Arthur Lu 60beaa4563 tra-analysis v 3.0.0 aggregate PR (#73)
* reflected doc changes to

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* tra_analysis v 2.1.0-alpha.1

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* changed to use __version__ from source
added Topic and keywords

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* updated Supported Platforms in

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* moved required files back to parent

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* moved security back to parent

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* moved security back to parent
moved contributing back to parent

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* add PR template

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* moved to parent folder

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* moved meta files to .github folder

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* v 3.0.1

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* updated test_analysis for submodules, and added missing numpy import in

* fixed item one of Issue #58

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* readded cache searching in postCreateCommand

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* added myself as an author

* feat: created kivy gui boilerplate

* added Kivy to requirements.txt

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* feat: gui with placeholders

* fix: changed config.json path

* migrated docker base image to debian

Signed-off-by: ltcptgeneral <>

* style: spaces to tabs

* migrated to ubuntu

Signed-off-by: ltcptgeneral <>

* fixed issues

Signed-off-by: ltcptgeneral <>

* fix: docker build?

* fix: use ubuntu bionic

* fix: get kivy installed

* @ltcptgeneral can't spell

* optim dockerfile for not installing unused packages

* install basic stuff while building the container

* use prebuilt image for development

* install pylint on base image

* rename and use new kivy

* tests: added tests for Array and CorrelationTest

Both are not working due to errors

* use new thing

* use 20.04 base

* symlink pip3 to pip

* use pip instead of pip3

* v 0.0.1-alpha
added corresponding .pyc to .gitignore

* v 0.0.2-alpha

* added pyparsing to requirements.txt

* parser v 0.0.4-alpha

* Equation v 0.0.1-alpha

* added Equation to tra_analysis imports

* tests: New unit tests for submoduling (#66)

* feat: created kivy gui boilerplate

* migrated docker base image to debian

Signed-off-by: ltcptgeneral <>

* migrated to ubuntu

Signed-off-by: ltcptgeneral <>

* fixed issues

Signed-off-by: ltcptgeneral <>

* fix: docker build?

* fix: use ubuntu bionic

* fix: get kivy installed

* @ltcptgeneral can't spell

* optim dockerfile for not installing unused packages

* install basic stuff while building the container

* use prebuilt image for development

* install pylint on base image

* rename and use new kivy

* tests: added tests for Array and CorrelationTest

Both are not working due to errors

* fix: Array no longer has *args and CorrelationTest functions no longer have self in the arguments

* use new thing

* use 20.04 base

* symlink pip3 to pip

* use pip instead of pip3

* tra_analysis v 2.1.0-alpha.2
SVM v 1.0.1
added unvalidated SVM unit tests

Signed-off-by: ltcptgeneral <>

* fixed version number

Signed-off-by: ltcptgeneral <>

* tests: added tests for ClassificationMetric

* partially fixed and commented out svm unit tests

* fixed some SVM unit tests

* added installing pytest to devcontainer.json

* fix: small fixes to KNN

Namely, removing self from parameters and passing correct arguments to KNeighborsClassifier constructor

* fix, test: Added tests for KNN and NaiveBayes.

Also made some small fixes in KNN, NaiveBayes, and RegressionMetric

* test: finished unit tests except for StatisticalTest

Also made various small fixes and style changes

* StatisticalTest v 1.0.1

* fixed RegressionMetric unit test
temporarily disabled CorrelationTest unit tests

* tra_analysis v 2.1.0-alpha.3

* readded __all__

* fix: floating point issues in unit tests for CorrelationTest

Co-authored-by: AGawde05 <>
Co-authored-by: ltcptgeneral <>
Co-authored-by: Dev Singh <>
Co-authored-by: jzpan1 <>

* fixed depreciated escape sequences

* ficed tests, indent, import in test_analysis

* changed version to 3.0.0
added backwards compatibility

* ficed pytest install in container

* removed GUI changes

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* incremented version to rc.1 (release candidate 1)

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* fixed NaiveBayes __changelog__

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* fix: __setitem__  == to single =

* Array v 1.0.1

* Revert "Array v 1.0.1"

This reverts commit 59783b79f7451586bc9741794589e00f0c625348.

* Array v 1.0.1

* v 1.0.2
added more Array unit tests

* cleaned .gitignore
tra_analysis v 3.0.0-rc2

Signed-off-by: Arthur Lu <>

* added *.pyc to gitignore
finished subdividing test_analysis

* feat: gui layout + basic func

* Froze and removed superscript (data-analysis)

* remove data-analysis deps install for devcontainer

* tukey pairwise comparison and multicomparison but no critical q-values

* quick patch for devcontainer.json

* better fix for devcontainer.json

* fixed some styling in StatisticalTest
removed print statement in StatisticalTest unit tests

* update analysis tests to be more effecient

* don't use loop for test_nativebayes

* removed useless secondary docker files

* tra-analysis v 3.0.0

Co-authored-by: James Pan <>
Co-authored-by: AGawde05 <>
Co-authored-by: zpan1 <>
Co-authored-by: Dev Singh <>
Co-authored-by: = <=>
Co-authored-by: Dev Singh <>
Co-authored-by: zpan1 <>
2021-04-28 19:33:50 -05:00

97 lines
2.6 KiB

from __future__ import division
from pyparsing import (Literal, CaselessLiteral, Word, Combine, Group, Optional, ZeroOrMore, Forward, nums, alphas, oneOf)
from . import py2
import math
import operator
class BNF(object):
def pushFirst(self, strg, loc, toks):
def pushUMinus(self, strg, loc, toks):
if toks and toks[0] == '-':
self.exprStack.append('unary -')
def __init__(self):
expop :: '^'
multop :: '*' | '/'
addop :: '+' | '-'
integer :: ['+' | '-'] '0'..'9'+
atom :: PI | E | real | fn '(' expr ')' | '(' expr ')'
factor :: atom [ expop factor ]*
term :: factor [ multop factor ]*
expr :: term [ addop term ]*
point = Literal(".")
e = CaselessLiteral("E")
fnumber = Combine(Word("+-" + nums, nums) +
Optional(point + Optional(Word(nums))) +
Optional(e + Word("+-" + nums, nums)))
ident = Word(alphas, alphas + nums + "_$")
plus = Literal("+")
minus = Literal("-")
mult = Literal("*")
div = Literal("/")
lpar = Literal("(").suppress()
rpar = Literal(")").suppress()
addop = plus | minus
multop = mult | div
expop = Literal("^")
pi = CaselessLiteral("PI")
expr = Forward()
atom = ((Optional(oneOf("- +")) +
(ident + lpar + expr + rpar | pi | e | fnumber).setParseAction(self.pushFirst))
| Optional(oneOf("- +")) + Group(lpar + expr + rpar)
factor = Forward()
factor << atom + \
ZeroOrMore((expop + factor).setParseAction(self.pushFirst))
term = factor + \
ZeroOrMore((multop + factor).setParseAction(self.pushFirst))
expr << term + \
ZeroOrMore((addop + term).setParseAction(self.pushFirst))
self.bnf = expr
epsilon = 1e-12
self.opn = {"+": operator.add,
"-": operator.sub,
"*": operator.mul,
"/": operator.truediv,
"^": operator.pow}
self.fn = {"sin": math.sin,
"cos": math.cos,
"tan": math.tan,
"exp": math.exp,
"abs": abs,
"trunc": lambda a: int(a),
"round": round,
"sgn": lambda a: abs(a) > epsilon and py2.cmp(a, 0) or 0}
def evaluateStack(self, s):
op = s.pop()
if op == 'unary -':
return -self.evaluateStack(s)
if op in "+-*/^":
op2 = self.evaluateStack(s)
op1 = self.evaluateStack(s)
return self.opn[op](op1, op2)
elif op == "PI":
return math.pi
elif op == "E":
return math.e
elif op in self.fn:
return self.fn[op](self.evaluateStack(s))
elif op[0].isalpha():
return 0
return float(op)
def eval(self, num_string, parseAll=True):
self.exprStack = []
results = self.bnf.parseString(num_string, parseAll)
val = self.evaluateStack(self.exprStack[:])
return val