import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs"; import { exit } from "process"; import { DB_BACKEND } from "./backends.js"; export default class LocalDB extends DB_BACKEND { #path = null; #data = null; #defaultuser = null; constructor (config) { super(); const path = config.dbfile; try { this.#path = path; this.#load(); this.#defaultuser = global.config.defaultuser; } catch { console.log(`error: ${path} was not found. Please follow the directions in the README to initialize localdb.json.`); exit(1); } } /** * Load db from local file system. Reads from file path store in path. */ #load () { this.#data = JSON.parse(readFileSync(this.#path)); } /** * Save db to local file system. Saves to file path stored in path. */ #save () { writeFileSync(this.#path, JSON.stringify(this.#data)); } addUser (user, attributes, params) { const username = `${}@${user.realm}`; if (this.#data.users[username]) { // user already exists return { ok: false, status: 1, message: "User already exists" }; } else { attributes = attributes || this.#defaultuser; this.#data.users[username] = attributes; this.#save(); return null; } } getUser (user, params) { const requestedUser = `${}@${user.realm}`; const requestingUser = params.username; // assume checkAuth has been run, which already checks that username matches PVE token // user can access a user's db data if they are an admin OR are requesting own data const authorized = this.#data.users[requestingUser].cluster.admin || requestingUser === requestedUser; if (authorized && this.#data.users[requestedUser]) { return this.#data.users[requestedUser]; } else { return null; } } async getAllUsers (params) { const requestingUser = params.username; // assume checkAuth has been run, which already checks that username matches PVE token if (this.#data.users[requestingUser].cluster.admin === true) { return this.#data.users; } else { return null; } } setUser (user, attributes, params) { if (attributes.resources && attributes.cluster && attributes.templates) { // localdb should only deal with these attributes const username = `${}@${user.realm}`; if (this.#data.users[username]) { this.#data.users[username] = attributes; this.#save(); return true; } else { return false; } } else { // if request is not setting these attributes, then assume its fine but do nothing return true; } } delUser (user, params) { const username = `${}@${user.realm}`; if (this.#data.users[username]) { delete this.#data.users[username]; this.#save(); return true; } else { return false; } } // group methods not implemented because db backend does not store groups addGroup (group, atrributes, params) {} getGroup (group, params) {} getAllGroups (params) { return null; } setGroup (group, attributes, params) {} delGroup (group, params) {} // assume that adding to group also adds to group's pool addUserToGroup (user, group, params) { const username = `${}@${user.realm}`; if (this.#data.users[username]) { this.#data.users[username].cluster.pools[] = true; return true; } else { return false; } } // assume that adding to group also adds to group's pool delUserFromGroup (user, group, params) { const username = `${}@${user.realm}`; if (this.#data.users[username] && this.#data.users[username].cluster.pools[]) { delete this.#data.users[username].cluster.pools[]; return true; } else { return false; } } }