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synced 2025-03-14 09:35:48 +00:00
Convert a bytes value to a more human-readable format. Choose between metric or IEC units, summarised below.
Value | Metric |
1000 | kB kilobyte |
1000^2 | MB megabyte |
1000^3 | GB gigabyte |
1000^4 | TB terabyte |
1000^5 | PB petabyte |
1000^6 | EB exabyte |
1000^7 | ZB zettabyte |
1000^8 | YB yottabyte |
Value | IEC |
1024 | KiB kibibyte |
1024^2 | MiB mebibyte |
1024^3 | GiB gibibyte |
1024^4 | TiB tebibyte |
1024^5 | PiB pebibyte |
1024^6 | EiB exbibyte |
1024^7 | ZiB zebibyte |
1024^8 | YiB yobibyte |
Value | Metric (octet) |
1000 | ko kilooctet |
1000^2 | Mo megaoctet |
1000^3 | Go gigaoctet |
1000^4 | To teraoctet |
1000^5 | Po petaoctet |
1000^6 | Eo exaoctet |
1000^7 | Zo zettaoctet |
1000^8 | Yo yottaoctet |
Value | IEC (octet) |
1024 | Kio kilooctet |
1024^2 | Mio mebioctet |
1024^3 | Gio gibioctet |
1024^4 | Tio tebioctet |
1024^5 | Pio pebioctet |
1024^6 | Eio exbioctet |
1024^7 | Zio zebioctet |
1024^8 | Yio yobioctet |
const byteSize = require('byte-size')
byteSize(bytes, [options]) ⇒ Object
Kind: Exported function
Param | Type | Default | Description |
bytes | number |
the bytes value to convert. | |
[options] | object |
optional config. | |
[options.precision] | number |
1 |
number of decimal places. |
[options.units] | string |
"metric" |
select 'metric' , 'iec' , 'metric_octet' or 'iec_octet' units. |
> const byteSize = require('byte-size')
> byteSize(1580)
{ value: '1.6', unit: 'kB' }
> byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec' })
{ value: '1.5', unit: 'KiB' }
> byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec', precision: 3 })
{ value: '1.543', unit: 'KiB' }
> byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec', precision: 0 })
{ value: '2', unit: 'KiB' }
> byteSize(1580, { units: 'metric_octet' })
{ value: '1.6', unit: 'ko' }
> byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec_octet' })
{ value: '1.5', unit: 'Kio' }
> byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec_octet' }).toString()
'1.5 Kio'
> const { value, unit } = byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec_octet' })
> `${value} ${unit}`
'1.5 Kio'
© 2014-18 Lloyd Brookes <75pound@gmail.com>. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.