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385 lines
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Protocol Buffer
// Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.pubsub.v1beta2;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/pubsub/v1beta2;pubsub";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "PubsubProto";
option java_package = "com.google.pubsub.v1beta2";
// The service that an application uses to manipulate subscriptions and to
// consume messages from a subscription via the Pull method.
service Subscriber {
// Creates a subscription to a given topic for a given subscriber.
// If the subscription already exists, returns ALREADY_EXISTS.
// If the corresponding topic doesn't exist, returns NOT_FOUND.
// If the name is not provided in the request, the server will assign a random
// name for this subscription on the same project as the topic.
rpc CreateSubscription(Subscription) returns (Subscription);
// Gets the configuration details of a subscription.
rpc GetSubscription(GetSubscriptionRequest) returns (Subscription);
// Lists matching subscriptions.
rpc ListSubscriptions(ListSubscriptionsRequest) returns (ListSubscriptionsResponse);
// Deletes an existing subscription. All pending messages in the subscription
// are immediately dropped. Calls to Pull after deletion will return
// NOT_FOUND. After a subscription is deleted, a new one may be created with
// the same name, but the new one has no association with the old
// subscription, or its topic unless the same topic is specified.
rpc DeleteSubscription(DeleteSubscriptionRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Modifies the ack deadline for a specific message. This method is useful to
// indicate that more time is needed to process a message by the subscriber,
// or to make the message available for redelivery if the processing was
// interrupted.
rpc ModifyAckDeadline(ModifyAckDeadlineRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Acknowledges the messages associated with the ack tokens in the
// AcknowledgeRequest. The Pub/Sub system can remove the relevant messages
// from the subscription.
// Acknowledging a message whose ack deadline has expired may succeed,
// but such a message may be redelivered later. Acknowledging a message more
// than once will not result in an error.
rpc Acknowledge(AcknowledgeRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Pulls messages from the server. Returns an empty list if there are no
// messages available in the backlog. The server may return UNAVAILABLE if
// there are too many concurrent pull requests pending for the given
// subscription.
rpc Pull(PullRequest) returns (PullResponse);
// Modifies the PushConfig for a specified subscription.
// This may be used to change a push subscription to a pull one (signified
// by an empty PushConfig) or vice versa, or change the endpoint URL and other
// attributes of a push subscription. Messages will accumulate for
// delivery continuously through the call regardless of changes to the
// PushConfig.
rpc ModifyPushConfig(ModifyPushConfigRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// The service that an application uses to manipulate topics, and to send
// messages to a topic.
service Publisher {
// Creates the given topic with the given name.
rpc CreateTopic(Topic) returns (Topic);
// Adds one or more messages to the topic. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does
// not exist.
rpc Publish(PublishRequest) returns (PublishResponse);
// Gets the configuration of a topic.
rpc GetTopic(GetTopicRequest) returns (Topic);
// Lists matching topics.
rpc ListTopics(ListTopicsRequest) returns (ListTopicsResponse);
// Lists the name of the subscriptions for this topic.
rpc ListTopicSubscriptions(ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest) returns (ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse);
// Deletes the topic with the given name. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does
// not exist. After a topic is deleted, a new topic may be created with the
// same name; this is an entirely new topic with none of the old
// configuration or subscriptions. Existing subscriptions to this topic are
// not deleted.
rpc DeleteTopic(DeleteTopicRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// A topic resource.
message Topic {
// Name of the topic.
string name = 1;
// A message data and its attributes.
message PubsubMessage {
// The message payload. For JSON requests, the value of this field must be
// base64-encoded.
bytes data = 1;
// Optional attributes for this message.
map<string, string> attributes = 2;
// ID of this message assigned by the server at publication time. Guaranteed
// to be unique within the topic. This value may be read by a subscriber
// that receives a PubsubMessage via a Pull call or a push delivery. It must
// not be populated by a publisher in a Publish call.
string message_id = 3;
// Request for the GetTopic method.
message GetTopicRequest {
// The name of the topic to get.
string topic = 1;
// Request for the Publish method.
message PublishRequest {
// The messages in the request will be published on this topic.
string topic = 1;
// The messages to publish.
repeated PubsubMessage messages = 2;
// Response for the Publish method.
message PublishResponse {
// The server-assigned ID of each published message, in the same order as
// the messages in the request. IDs are guaranteed to be unique within
// the topic.
repeated string message_ids = 1;
// Request for the ListTopics method.
message ListTopicsRequest {
// The name of the cloud project that topics belong to.
string project = 1;
// Maximum number of topics to return.
int32 page_size = 2;
// The value returned by the last ListTopicsResponse; indicates that this is
// a continuation of a prior ListTopics call, and that the system should
// return the next page of data.
string page_token = 3;
// Response for the ListTopics method.
message ListTopicsResponse {
// The resulting topics.
repeated Topic topics = 1;
// If not empty, indicates that there may be more topics that match the
// request; this value should be passed in a new ListTopicsRequest.
string next_page_token = 2;
// Request for the ListTopicSubscriptions method.
message ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest {
// The name of the topic that subscriptions are attached to.
string topic = 1;
// Maximum number of subscription names to return.
int32 page_size = 2;
// The value returned by the last ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse; indicates
// that this is a continuation of a prior ListTopicSubscriptions call, and
// that the system should return the next page of data.
string page_token = 3;
// Response for the ListTopicSubscriptions method.
message ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse {
// The names of the subscriptions that match the request.
repeated string subscriptions = 1;
// If not empty, indicates that there may be more subscriptions that match
// the request; this value should be passed in a new
// ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest to get more subscriptions.
string next_page_token = 2;
// Request for the DeleteTopic method.
message DeleteTopicRequest {
// Name of the topic to delete.
string topic = 1;
// A subscription resource.
message Subscription {
// Name of the subscription.
string name = 1;
// The name of the topic from which this subscription is receiving messages.
// This will be present if and only if the subscription has not been detached
// from its topic.
string topic = 2;
// If push delivery is used with this subscription, this field is
// used to configure it. An empty pushConfig signifies that the subscriber
// will pull and ack messages using API methods.
PushConfig push_config = 4;
// This value is the maximum time after a subscriber receives a message
// before the subscriber should acknowledge the message. After message
// delivery but before the ack deadline expires and before the message is
// acknowledged, it is an outstanding message and will not be delivered
// again during that time (on a best-effort basis).
// For pull delivery this value
// is used as the initial value for the ack deadline. It may be overridden
// for a specific message by calling ModifyAckDeadline.
// For push delivery, this value is also used to set the request timeout for
// the call to the push endpoint.
// If the subscriber never acknowledges the message, the Pub/Sub
// system will eventually redeliver the message.
int32 ack_deadline_seconds = 5;
// Configuration for a push delivery endpoint.
message PushConfig {
// A URL locating the endpoint to which messages should be pushed.
// For example, a Webhook endpoint might use "https://example.com/push".
string push_endpoint = 1;
// Endpoint configuration attributes.
// Every endpoint has a set of API supported attributes that can be used to
// control different aspects of the message delivery.
// The currently supported attribute is `x-goog-version`, which you can
// use to change the format of the push message. This attribute
// indicates the version of the data expected by the endpoint. This
// controls the shape of the envelope (i.e. its fields and metadata).
// The endpoint version is based on the version of the Pub/Sub
// API.
// If not present during the CreateSubscription call, it will default to
// the version of the API used to make such call. If not present during a
// ModifyPushConfig call, its value will not be changed. GetSubscription
// calls will always return a valid version, even if the subscription was
// created without this attribute.
// The possible values for this attribute are:
// * `v1beta1`: uses the push format defined in the v1beta1 Pub/Sub API.
// * `v1beta2`: uses the push format defined in the v1beta2 Pub/Sub API.
map<string, string> attributes = 2;
// A message and its corresponding acknowledgment ID.
message ReceivedMessage {
// This ID can be used to acknowledge the received message.
string ack_id = 1;
// The message.
PubsubMessage message = 2;
// Request for the GetSubscription method.
message GetSubscriptionRequest {
// The name of the subscription to get.
string subscription = 1;
// Request for the ListSubscriptions method.
message ListSubscriptionsRequest {
// The name of the cloud project that subscriptions belong to.
string project = 1;
// Maximum number of subscriptions to return.
int32 page_size = 2;
// The value returned by the last ListSubscriptionsResponse; indicates that
// this is a continuation of a prior ListSubscriptions call, and that the
// system should return the next page of data.
string page_token = 3;
// Response for the ListSubscriptions method.
message ListSubscriptionsResponse {
// The subscriptions that match the request.
repeated Subscription subscriptions = 1;
// If not empty, indicates that there may be more subscriptions that match
// the request; this value should be passed in a new ListSubscriptionsRequest
// to get more subscriptions.
string next_page_token = 2;
// Request for the DeleteSubscription method.
message DeleteSubscriptionRequest {
// The subscription to delete.
string subscription = 1;
// Request for the ModifyPushConfig method.
message ModifyPushConfigRequest {
// The name of the subscription.
string subscription = 1;
// The push configuration for future deliveries.
// An empty pushConfig indicates that the Pub/Sub system should
// stop pushing messages from the given subscription and allow
// messages to be pulled and acknowledged - effectively pausing
// the subscription if Pull is not called.
PushConfig push_config = 2;
// Request for the Pull method.
message PullRequest {
// The subscription from which messages should be pulled.
string subscription = 1;
// If this is specified as true the system will respond immediately even if
// it is not able to return a message in the Pull response. Otherwise the
// system is allowed to wait until at least one message is available rather
// than returning no messages. The client may cancel the request if it does
// not wish to wait any longer for the response.
bool return_immediately = 2;
// The maximum number of messages returned for this request. The Pub/Sub
// system may return fewer than the number specified.
int32 max_messages = 3;
// Response for the Pull method.
message PullResponse {
// Received Pub/Sub messages. The Pub/Sub system will return zero messages if
// there are no more available in the backlog. The Pub/Sub system may return
// fewer than the maxMessages requested even if there are more messages
// available in the backlog.
repeated ReceivedMessage received_messages = 1;
// Request for the ModifyAckDeadline method.
message ModifyAckDeadlineRequest {
// The name of the subscription.
string subscription = 1;
// The acknowledgment ID.
string ack_id = 2;
// The new ack deadline with respect to the time this request was sent to the
// Pub/Sub system. Must be >= 0. For example, if the value is 10, the new ack
// deadline will expire 10 seconds after the ModifyAckDeadline call was made.
// Specifying zero may immediately make the message available for another pull
// request.
int32 ack_deadline_seconds = 3;
// Request for the Acknowledge method.
message AcknowledgeRequest {
// The subscription whose message is being acknowledged.
string subscription = 1;
// The acknowledgment ID for the messages being acknowledged that was returned
// by the Pub/Sub system in the Pull response. Must not be empty.
repeated string ack_ids = 2;