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Arthur Lu 2022-12-14 15:28:22 -08:00
parent 6400f36324
commit 7b276c2649
7 changed files with 83 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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images/nodes/online.svg Normal file
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let vmidParagraph = document.createElement("p");
vmidParagraph.innerText = data.vmid;
let name = document.createElement("p");
name.innerText =;
let nameParagraph = document.createElement("p");
nameParagraph.innerText =;
let status = document.createElement("p");
status.innerText = data.status; = data.status === "running" ? "#00ff00" : "#ff0000";
let nodeImg = document.createElement("img");
nodeImg.src = `images/nodes/${data.node.status}`;
let nodeName = document.createElement("p");
nodeName.innerText =;
let nodeStatus = document.createElement("p");
nodeStatus.innerText = data.node.status; = data.node.status === "online" ? "#00ff00" : "#ff0000";
let nodeParagraph = document.createElement("p");
nodeParagraph.innerText =;