Arthur Lu 825f7ccea1 improve method comments relating to pve builtin return objects,
add paths to create and delete network interfaces,
check for interface existence in modify interface,
add vlan specification to user config and use in network interface creation,
fix disk path security by checking disk existence or nonexistence,
TODO: check create and mount disk against allowed bus types

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>
2023-06-08 23:33:32 +00:00

776 lines
29 KiB

import express from "express";
import bodyParser from "body-parser";
import cookieParser from "cookie-parser";
import cors from "cors";
import morgan from "morgan";
import api from "./package.json" assert {type: "json"};
import { pveAPIToken, listenPort, hostname, domain } from "./vars.js";
import { requestPVE, handleResponse, getDiskInfo } from "./pve.js";
import { checkAuth, approveResources, getUserResources } from "./utils.js";
import { db } from "./db.js";
const app = express();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.use(cors({ origin: hostname }));
* GET - get API version
* responses:
* - 200: {version: String}
app.get("/api/version", (req, res) => {
res.status(200).send({ version: api.version });
* GET - echo request
* responses:
* - 200: {body: request.body, cookies: request.cookies}
app.get("/api/echo", (req, res) => {
res.status(200).send({ body: req.body, cookies: req.cookies });
* GET - check authentication
* responses:
* - 200: {auth: true, path: String}
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
app.get("/api/auth", async (req, res) => {
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res);
if (!auth) { return; }
res.status(200).send({ auth: true });
* GET - proxy proxmox api without privilege elevation
* request and responses passed through to/from proxmox
app.get("/api/proxmox/*", async (req, res) => { // proxy endpoint for GET proxmox api with no token
let path = req.url.replace("/api/proxmox", "");
let result = await requestPVE(path, "GET", req.cookies);
* POST - proxy proxmox api without privilege elevation
* request and responses passed through to/from proxmox
*/"/api/proxmox/*", async (req, res) => { // proxy endpoint for POST proxmox api with no token
let path = req.url.replace("/api/proxmox", "");
let result = await requestPVE(path, "POST", req.cookies, JSON.stringify(req.body)); // need to stringify body because of other issues
* POST - safer ticket generation using proxmox authentication but adding HttpOnly
* request:
* - username: String
* - password: String
* responses:
* - 200: {auth: true, path: String}
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
*/"/api/ticket", async (req, res) => {
let response = await requestPVE("/access/ticket", "POST", null, JSON.stringify(req.body));
if (!(response.status === 200)) {
res.status(response.status).send({ auth: false });
let ticket =;
let csrftoken =;
let username =;
let expire = new Date( + (2 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
res.cookie("PVEAuthCookie", ticket, { domain: domain, path: "/", httpOnly: true, secure: true, expires: expire });
res.cookie("CSRFPreventionToken", csrftoken, { domain: domain, path: "/", httpOnly: true, secure: true, expires: expire });
res.cookie("username", username, { domain: domain, path: "/", secure: true, expires: expire });
res.cookie("auth", 1, { domain: domain, path: "/", secure: true, expires: expire });
res.status(200).send({ auth: true });
* DELETE - request to destroy ticket
* responses:
* - 200: {auth: false, path: String}
app.delete("/api/ticket", async (req, res) => {
let expire = new Date(0);
res.cookie("PVEAuthCookie", "", { domain: domain, path: "/", httpOnly: true, secure: true, expires: expire });
res.cookie("CSRFPreventionToken", "", { domain: domain, path: "/", httpOnly: true, secure: true, expires: expire });
res.cookie("username", "", { domain: domain, path: "/", httpOnly: true, secure: true, expires: expire });
res.cookie("auth", 0, { domain: domain, path: "/", expires: expire });
res.status(200).send({ auth: false });
* GET - get db user resource information including allocated, free, and maximum resource values along with resource metadata
* responses:
* - 200: {avail: Object, max: Object, units: Object, used: Object}
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
app.get("/api/user/resources", async (req, res) => {
// check auth
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res);
if (!auth) { return; }
let resources = await getUserResources(req, req.cookies.username);
* GET - get db user instance configuration
* responses:
* - 200: {pool: String, templates: {lxc: Object, qemu: Object}, vmid: {min: Number, max: Number}}
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
app.get("/api/user/instances", async (req, res) => {
// check auth
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res);
if (!auth) { return; }
let config = db.getUserConfig(req.cookies.username);
* GET - get db user node configuration
* responses:
* - 200: {nodes: String[]}
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
app.get("/api/user/nodes", async (req, res) => {
// check auth
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res);
if (!auth) { return; }
let config = db.getUserConfig(req.cookies.username);
res.status(200).send({ nodes: config.nodes })
* POST - detach mounted disk from instance
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number
* - disk: String - disk id (sata0, NOT unused)
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {error: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
*/"/api/instance/disk/detach", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// get current config
let config = (await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, "GET", req.cookies, null, null));
// disk must exist
if (!config[req.body.disk]) {
res.status(500).send({ error: `Disk ${req.body.disk} does not exist.` });
// disk cannot be unused
if (req.body.disk.includes("unused")) {
res.status(500).send({ error: `Requested disk ${req.body.disk} cannot be unused. Use /disk/delete to permanently delete unused disks.` });
let action = JSON.stringify({ delete: req.body.disk });
let method = req.body.type === "qemu" ? "POST" : "PUT";
let result = await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, method, req.cookies, action, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
* POST - attach unused disk image to instance
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number
* - disk: String - disk id (sata0)
* - source: Number - source unused disk number (0 => unused0)
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {error: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
*/"/api/instance/disk/attach", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// get current config
let config = (await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, "GET", req.cookies, null, null));
// disk must exist
if (!config[`unused${req.body.source}`]) {
res.status(403).send({ error: `Requested disk unused${req.body.source} does not exist.` });
// TODO: check create and mount disk against allowed bus types
let sourceDisk =[`unused${req.body.source}`];
// setup action using source disk info from vm config
let action = {};
action[req.body.disk] = sourceDisk;
action = JSON.stringify(action);
let method = req.body.type === "qemu" ? "POST" : "PUT";
// commit action
let result = await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, method, req.cookies, action, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
* POST - increase size of mounted disk
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number
* - disk: String - disk id (sata0)
* - size: Number - increase size in GiB
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {error: String}
* - 500: {request: Object, error: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
*/"/api/instance/disk/resize", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// check disk existence
let diskConfig = await getDiskInfo(req.body.node, req.body.type, req.body.vmid, req.body.disk); // get target disk
if (!diskConfig) { // exit if disk does not exist
res.status(500).send({ error: `requested disk ${req.body.disk} does not exist.` });
// setup request
let storage =; // get the storage
let request = {};
request[storage] = Number(req.body.size * 1024 ** 3); // setup request object
// check request approval
if (!await approveResources(req, req.cookies.username, request)) {
res.status(500).send({ request: request, error: `Storage ${storage} could not fulfill request of size ${req.body.size}G.` });
// action approved, commit to action
let action = JSON.stringify({ disk: req.body.disk, size: `+${req.body.size}G` });
let result = await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/resize`, "PUT", req.cookies, action, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
* POST - move mounted disk from one storage to another
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number
* - disk: String - disk id (sata0)
* - storage: String - target storage to move disk
* - delete: Number - delete original disk (0, 1)
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {error: String}
* - 500: {request: Object, error: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
*/"/api/instance/disk/move", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// check disk existence
let diskConfig = await getDiskInfo(req.body.node, req.body.type, req.body.vmid, req.body.disk); // get target disk
if (!diskConfig) { // exit if disk does not exist
res.status(500).send({ error: `requested disk ${req.body.disk} does not exist.` });
// setup request
let size = parseInt(diskConfig.size); // get source disk size
let srcStorage =; // get source storage
let dstStorage =; // get destination storage
let request = {};
let release = {};
if (req.body.delete) { // if delete is true, increase resource used by the source storage
release[srcStorage] = Number(size);
request[dstStorage] = Number(size); // always decrease destination storage by size
// check request approval
if (!await approveResources(req, req.cookies.username, request)) {
res.status(500).send({ request: request, error: `Storage ${} could not fulfill request of size ${req.body.size}G.` });
// create action
let action = { storage:, delete: req.body.delete };
if (req.body.type === "qemu") {
action.disk = req.body.disk
else {
action.volume = req.body.disk
action = JSON.stringify(action);
let route = req.body.type === "qemu" ? "move_disk" : "move_volume";
// commit action
let result = await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/${route}`, "POST", req.cookies, action, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
* DELETE - delete unused disk permanently
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number
* - disk: String - disk id (unused0 or ide0)
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {error: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
app.delete("/api/instance/disk/delete", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// get current config
let config = (await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, "GET", req.cookies, null, null));
// disk must exist
if (!config[req.body.disk]) {
res.status(403).send({ error: `Requested disk unused${req.body.source} does not exist.` });
// only ide or unused are allowed to be deleted
if (!req.body.disk.includes("unused") && !req.body.disk.includes("ide")) { // must be ide or unused
res.status(500).send({ error: `Requested disk ${req.body.disk} must be unused or ide. Use /disk/detach to detach disks in use.` });
// create action
let action = JSON.stringify({ delete: req.body.disk });
let method = req.body.type === "qemu" ? "POST" : "PUT";
// commit action
let result = await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, method, req.cookies, action, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
* POST - create a new disk in storage of specified size
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number
* - disk: String - disk id (sata0, ide0)
* - storage: String - storage to hold disk
* - size: Number size of disk in GiB
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {request: Object, error: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
*/"/api/instance/disk/create", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// get current config
let config = (await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, "GET", req.cookies, null, null));
// disk must not exist
if (config[req.body.disk]) {
res.status(403).send({ error: `Requested disk ${req.body.disk} already exists.` });
// setup request
// TODO: check create and mount disk against allowed bus types
let request = {};
if (!req.body.disk.includes("ide")) {
request[] = Number(req.body.size * 1024 ** 3); // setup request object
// check request approval
if (!await approveResources(req, req.cookies.username, request)) {
res.status(500).send({ request: request, error: `Storage ${} could not fulfill request of size ${req.body.size}G.` });
// setup action
let action = {};
if (req.body.disk.includes("ide") && req.body.iso) {
action[req.body.disk] = `${req.body.iso},media=cdrom`;
else if (req.body.type === "qemu") { // type is qemu, use sata
action[req.body.disk] = `${}:${req.body.size}`;
else { // type is lxc, use mp and add mp and backup values
action[req.body.disk] = `${}:${req.body.size},mp=/${req.body.disk}/,backup=1`;
action = JSON.stringify(action);
let method = req.body.type === "qemu" ? "POST" : "PUT";
// commit action
let result = await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, method, req.cookies, action, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
* POST - create new virtual network interface
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number
* - netid: Number - network interface id number (0 => net0)
* - rate: Number - new bandwidth rate for interface in MB/s
* - name: String, optional - required interface name for lxc only
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {error: String}
* - 500: {request: Object, error: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
*/"/api/instance/network/create", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// get current config
let currentConfig = await requestPVE(`/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}/config`, "GET", null, null, pveAPIToken);
// net interface must not exist
if ([`net${req.body.netid}`]) {
res.status(500).send({ error: `Network interface net${req.body.netid} already exists. Use /api/ to modify existing network interface.` });
if (req.body.type === "lxc" && ! {
res.status(500).send({ error: `Network interface must have name parameter.` });
let request = {
network: Number(req.body.rate)
// check resource approval
if (!await approveResources(req, req.cookies.username, request)) {
res.status(500).send({ request: request, error: `Could not fulfil network request of ${req.body.rate}MB/s.` });
// setup action
let vlan = getUserConfig().instances.vlan;
let action = {};
if (type === "lxc") {
action[`net${req.body.netid}`] = `name=${},bridge=vmbr0,ip=dhcp,ip6=dhcp,tag=${vlan},type=veth,rate=${req.body.rate}`;
else {
action[`new${req.body.netid}`] = `virtio,bridge=vmbr0,tag=${vlan},rate=${req.body.rate}`;
action = JSON.stringify(action);
let method = req.body.type === "qemu" ? "POST" : "PUT";
// commit action
let result = await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, method, req.cookies, action, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
* POST - modify virtual network interface
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number
* - netid: Number - network interface id number (0 => net0)
* - rate: Number - new bandwidth rate for interface in MB/s
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {error: String}
* - 500: {request: Object, error: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
*/"/api/instance/network/modify", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// get current config
let currentConfig = await requestPVE(`/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}/config`, "GET", null, null, pveAPIToken);
// net interface must already exist
if (![`net${req.body.netid}`]) {
res.status(500).send({ error: `Network interface net${req.body.netid} does not exist. Use /api/instance/network/create to create a new network interface.` });
let currentNetworkConfig =[`net${req.body.netid}`];
let currentNetworkRate = currentNetworkConfig.split("rate=")[1].split(",")[0];
let request = {
network: Number(req.body.rate) - Number(currentNetworkRate)
// check resource approval
if (!await approveResources(req, req.cookies.username, request)) {
res.status(500).send({ request: request, error: `Could not fulfil network request of ${req.body.rate}MB/s.` });
// setup action
let action = {};
action[`net${req.body.netid}`] = currentNetworkConfig.replace(`rate=${currentNetworkRate}`, `rate=${req.body.rate}`);
action = JSON.stringify(action);
let method = req.body.type === "qemu" ? "POST" : "PUT";
// commit action
let result = await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, method, req.cookies, action, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
* DELETE - delete virtual network interface
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number
* - netid: Number - network interface id number (0 => net0)
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {error: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
app.delete("/api/instance/network/delete", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// get current config
let currentConfig = await requestPVE(`/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}/config`, "GET", null, null, pveAPIToken);
// net interface must already exist
if (![`net${req.body.netid}`]) {
res.status(500).send({ error: `Network interface net${req.body.netid} does not exist.` });
// setup action
let action = { delete: `net${req.body.netid}`};
let method = req.body.type === "qemu" ? "POST" : "PUT";
// commit action
let result = await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, method, req.cookies, action, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
* GET - get instance pcie device data
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number to destroy
* - hostpci: String - hostpci number
* responses:
* - 200: PVE PCI Device Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {error: String}
app.get("/api/instance/pci", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.query.node}/${req.query.type}/${req.query.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// check device is in instance config
let config = (await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, "GET", req.cookies));
if (!config[`hostpci${req.query.hostpci}`]) {
res.status(500).send({ error: `Could not find hostpci${req.query.hostpci} in ${req.query.vmid}.` });
let device = config[`hostpci${req.query.hostpci}`].split(",")[0];
// get node's pci devices
let result = (await requestPVE(`/nodes/${req.query.node}/hardware/pci`, "GET", req.cookies, null, pveAPIToken));
let deviceData = [];
result.forEach((element) => {
if ( {
* POST - set basic resources for vm
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number
* - cores: Number - new number of cores for instance
* - memory: Number - new amount of memory for instance
* - swap: Number, optional - new amount of swap for instance
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {request: Object, error: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
*/"/api/instance/resources", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// get current config
let currentConfig = await requestPVE(`/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}/config`, "GET", null, null, pveAPIToken);
let request = {
cores: Number(req.body.cores) - Number(,
memory: Number(req.body.memory) - Number(
if (req.body.type === "lxc") {
request.swap = Number(req.body.swap) - Number(;
// check resource approval
if (!await approveResources(req, req.cookies.username, request)) {
res.status(500).send({ request: request, error: `Could not fulfil request.` });
// setup action
let action = { cores: req.body.cores, memory: req.body.memory };
if (req.body.type === "lxc") {
action.swap = Number(req.body.swap);
action = JSON.stringify(action);
let method = req.body.type === "qemu" ? "POST" : "PUT";
// commit action
let result = await requestPVE(`${vmpath}/config`, method, req.cookies, action, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
* POST - create new instance
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number for instance
* - hostname: String, optional- hostname for lxc instance
* - name: String, optional - hostname for qemu instance
* - cores: Number - number of cores for instance
* - memory: Number - amount of memory for instance
* - swap: Number, optional - amount of swap for lxc instance
* - password: String, optional - password for lxc instance
* - ostemplate: String, optional - os template name for lxc instance
* - rootfslocation: String, optional - storage name for lxc instance rootfs
* - rootfssize: Number, optional, - size of lxc instance rootfs
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: {error: String}
* - 500: {request: Object, error: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
*/"/api/instance", async (req, res) => {
// check auth
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res);
if (!auth) { return; }
// get user db config
let user = await db.getUserConfig(req.cookies.username);
let vmid = Number.parseInt(req.body.vmid);
let vmid_min = user.instances.vmid.min;
let vmid_max = user.instances.vmid.max;
// check vmid is within allowed range
if (vmid < vmid_min || vmid > vmid_max) {
res.status(500).send({ error: `Requested vmid ${vmid} is out of allowed range [${vmid_min},${vmid_max}].` });
// check node is within allowed list
if (!user.nodes.includes(req.body.node)) {
res.status(500).send({ error: `Requested node ${req.body.node} is not in allowed nodes [${user.nodes}].` });
// setup request
let request = {
cores: Number(req.body.cores),
memory: Number(req.body.memory)
if (req.body.type === "lxc") {
request.swap = req.body.swap;
request[req.body.rootfslocation] = req.body.rootfssize;
for (let key of Object.keys(user.instances.templates[req.body.type])) {
let item = user.instances.templates[req.body.type][key];
if (item.resource) {
if (request[]) {
request[] += item.resource.amount;
else {
request[] = item.resource.amount;
// check resource approval
if (!await approveResources(req, req.cookies.username, request)) { // check resource approval
res.status(500).send({ request: request, error: `Not enough resources to satisfy request.` });
// setup action by adding non resource values
let action = {
vmid: req.body.vmid,
cores: Number(req.body.cores),
memory: Number(req.body.memory),
pool: user.instances.pool
for (let key of Object.keys(user.instances.templates[req.body.type])) {
action[key] = user.instances.templates[req.body.type][key].value;
if (req.body.type === "lxc") {
action.hostname =;
action.unprivileged = 1;
action.features = "nesting=1";
action.password = req.body.password;
action.ostemplate = req.body.ostemplate;
action.rootfs = `${req.body.rootfslocation}:${req.body.rootfssize}`;
else { =;
action = JSON.stringify(action);
// commit action
let result = await requestPVE(`/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}`, "POST", req.cookies, action, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
* DELETE - destroy existing instance
* request:
* - node: String - vm host node id
* - type: String - vm type (lxc, qemu)
* - vmid: Number - vm id number to destroy
* responses:
* - 200: PVE Task Object
* - 401: {auth: false, path: String}
* - 500: PVE Task Object
app.delete("/api/instance", async (req, res) => {
// check auth for specific instance
let vmpath = `/nodes/${req.body.node}/${req.body.type}/${req.body.vmid}`;
let auth = await checkAuth(req.cookies, res, vmpath);
if (!auth) { return; }
// commit action
let result = await requestPVE(vmpath, "DELETE", req.cookies, null, pveAPIToken);
await handleResponse(req.body.node, result, res);
app.listen(listenPort, () => {
console.log(`proxmoxaas-api v${api.version} listening on port ${listenPort}`);