# ProxmoxAAS API - Client REST API ProxmoxAAS API provides functionality to the Client by both providing a proxy API for the Proxmox API, and an API for requesting resources within a defined quota. ## Prerequisites - (ProxmoxAAS-Client)[https://github.com/tronnet-gh/ProxmoxAAS-Client] - Proxmox VE Cluster (v7.0+) - Reverse proxy server which can proxy the client and API - FQDN - Server with NodeJS (v18.0+) and NPM installed ## Configuring API Token and Permissions In Proxmox VE, follow the following steps: 1. Add a new user `proxmoxaas-api` to Proxmox VE 2. Create a new API token for the user `proxmoxaas-api` and copy the secret key to a safe location 3. Create a new role `proxmoxaas-api` with at least the following permissions: - VM.* except VM.Audit, VM.Backup, VM.Clone, VM.Console, VM.Monitor, VM.PowerMgmt, VM.Snapshot, VM.Snapshot.Rollback - Datastore.Allocate, Datastore.AllocateSpace, Datastore.Audit - User.Modify 4. Add a new API Token Permission with path: `/`, select the API token created previously, and role: `proxmoxaas-api` 5. Add a new User Permission with path: `/`, select the `proxmoxaas-api` user, and role: `proxmoxaas-api` ## Installation - API 1. Clone this repo onto `Client Host` 2. Run `npm install` to initiaze the package requirements 3. Copy `vars.js.template` as `vars.js` and modify the following values: - pveAPI - the URI to the Proxmox API, ie `:8006/api2/json` or `/api2/json` if Proxmox VE is behind a reverse proxy. - domain - the ProxmoxAAS-Client URL, ie `client.` - listenPort - the port you want the API to listen on, ie `8080` - pveAPIToken - the user(name), authentication realm, token id, and token secrey key (uuid) 4. Start the service using `node .`, or call the provided shell script, or use the provided systemctl service script ## Installation - Reverse Proxy 1. Configure nginx or preferred reverse proxy to reverse proxy the client. This can be done in the same file previously or in a new configuration file: ``` server { listen 443 ssl; server_name client.; location / { proxy_pass http://:80; } location /api/ { proxy_pass http://:8080; } } ``` 2. Start nginx with the new configurations by running `systemctl reload nginx` ## Result After these steps, the ProxmoxAAS Client should be avaliable and fully functional at `client.`.