${"X".repeat(remaining)}`; return { score: 1, alignment }; } else { const alignment = `${"X".repeat(item.length)}`; return { score: 0, alignment }; } }; } else if (searchCriteria === "fuzzy") { const penalties = { m: 0, x: 1, o: 0, e: 1 }; criteria = (item, query) => { // lower is better const { score, CIGAR } = global.wfAlign(query, item, penalties, true); const alignment = global.DecodeCIGAR(CIGAR); return { score: score / item.length, alignment }; }; } const container = document.querySelector("#instance-container"); let instances = container.children; instances = []; for (let i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) { if (!instances[i] { // if the instance has no name, assume its just empty string instances[i] = ""; } const { score, alignment } = criteria(instances[i], searchQuery ? searchQuery.toLowerCase() : ""); instances[i].searchQueryResult = { score, alignment }; } const sortCriteria = (a, b) => { const aScore = a.searchQueryResult.score; const bScore = b.searchQueryResult.score; if (aScore === bScore) { return a.vmid > b.vmid ? 1 : -1; } else { return aScore - bScore; } }; instances.sort(sortCriteria); for (let i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) { container.appendChild(instances[i]); instances[i].update(); } } async function handleInstanceAdd () { const header = "Create New Instance"; const body = `

Container Options

`; const templates = await requestAPI("/user/ct-templates", "GET"); const d = dialog(header, body, async (result, form) => { if (result === "confirm") { const body = { name: form.get("name"), cores: form.get("cores"), memory: form.get("memory"), pool: form.get("pool") }; if (form.get("type") === "lxc") { body.swap = form.get("swap"); body.password = form.get("password"); body.ostemplate = form.get("template-image"); body.rootfslocation = form.get("rootfs-storage"); body.rootfssize = form.get("rootfs-size"); } const node = form.get("node"); const type = form.get("type"); const vmid = form.get("vmid"); const result = await requestAPI(`/cluster/${node}/${type}/${vmid}/create`, "POST", body); if (result.status === 200) { refreshInstances(); } else { alert(`Attempted to create new instance ${vmid} but got: ${result.error}`); refreshInstances(); } } }); const typeSelect = d.querySelector("#type"); typeSelect.selectedIndex = -1; typeSelect.addEventListener("change", () => { if (typeSelect.value === "qemu") { d.querySelectorAll(".container-specific").forEach((element) => { element.classList.add("none"); element.disabled = true; }); } else { d.querySelectorAll(".container-specific").forEach((element) => { element.classList.remove("none"); element.disabled = false; }); } }); const rootfsContent = "rootdir"; const rootfsStorage = d.querySelector("#rootfs-storage"); rootfsStorage.selectedIndex = -1; const userResources = await requestAPI("/user/dynamic/resources", "GET"); const userCluster = await requestAPI("/user/config/cluster", "GET"); const nodeSelect = d.querySelector("#node"); const clusterNodes = await requestPVE("/nodes", "GET"); const allowedNodes = Object.keys(userCluster.nodes); => { if (element.status === "online" && allowedNodes.includes(element.node)) { nodeSelect.add(new Option(element.node)); } }); nodeSelect.selectedIndex = -1; nodeSelect.addEventListener("change", async () => { // change rootfs storage based on node const node = nodeSelect.value; const storage = await requestPVE(`/nodes/${node}/storage`, "GET"); => { if (element.content.includes(rootfsContent)) { rootfsStorage.add(new Option(; } }); rootfsStorage.selectedIndex = -1; // set core and memory min/max depending on node selected if (node in userResources.cores.nodes) { d.querySelector("#cores").max = userResources.cores.nodes[node].avail; } else { d.querySelector("#cores").max =; } if (node in userResources.memory.nodes) { d.querySelector("#memory").max = userResources.memory.nodes[node].avail; } else { d.querySelector("#memory").max =; } }); // set vmid min/max d.querySelector("#vmid").min = userCluster.vmid.min; d.querySelector("#vmid").max = userCluster.vmid.max; // add user pools to selector const poolSelect = d.querySelector("#pool"); const userPools = Object.keys(userCluster.pools); userPools.forEach((element) => { poolSelect.add(new Option(element)); }); poolSelect.selectedIndex = -1; // add template images to selector const templateImage = d.querySelector("#template-image"); // populate templateImage depending on selected image storage for (const template of templates) { templateImage.append(new Option(, template.volid)); } templateImage.selectedIndex = -1; const password = d.querySelector("#password"); const confirmPassword = d.querySelector("#confirm-password"); function validatePassword () { confirmPassword.setCustomValidity(password.value !== confirmPassword.value ? "Passwords Don't Match" : ""); } password.addEventListener("change", validatePassword); confirmPassword.addEventListener("keyup", validatePassword); }