import { dialog } from "./dialog.js"; import { requestAPI, goToPage, getCookie, setTitleAndHeader, setAppearance } from "./utils.js"; class ResourceChart extends HTMLElement { constructor () { super(); this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
`; this.responsiveStyle = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#responsive-style"); this.canvas = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("canvas"); this.caption = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("figcaption"); } set data (data) { for (const line of data.title) { this.caption.innerHTML += `${line}`; } this.canvas.role = "img"; this.canvas.ariaLabel = data.ariaLabel; const chartData = { type: "pie", data:, options: { plugins: { title: { display: false }, legend: { display: false }, tooltip: { enabled: true } }, interaction: { mode: "nearest" }, onHover: function (e, activeElements) { if (window.innerWidth <= data.breakpoint) { updateTooltipShow(e.chart, false); } else { updateTooltipShow(e.chart, true); } } } }; this.chart = new window.Chart(this.canvas, chartData); if (data.breakpoint) { = `screen and (width <= ${data.breakpoint}px)`; } else { = "not all"; } } get data () { return null; } } // this is a really bad way to do this, but chartjs api does not expose many ways to dynamically set hover and tooltip options function updateTooltipShow (chart, enabled) { chart.options.plugins.tooltip.enabled = enabled; chart.options.interaction.mode = enabled ? "nearest" : null; chart.update(); } customElements.define("resource-chart", ResourceChart); window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init); const prefixes = { 1024: [ "", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti" ], 1000: [ "", "K", "M", "G", "T" ] }; async function init () { setAppearance(); setTitleAndHeader(); const cookie = document.cookie; if (cookie === "") { goToPage("login.html"); } let resources = requestAPI("/user/dynamic/resources"); let meta = requestAPI("/global/config/resources"); let userCluster = requestAPI("/user/config/cluster"); resources = await resources; meta = (await meta).resources; userCluster = await userCluster; document.querySelector("#username").innerText = `Username: ${getCookie("username")}`; document.querySelector("#pool").innerText = `Pools: ${Object.keys(userCluster.pools).toString()}`; document.querySelector("#vmid").innerText = `VMID Range: ${userCluster.vmid.min} - ${userCluster.vmid.max}`; document.querySelector("#nodes").innerText = `Nodes: ${Object.keys(userCluster.nodes).toString()}`; populateResources("#resource-container", meta, resources); document.querySelector("#change-password").addEventListener("click", handlePasswordChangeForm); } function populateResources (containerID, meta, resources) { if (resources instanceof Object) { const container = document.querySelector(containerID); Object.keys(meta).forEach((resourceType) => { if (meta[resourceType].display) { if (meta[resourceType].type === "list") { resources[resourceType].total.forEach((listResource) => { createResourceUsageChart(container,, listResource.avail, listResource.used, listResource.max, null); }); } else { createResourceUsageChart(container, meta[resourceType].name, resources[resourceType].total.avail, resources[resourceType].total.used, resources[resourceType].total.max, meta[resourceType]); } } }); } } function createResourceUsageChart (container, resourceName, resourceAvail, resourceUsed, resourceMax, resourceUnitData) { const chart = document.createElement("resource-chart"); container.append(chart); const maxStr = parseNumber(resourceMax, resourceUnitData); const usedStr = parseNumber(resourceUsed, resourceUnitData); const usedRatio = resourceUsed / resourceMax; const R = Math.min(usedRatio * 510, 255); const G = Math.min((1 - usedRatio) * 510, 255); const usedColor = `rgb(${R}, ${G}, 0)`; = { title: [resourceName, `Used ${usedStr} of ${maxStr}`], ariaLabel: `${resourceName} used ${usedStr} of ${maxStr}`, data: { labels: [ "Used", "Available" ], datasets: [{ label: resourceName, data: [resourceUsed, resourceAvail], backgroundColor: [ usedColor, "rgb(140, 140, 140)" ], borderWidth: 0, hoverOffset: 4 }] }, breakpoint: 680 }; = "margin: 10px;"; } function parseNumber (value, unitData) { if (!unitData) { return `${value}`; } const compact = unitData.compact; const multiplier = unitData.multiplier; const base = unitData.base; const unit = unitData.unit; value = multiplier * value; if (value <= 0) { return `0 ${unit}`; } else if (compact) { const exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.log(base)); value = value / base ** exponent; const unitPrefix = prefixes[base][exponent]; return `${value} ${unitPrefix}${unit}`; } else { return `${value} ${unit}`; } } function handlePasswordChangeForm () { const body = `
`; const d = dialog("Change Password", body, async (result, form) => { if (result === "confirm") { const result = await requestAPI("/access/password", "POST", { password: form.get("new-password") }); if (result.status !== 200) { alert(`Attempted to change password but got: ${result.error}`); } } }); const password = d.querySelector("#new-password"); const confirmPassword = d.querySelector("#confirm-password"); function validatePassword () { confirmPassword.setCustomValidity(password.value !== confirmPassword.value ? "Passwords Don't Match" : ""); } password.addEventListener("change", validatePassword); confirmPassword.addEventListener("keyup", validatePassword); }