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/*! firebase-admin v6.0.0 */
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {Bucket} from '@google-cloud/storage';
import * as _firestore from '@google-cloud/firestore';
declare namespace admin {
interface FirebaseError {
code: string;
message: string;
stack: string;
toJSON(): Object;
type FirebaseArrayIndexError = {
index: number;
error: FirebaseError;
interface ServiceAccount {
projectId?: string;
clientEmail?: string;
privateKey?: string;
interface GoogleOAuthAccessToken {
access_token: string;
expires_in: number;
interface AppOptions {
credential?: admin.credential.Credential;
databaseAuthVariableOverride?: Object;
databaseURL?: string;
serviceAccountId?: string;
storageBucket?: string;
projectId?: string;
var SDK_VERSION: string;
var apps: (admin.app.App|null)[];
function app(name?: string): admin.app.App;
function auth(app?: admin.app.App): admin.auth.Auth;
function database(app?: admin.app.App): admin.database.Database;
function messaging(app?: admin.app.App): admin.messaging.Messaging;
function storage(app?: admin.app.App): admin.storage.Storage;
function firestore(app?: admin.app.App): admin.firestore.Firestore;
function instanceId(app?: admin.app.App): admin.instanceId.InstanceId;
function initializeApp(options?: admin.AppOptions, name?: string): admin.app.App;
declare namespace admin.app {
interface App {
name: string;
options: admin.AppOptions;
auth(): admin.auth.Auth;
database(url?: string): admin.database.Database;
firestore(): admin.firestore.Firestore;
instanceId(): admin.instanceId.InstanceId;
messaging(): admin.messaging.Messaging;
storage(): admin.storage.Storage;
delete(): Promise<void>;
declare namespace admin.auth {
interface UserMetadata {
lastSignInTime: string;
creationTime: string;
toJSON(): Object;
interface UserInfo {
uid: string;
displayName: string;
email: string;
phoneNumber: string;
photoURL: string;
providerId: string;
toJSON(): Object;
interface UserRecord {
uid: string;
email: string;
emailVerified: boolean;
displayName: string;
phoneNumber: string;
photoURL: string;
disabled: boolean;
metadata: admin.auth.UserMetadata;
providerData: admin.auth.UserInfo[];
passwordHash?: string;
passwordSalt?: string;
customClaims?: Object;
tokensValidAfterTime?: string;
toJSON(): Object;
interface UpdateRequest {
displayName?: string;
email?: string;
emailVerified?: boolean;
phoneNumber?: string;
photoURL?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
password?: string;
interface CreateRequest extends UpdateRequest {
uid?: string;
interface DecodedIdToken {
aud: string;
auth_time: number;
exp: number;
firebase: {
identities: {
[key: string]: any;
sign_in_provider: string;
[key: string]: any;
iat: number;
iss: string;
sub: string;
uid: string;
[key: string]: any;
interface ListUsersResult {
users: admin.auth.UserRecord[];
pageToken?: string;
type HashAlgorithmType = 'SCRYPT' | 'STANDARD_SCRYPT' | 'HMAC_SHA512' |
'HMAC_SHA256' | 'HMAC_SHA1' | 'HMAC_MD5' | 'MD5' | 'PBKDF_SHA1' | 'BCRYPT' |
'PBKDF2_SHA256' | 'SHA512' | 'SHA256' | 'SHA1';
interface UserImportOptions {
hash: {
algorithm: HashAlgorithmType;
key?: Buffer;
saltSeparator?: string;
rounds?: number;
memoryCost?: number;
parallelization?: number;
blockSize?: number;
derivedKeyLength?: number;
interface UserImportResult {
failureCount: number;
successCount: number;
errors: admin.FirebaseArrayIndexError[];
interface UserImportRecord {
uid: string;
email?: string;
emailVerified?: boolean;
displayName?: string;
phoneNumber?: string;
photoURL?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
metadata?: {
lastSignInTime?: string;
creationTime?: string;
providerData?: {
uid: string,
displayName?: string,
email?: string,
photoURL?: string,
providerId: string,
customClaims?: Object;
passwordHash?: Buffer;
passwordSalt?: Buffer;
interface SessionCookieOptions {
expiresIn: number;
interface Auth {
app: admin.app.App;
createCustomToken(uid: string, developerClaims?: Object): Promise<string>;
createUser(properties: admin.auth.CreateRequest): Promise<admin.auth.UserRecord>;
deleteUser(uid: string): Promise<void>;
getUser(uid: string): Promise<admin.auth.UserRecord>;
getUserByEmail(email: string): Promise<admin.auth.UserRecord>;
getUserByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string): Promise<admin.auth.UserRecord>;
listUsers(maxResults?: number, pageToken?: string): Promise<admin.auth.ListUsersResult>;
updateUser(uid: string, properties: admin.auth.UpdateRequest): Promise<admin.auth.UserRecord>;
verifyIdToken(idToken: string, checkRevoked?: boolean): Promise<admin.auth.DecodedIdToken>;
setCustomUserClaims(uid: string, customUserClaims: Object): Promise<void>;
revokeRefreshTokens(uid: string): Promise<void>;
users: admin.auth.UserImportRecord[],
options?: admin.auth.UserImportOptions,
): Promise<admin.auth.UserImportResult>
idToken: string,
sessionCookieOptions: admin.auth.SessionCookieOptions,
): Promise<string>;
sessionCookie: string,
checkForRevocation?: boolean,
): Promise<admin.auth.DecodedIdToken>;
declare namespace admin.credential {
interface Credential {
getAccessToken(): Promise<admin.GoogleOAuthAccessToken>;
function applicationDefault(): admin.credential.Credential;
function cert(serviceAccountPathOrObject: string|admin.ServiceAccount): admin.credential.Credential;
function refreshToken(refreshTokenPathOrObject: string|Object): admin.credential.Credential;
declare namespace admin.database {
interface Database {
app: admin.app.App;
goOffline(): void;
goOnline(): void;
ref(path?: string | admin.database.Reference): admin.database.Reference;
refFromURL(url: string): admin.database.Reference;
interface DataSnapshot {
key: string|null;
ref: admin.database.Reference;
child(path: string): admin.database.DataSnapshot;
exists(): boolean;
exportVal(): any;
forEach(action: (a: admin.database.DataSnapshot) => boolean): boolean;
getPriority(): string|number|null;
hasChild(path: string): boolean;
hasChildren(): boolean;
numChildren(): number;
toJSON(): Object | null;
val(): any;
interface OnDisconnect {
cancel(onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
remove(onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
set(value: any, onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
value: any,
priority: number|string|null,
onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any
): Promise<void>;
update(values: Object, onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
type EventType = 'value' | 'child_added' | 'child_changed' | 'child_moved' | 'child_removed';
interface Query {
ref: admin.database.Reference;
endAt(value: number|string|boolean|null, key?: string): admin.database.Query;
equalTo(value: number|string|boolean|null, key?: string): admin.database.Query;
isEqual(other: admin.database.Query|null): boolean;
limitToFirst(limit: number): admin.database.Query;
limitToLast(limit: number): admin.database.Query;
eventType?: admin.database.EventType,
callback?: (a: admin.database.DataSnapshot, b?: string|null) => any,
context?: Object|null
): void;
eventType: admin.database.EventType,
callback: (a: admin.database.DataSnapshot|null, b?: string) => any,
cancelCallbackOrContext?: Object|null,
context?: Object|null
): (a: admin.database.DataSnapshot|null, b?: string) => any;
eventType: admin.database.EventType,
successCallback?: (a: admin.database.DataSnapshot, b?: string) => any,
failureCallbackOrContext?: Object|null,
context?: Object|null
): Promise<admin.database.DataSnapshot>;
orderByChild(path: string): admin.database.Query;
orderByKey(): admin.database.Query;
orderByPriority(): admin.database.Query;
orderByValue(): admin.database.Query;
startAt(value: number|string|boolean|null, key?: string): admin.database.Query;
toJSON(): Object;
toString(): string;
interface Reference extends admin.database.Query {
key: string|null;
parent: admin.database.Reference|null;
root: admin.database.Reference;
path: string;
child(path: string): admin.database.Reference;
onDisconnect(): admin.database.OnDisconnect;
push(value?: any, onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): admin.database.ThenableReference;
remove(onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
set(value: any, onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
priority: string|number|null,
onComplete: (a: Error|null) => any
): Promise<void>;
newVal: any, newPriority: string|number|null,
onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any
): Promise<void>;
transactionUpdate: (a: any) => any,
onComplete?: (a: Error|null, b: boolean, c: admin.database.DataSnapshot|null) => any,
applyLocally?: boolean
): Promise<{
committed: boolean,
snapshot: admin.database.DataSnapshot|null
update(values: Object, onComplete?: (a: Error|null) => any): Promise<void>;
interface ThenableReference extends admin.database.Reference, PromiseLike<any> {}
function enableLogging(logger?: boolean|((message: string) => any), persistent?: boolean): any;
declare namespace admin.database.ServerValue {
var TIMESTAMP: number;
type BaseMessage = {
data?: {[key: string]: string};
notification?: admin.messaging.Notification;
android?: admin.messaging.AndroidConfig;
webpush?: admin.messaging.WebpushConfig;
apns?: admin.messaging.ApnsConfig;
interface TokenMessage extends BaseMessage {
token: string;
interface TopicMessage extends BaseMessage {
topic: string;
interface ConditionMessage extends BaseMessage {
condition: string;
declare namespace admin.messaging {
type Message = TokenMessage | TopicMessage | ConditionMessage;
type AndroidConfig = {
collapseKey?: string;
priority?: ('high'|'normal');
ttl?: number;
restrictedPackageName?: string;
data?: {[key: string]: string};
notification?: AndroidNotification;
type AndroidNotification = {
title?: string;
body?: string;
icon?: string;
color?: string;
sound?: string;
tag?: string;
clickAction?: string;
bodyLocKey?: string;
bodyLocArgs?: string[];
titleLocKey?: string;
titleLocArgs?: string[];
type ApnsConfig = {
headers?: {[key: string]: string};
payload?: ApnsPayload;
type ApnsPayload = {
aps: Aps;
[customData: string]: object;
type Aps = {
alert?: string | ApsAlert;
badge?: number;
sound?: string;
contentAvailable?: boolean;
mutableContent?: boolean;
category?: string;
threadId?: string;
[customData: string]: any;
type ApsAlert = {
title?: string;
body?: string;
locKey?: string;
locArgs?: string[];
titleLocKey?: string;
titleLocArgs?: string[];
actionLocKey?: string;
launchImage?: string;
type Notification = {
title?: string;
body?: string;
type WebpushConfig = {
headers?: {[key: string]: string};
data?: {[key: string]: string};
notification?: WebpushNotification;
interface WebpushNotification {
title?: string;
actions?: Array<{
action: string;
icon?: string;
title: string;
badge?: string;
body?: string;
data?: any;
dir?: 'auto' | 'ltr' | 'rtl';
icon?: string;
image?: string;
lang?: string;
renotify?: boolean;
requireInteraction?: boolean;
silent?: boolean;
tag?: string;
timestamp?: number;
vibrate?: number | number[];
[key: string]: any;
type DataMessagePayload = {
[key: string]: string;
type NotificationMessagePayload = {
tag?: string;
body?: string;
icon?: string;
badge?: string;
color?: string;
sound?: string;
title?: string;
bodyLocKey?: string;
bodyLocArgs?: string;
clickAction?: string;
titleLocKey?: string;
titleLocArgs?: string;
[key: string]: string | undefined;
type MessagingPayload = {
data?: admin.messaging.DataMessagePayload;
notification?: admin.messaging.NotificationMessagePayload;
type MessagingOptions = {
dryRun?: boolean;
priority?: string;
timeToLive?: number;
collapseKey?: string;
mutableContent?: boolean;
contentAvailable?: boolean;
restrictedPackageName?: string;
[key: string]: any | undefined;
type MessagingDeviceResult = {
error?: admin.FirebaseError;
messageId?: string;
canonicalRegistrationToken?: string;
type MessagingDevicesResponse = {
canonicalRegistrationTokenCount: number;
failureCount: number;
multicastId: number;
results: admin.messaging.MessagingDeviceResult[];
successCount: number;
type MessagingDeviceGroupResponse = {
successCount: number;
failureCount: number;
failedRegistrationTokens: string[];
type MessagingTopicResponse = {
messageId: number;
type MessagingConditionResponse = {
messageId: number;
type MessagingTopicManagementResponse = {
failureCount: number;
successCount: number;
errors: admin.FirebaseArrayIndexError[];
interface Messaging {
app: admin.app.App;
send(message: admin.messaging.Message, dryRun?: boolean): Promise<string>;
registrationToken: string | string[],
payload: admin.messaging.MessagingPayload,
options?: admin.messaging.MessagingOptions
): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingDevicesResponse>;
notificationKey: string,
payload: admin.messaging.MessagingPayload,
options?: admin.messaging.MessagingOptions
): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingDeviceGroupResponse>;
topic: string,
payload: admin.messaging.MessagingPayload,
options?: admin.messaging.MessagingOptions
): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingTopicResponse>;
condition: string,
payload: admin.messaging.MessagingPayload,
options?: admin.messaging.MessagingOptions
): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingConditionResponse>;
registrationToken: string,
topic: string
): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingTopicManagementResponse>;
registrationTokens: string[],
topic: string
): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingTopicManagementResponse>;
registrationToken: string,
topic: string
): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingTopicManagementResponse>;
registrationTokens: string[],
topic: string
): Promise<admin.messaging.MessagingTopicManagementResponse>;
declare namespace admin.storage {
interface Storage {
app: admin.app.App;
bucket(name?: string): Bucket;
declare namespace admin.firestore {
export import DocumentReference = _firestore.DocumentReference;
export import DocumentSnapshot = _firestore.DocumentSnapshot;
export import FieldPath = _firestore.FieldPath;
export import FieldValue = _firestore.FieldValue;
export import Firestore = _firestore.Firestore;
export import GeoPoint = _firestore.GeoPoint;
export import setLogFunction = _firestore.setLogFunction;
export import Query = _firestore.Query;
export import DocumentData = _firestore.DocumentData;
export import QuerySnapshot = _firestore.QuerySnapshot;
export import Timestamp = _firestore.Timestamp;
declare namespace admin.instanceId {
interface InstanceId {
app: admin.app.App;
deleteInstanceId(instanceId: string): Promise<void>;
declare module 'firebase-admin' {
export = admin;