const blank = document.createElement("img"); class DraggableContainer extends HTMLElement { constructor () { super(); this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
`; this.content = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#wrapper"); this.titleElem = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#title"); window.Sortable.create(this.content, { group: "boot", ghostClass: "ghost", setData: function (dataTransfer, dragEl) { dataTransfer.setDragImage(blank, 0, 0); } }); } get title () { return this.titleElem.innerText; } set title (title) { this.titleElem.innerText = title; } append (newNode) { this.content.appendChild(newNode, this.bottom); } insertBefore (newNode, referenceNode) { this.content.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode); } querySelector (query) { return this.content.querySelector(query); } removeChild (node) { if (node && this.content.contains(node)) { this.content.removeChild(node); return true; } else { return false; } } set value (value) {} get value () { const value = []; this.content.childNodes.forEach((element) => { if (element.value !== null) { value.push(element.value); } }); return value; } } class DraggableItem extends HTMLElement { #value = null; uuid = null; constructor () { super(); this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); // for whatever reason, only grid layout seems to respect the parent's content bounds this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
`; this.content = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#wrapper"); } get innerHTML () { return this.content.innerHTML; } set innerHTML (innerHTML) { this.content.innerHTML = innerHTML; } get value () { return this.#value; } set value (value) { this.#value = value; } } customElements.define("draggable-container", DraggableContainer); customElements.define("draggable-item", DraggableItem);