import abc import data as d import signal import trueskill import numpy as np from tra_analysis import Analysis as an from ts_predict import win_probability class Module(metaclass = abc.ABCMeta): @classmethod def __subclasshook__(cls, subclass): return (hasattr(subclass, '__init__') and callable(subclass.__init__) and hasattr(subclass, 'validate_config') and callable(subclass.validate_config) and hasattr(subclass, 'run') and callable( ) @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, config, apikey, tbakey, timestamp, competition, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def validate_config(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def run(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError class Match (Module): config = None apikey = None tbakey = None timestamp = None competition = None data = None results = None def __init__(self, config, apikey, tbakey, timestamp, competition): self.config = config self.apikey = apikey self.tbakey = tbakey self.timestamp = timestamp self.competition = competition def validate_config(self): return True, "" def run(self): self._load_data() self._process_data() self._push_results() def _load_data(self): = d.load_match(self.apikey, self.competition) def _simplestats(self, data_test): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) data = np.array(data_test[3]) data = data[np.isfinite(data)] ranges = list(range(len(data))) test = data_test[2] if test == "basic_stats": return an.basic_stats(data) if test == "historical_analysis": return an.histo_analysis([ranges, data]) if test == "regression_linear": return an.regression(ranges, data, ['lin']) if test == "regression_logarithmic": return an.regression(ranges, data, ['log']) if test == "regression_exponential": return an.regression(ranges, data, ['exp']) if test == "regression_polynomial": return an.regression(ranges, data, ['ply']) if test == "regression_sigmoidal": return an.regression(ranges, data, ['sig']) def _process_data(self): tests = self.config["tests"] data = input_vector = [] for team in data: for variable in data[team]: if variable in tests: for test in tests[variable]: input_vector.append((team, variable, test, data[team][variable])) = input_vector self.results = [] for test_var_data in self.results.append(self._simplestats(test_var_data)) def _push_results(self): short_mapping = {"regression_linear": "lin", "regression_logarithmic": "log", "regression_exponential": "exp", "regression_polynomial": "ply", "regression_sigmoidal": "sig"} class AutoVivification(dict): def __getitem__(self, item): try: return dict.__getitem__(self, item) except KeyError: value = self[item] = type(self)() return value result_filtered = self.results input_vector = return_vector = AutoVivification() i = 0 for result in result_filtered: filtered = input_vector[i][2] try: short = short_mapping[filtered] return_vector[input_vector[i][0]][input_vector[i][1]][input_vector[i][2]] = result[short] except KeyError: # not in mapping return_vector[input_vector[i][0]][input_vector[i][1]][input_vector[i][2]] = result i += 1 self.results = return_vector d.push_match(self.apikey, self.competition, self.results) class Metric (Module): config = None apikey = None tbakey = None timestamp = None competition = None data = None results = None def __init__(self, config, apikey, tbakey, timestamp, competition): self.config = config self.apikey = apikey self.tbakey = tbakey self.timestamp = timestamp self.competition = competition def validate_config(self): return True, "" def run(self): self._load_data() self._process_data() self._push_results() def _load_data(self): = d.pull_new_tba_matches(self.tbakey, self.competition, self.timestamp) def _process_data(self): elo_N = self.config["tests"]["elo"]["N"] elo_K = self.config["tests"]["elo"]["K"] matches = red = {} blu = {} for match in matches: red = d.load_metric(self.apikey, self.competition, match, "red", self.config["tests"]) blu = d.load_metric(self.apikey, self.competition, match, "blue", self.config["tests"]) elo_red_total = 0 elo_blu_total = 0 gl2_red_score_total = 0 gl2_blu_score_total = 0 gl2_red_rd_total = 0 gl2_blu_rd_total = 0 gl2_red_vol_total = 0 gl2_blu_vol_total = 0 ts_red_team = {} ts_blu_team = {} for team in red: elo_red_total += red[team]["elo"]["score"] gl2_red_score_total += red[team]["gl2"]["score"] gl2_red_rd_total += red[team]["gl2"]["rd"] gl2_red_vol_total += red[team]["gl2"]["vol"] tmu = red[team]["ts"]["mu"] or 25 tsigma = red[team]["ts"]["sigma"] or 8.333 ts_red_team[team] = trueskill.Rating(mu=tmu, sigma=tsigma) for team in blu: elo_blu_total += blu[team]["elo"]["score"] gl2_blu_score_total += blu[team]["gl2"]["score"] gl2_blu_rd_total += blu[team]["gl2"]["rd"] gl2_blu_vol_total += blu[team]["gl2"]["vol"] tmu = blu[team]["ts"]["mu"] or 25 tsigma = blu[team]["ts"]["sigma"] or 8.333 ts_blu_team[team] = trueskill.Rating(mu=tmu, sigma=tsigma) red_elo = {"score": elo_red_total / len(red)} blu_elo = {"score": elo_blu_total / len(blu)} red_gl2 = {"score": gl2_red_score_total / len(red), "rd": gl2_red_rd_total / len(red), "vol": gl2_red_vol_total / len(red)} blu_gl2 = {"score": gl2_blu_score_total / len(blu), "rd": gl2_blu_rd_total / len(blu), "vol": gl2_blu_vol_total / len(blu)} print('here') if match["winner"] == "red": observations = {"red": 1, "blu": 0} ts_obs = [1,0] elif match["winner"] == "blue": observations = {"red": 0, "blu": 1} ts_obs = [0,1] else: observations = {"red": 0.5, "blu": 0.5} ts_obs = [0,0] ts_red = list(ts_red_team.values()) ts_blu = list(ts_blu_team.values()) new_red, new_blu = trueskill.rate([ts_red, ts_blu], ranks=ts_obs) new_red_ts = {} new_blu_ts = {} for key, value in zip(ts_red_team.keys(), new_red): new_red_ts[key] = value for key, value in zip(ts_blu_team.keys(), new_blu): new_blu_ts[key] = value print("red" if win_probability(new_red, new_blu) > 0.5 else "blue", match["winner"]) # now there are new trueskll ratings for each team based on the win/loss from DB red_elo_delta = an.Metric().elo(red_elo["score"], blu_elo["score"], observations["red"], elo_N, elo_K) - red_elo["score"] blu_elo_delta = an.Metric().elo(blu_elo["score"], red_elo["score"], observations["blu"], elo_N, elo_K) - blu_elo["score"] new_red_gl2_score, new_red_gl2_rd, new_red_gl2_vol = an.Metric().glicko2(red_gl2["score"], red_gl2["rd"], red_gl2["vol"], [blu_gl2["score"]], [blu_gl2["rd"]], [observations["red"], observations["blu"]]) new_blu_gl2_score, new_blu_gl2_rd, new_blu_gl2_vol = an.Metric().glicko2(blu_gl2["score"], blu_gl2["rd"], blu_gl2["vol"], [red_gl2["score"]], [red_gl2["rd"]], [observations["blu"], observations["red"]]) red_gl2_delta = {"score": new_red_gl2_score - red_gl2["score"], "rd": new_red_gl2_rd - red_gl2["rd"], "vol": new_red_gl2_vol - red_gl2["vol"]} blu_gl2_delta = {"score": new_blu_gl2_score - blu_gl2["score"], "rd": new_blu_gl2_rd - blu_gl2["rd"], "vol": new_blu_gl2_vol - blu_gl2["vol"]} for team in red: red[team]["elo"]["score"] = red[team]["elo"]["score"] + red_elo_delta red[team]["gl2"]["score"] = red[team]["gl2"]["score"] + red_gl2_delta["score"] red[team]["gl2"]["rd"] = red[team]["gl2"]["rd"] + red_gl2_delta["rd"] red[team]["gl2"]["vol"] = red[team]["gl2"]["vol"] + red_gl2_delta["vol"] red[team]["ts"]["mu"] = new_red_ts[team].mu red[team]["ts"]["sigma"] = new_red_ts[team].sigma for team in blu: blu[team]["elo"]["score"] = blu[team]["elo"]["score"] + blu_elo_delta blu[team]["gl2"]["score"] = blu[team]["gl2"]["score"] + blu_gl2_delta["score"] blu[team]["gl2"]["rd"] = blu[team]["gl2"]["rd"] + blu_gl2_delta["rd"] blu[team]["gl2"]["vol"] = blu[team]["gl2"]["vol"] + blu_gl2_delta["vol"] blu[team]["ts"]["mu"] = new_blu_ts[team].mu blu[team]["ts"]["sigma"] = new_blu_ts[team].sigma temp_vector = {} temp_vector.update(red) temp_vector.update(blu) d.push_metric(self.apikey, self.competition, temp_vector) def _push_results(self): pass class Pit (Module): config = None apikey = None tbakey = None timestamp = None competition = None data = None results = None def __init__(self, config, apikey, tbakey, timestamp, competition): self.config = config self.apikey = apikey self.tbakey = tbakey self.timestamp = timestamp self.competition = competition def validate_config(self): return True, "" def run(self): self._load_data() self._process_data() self._push_results() def _load_data(self): = d.load_pit(self.apikey, self.competition) def _process_data(self): tests = self.config["tests"] return_vector = {} for team in for variable in[team]: if variable in tests: if not variable in return_vector: return_vector[variable] = [] return_vector[variable].append([team][variable]) self.results = return_vector def _push_results(self): d.push_pit(self.apikey, self.competition, self.results) class Rating (Module): pass class Heatmap (Module): pass class Sentiment (Module): pass