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/*! firebase-admin v6.0.0 */
"use strict";
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var validator = require("../utils/validator");
var deep_copy_1 = require("../utils/deep-copy");
var error_1 = require("../utils/error");
var api_request_1 = require("../utils/api-request");
var user_import_builder_1 = require("./user-import-builder");
/** Firebase Auth backend host. */
var FIREBASE_AUTH_HOST = 'www.googleapis.com';
/** Firebase Auth backend port number. */
/** Firebase Auth backend path. */
var FIREBASE_AUTH_PATH = '/identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/';
/** Firebase Auth request header. */
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Client-Version': 'Node/Admin/6.0.0',
/** Firebase Auth request timeout duration in milliseconds. */
/** List of reserved claims which cannot be provided when creating a custom token. */
'acr', 'amr', 'at_hash', 'aud', 'auth_time', 'azp', 'cnf', 'c_hash', 'exp', 'iat',
'iss', 'jti', 'nbf', 'nonce', 'sub', 'firebase',
/** Maximum allowed number of characters in the custom claims payload. */
/** Maximum allowed number of users to batch download at one time. */
/** Maximum allowed number of users to batch upload at one time. */
/** Minimum allowed session cookie duration in seconds (5 minutes). */
/** Maximum allowed session cookie duration in seconds (2 weeks). */
var MAX_SESSION_COOKIE_DURATION_SECS = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60;
* Validates a providerUserInfo object. All unsupported parameters
* are removed from the original request. If an invalid field is passed
* an error is thrown.
* @param {any} request The providerUserInfo request object.
function validateProviderUserInfo(request) {
var validKeys = {
rawId: true,
providerId: true,
email: true,
displayName: true,
photoUrl: true,
// Remove invalid keys from original request.
for (var key in request) {
if (!(key in validKeys)) {
delete request[key];
if (!validator.isNonEmptyString(request.providerId)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_PROVIDER_ID);
if (typeof request.displayName !== 'undefined' &&
typeof request.displayName !== 'string') {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_DISPLAY_NAME, "The provider \"displayName\" for \"" + request.providerId + "\" must be a valid string.");
if (!validator.isNonEmptyString(request.rawId)) {
// This is called localId on the backend but the developer specifies this as
// uid externally. So the error message should use the client facing name.
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_UID, "The provider \"uid\" for \"" + request.providerId + "\" must be a valid non-empty string.");
// email should be a string and a valid email.
if (typeof request.email !== 'undefined' && !validator.isEmail(request.email)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_EMAIL, "The provider \"email\" for \"" + request.providerId + "\" must be a valid email string.");
// photoUrl should be a URL.
if (typeof request.photoUrl !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isURL(request.photoUrl)) {
// This is called photoUrl on the backend but the developer specifies this as
// photoURL externally. So the error message should use the client facing name.
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_PHOTO_URL, "The provider \"photoURL\" for \"" + request.providerId + "\" must be a valid URL string.");
* Validates a create/edit request object. All unsupported parameters
* are removed from the original request. If an invalid field is passed
* an error is thrown.
* @param {any} request The create/edit request object.
* @param {boolean=} uploadAccountRequest Whether to validate as an uploadAccount request.
function validateCreateEditRequest(request, uploadAccountRequest) {
if (uploadAccountRequest === void 0) { uploadAccountRequest = false; }
// Hash set of whitelisted parameters.
var validKeys = {
displayName: true,
localId: true,
email: true,
password: true,
rawPassword: true,
emailVerified: true,
photoUrl: true,
disabled: true,
disableUser: true,
deleteAttribute: true,
deleteProvider: true,
sanityCheck: true,
phoneNumber: true,
customAttributes: true,
validSince: true,
passwordHash: uploadAccountRequest,
salt: uploadAccountRequest,
createdAt: uploadAccountRequest,
lastLoginAt: uploadAccountRequest,
providerUserInfo: uploadAccountRequest,
// Remove invalid keys from original request.
for (var key in request) {
if (!(key in validKeys)) {
delete request[key];
// For any invalid parameter, use the external key name in the error description.
// displayName should be a string.
if (typeof request.displayName !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isString(request.displayName)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_DISPLAY_NAME);
if ((typeof request.localId !== 'undefined' || uploadAccountRequest) &&
!validator.isUid(request.localId)) {
// This is called localId on the backend but the developer specifies this as
// uid externally. So the error message should use the client facing name.
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_UID);
// email should be a string and a valid email.
if (typeof request.email !== 'undefined' && !validator.isEmail(request.email)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_EMAIL);
// phoneNumber should be a string and a valid phone number.
if (typeof request.phoneNumber !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isPhoneNumber(request.phoneNumber)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER);
// password should be a string and a minimum of 6 chars.
if (typeof request.password !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isPassword(request.password)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_PASSWORD);
// rawPassword should be a string and a minimum of 6 chars.
if (typeof request.rawPassword !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isPassword(request.rawPassword)) {
// This is called rawPassword on the backend but the developer specifies this as
// password externally. So the error message should use the client facing name.
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_PASSWORD);
// emailVerified should be a boolean.
if (typeof request.emailVerified !== 'undefined' &&
typeof request.emailVerified !== 'boolean') {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_EMAIL_VERIFIED);
// photoUrl should be a URL.
if (typeof request.photoUrl !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isURL(request.photoUrl)) {
// This is called photoUrl on the backend but the developer specifies this as
// photoURL externally. So the error message should use the client facing name.
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_PHOTO_URL);
// disabled should be a boolean.
if (typeof request.disabled !== 'undefined' &&
typeof request.disabled !== 'boolean') {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_DISABLED_FIELD);
// validSince should be a number.
if (typeof request.validSince !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isNumber(request.validSince)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_TOKENS_VALID_AFTER_TIME);
// createdAt should be a number.
if (typeof request.createdAt !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isNumber(request.createdAt)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_CREATION_TIME);
// lastSignInAt should be a number.
if (typeof request.lastLoginAt !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isNumber(request.lastLoginAt)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_LAST_SIGN_IN_TIME);
// disableUser should be a boolean.
if (typeof request.disableUser !== 'undefined' &&
typeof request.disableUser !== 'boolean') {
// This is called disableUser on the backend but the developer specifies this as
// disabled externally. So the error message should use the client facing name.
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_DISABLED_FIELD);
// customAttributes should be stringified JSON with no blacklisted claims.
// The payload should not exceed 1KB.
if (typeof request.customAttributes !== 'undefined') {
var developerClaims_1;
try {
developerClaims_1 = JSON.parse(request.customAttributes);
catch (error) {
// JSON parsing error. This should never happen as we stringify the claims internally.
// However, we still need to check since setAccountInfo via edit requests could pass
// this field.
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_CLAIMS, error.message);
var invalidClaims_1 = [];
// Check for any invalid claims.
exports.RESERVED_CLAIMS.forEach(function (blacklistedClaim) {
if (developerClaims_1.hasOwnProperty(blacklistedClaim)) {
// Throw an error if an invalid claim is detected.
if (invalidClaims_1.length > 0) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.FORBIDDEN_CLAIM, invalidClaims_1.length > 1 ?
"Developer claims \"" + invalidClaims_1.join('", "') + "\" are reserved and cannot be specified." :
"Developer claim \"" + invalidClaims_1[0] + "\" is reserved and cannot be specified.");
// Check claims payload does not exceed maxmimum size.
if (request.customAttributes.length > MAX_CLAIMS_PAYLOAD_SIZE) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.CLAIMS_TOO_LARGE, "Developer claims payload should not exceed " + MAX_CLAIMS_PAYLOAD_SIZE + " characters.");
// passwordHash has to be a base64 encoded string.
if (typeof request.passwordHash !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isString(request.passwordHash)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_PASSWORD_HASH);
// salt has to be a base64 encoded string.
if (typeof request.salt !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isString(request.salt)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_PASSWORD_SALT);
// providerUserInfo has to be an array of valid UserInfo requests.
if (typeof request.providerUserInfo !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isArray(request.providerUserInfo)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_PROVIDER_DATA);
else if (validator.isArray(request.providerUserInfo)) {
request.providerUserInfo.forEach(function (providerUserInfoEntry) {
/** Instantiates the createSessionCookie endpoint settings. */
exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_CREATE_SESSION_COOKIE = new api_request_1.ApiSettings('createSessionCookie', 'POST')
// Set request validator.
.setRequestValidator(function (request) {
// Validate the ID token is a non-empty string.
if (!validator.isNonEmptyString(request.idToken)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_ID_TOKEN);
// Validate the custom session cookie duration.
if (!validator.isNumber(request.validDuration) ||
request.validDuration < MIN_SESSION_COOKIE_DURATION_SECS ||
request.validDuration > MAX_SESSION_COOKIE_DURATION_SECS) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_SESSION_COOKIE_DURATION);
// Set response validator.
.setResponseValidator(function (response) {
// Response should always contain the session cookie.
if (!validator.isNonEmptyString(response.sessionCookie)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR);
/** Instantiates the uploadAccount endpoint settings. */
exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_UPLOAD_ACCOUNT = new api_request_1.ApiSettings('uploadAccount', 'POST');
/** Instantiates the downloadAccount endpoint settings. */
exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_DOWNLOAD_ACCOUNT = new api_request_1.ApiSettings('downloadAccount', 'POST')
// Set request validator.
.setRequestValidator(function (request) {
// Validate next page token.
if (typeof request.nextPageToken !== 'undefined' &&
!validator.isNonEmptyString(request.nextPageToken)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_PAGE_TOKEN);
// Validate max results.
if (!validator.isNumber(request.maxResults) ||
request.maxResults <= 0 ||
request.maxResults > MAX_DOWNLOAD_ACCOUNT_PAGE_SIZE) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Required \"maxResults\" must be a positive non-zero number that does not exceed " +
("the allowed " + MAX_DOWNLOAD_ACCOUNT_PAGE_SIZE + "."));
/** Instantiates the getAccountInfo endpoint settings. */
exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_GET_ACCOUNT_INFO = new api_request_1.ApiSettings('getAccountInfo', 'POST')
// Set request validator.
.setRequestValidator(function (request) {
if (!request.localId && !request.email && !request.phoneNumber) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, 'INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED: Server request is missing user identifier');
// Set response validator.
.setResponseValidator(function (response) {
if (!response.users) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.USER_NOT_FOUND);
/** Instantiates the deleteAccount endpoint settings. */
exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_DELETE_ACCOUNT = new api_request_1.ApiSettings('deleteAccount', 'POST')
// Set request validator.
.setRequestValidator(function (request) {
if (!request.localId) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, 'INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED: Server request is missing user identifier');
/** Instantiates the setAccountInfo endpoint settings for updating existing accounts. */
exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_SET_ACCOUNT_INFO = new api_request_1.ApiSettings('setAccountInfo', 'POST')
// Set request validator.
.setRequestValidator(function (request) {
// localId is a required parameter.
if (typeof request.localId === 'undefined') {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, 'INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED: Server request is missing user identifier');
// Set response validator.
.setResponseValidator(function (response) {
// If the localId is not returned, then the request failed.
if (!response.localId) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.USER_NOT_FOUND);
* Instantiates the signupNewUser endpoint settings for creating a new user with or without
* uid being specified. The backend will create a new one if not provided and return it.
exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_SIGN_UP_NEW_USER = new api_request_1.ApiSettings('signupNewUser', 'POST')
// Set request validator.
.setRequestValidator(function (request) {
// signupNewUser does not support customAttributes.
if (typeof request.customAttributes !== 'undefined') {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "\"customAttributes\" cannot be set when creating a new user.");
// signupNewUser does not support validSince.
if (typeof request.validSince !== 'undefined') {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, "\"validSince\" cannot be set when creating a new user.");
// Set response validator.
.setResponseValidator(function (response) {
// If the localId is not returned, then the request failed.
if (!response.localId) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, 'INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED: Unable to create new user');
* Class that provides mechanism to send requests to the Firebase Auth backend endpoints.
var FirebaseAuthRequestHandler = /** @class */ (function () {
* @param {FirebaseApp} app The app used to fetch access tokens to sign API requests.
* @constructor
function FirebaseAuthRequestHandler(app) {
this.baseUrl = "https://" + FIREBASE_AUTH_HOST + FIREBASE_AUTH_PATH;
this.httpClient = new api_request_1.AuthorizedHttpClient(app);
* @param {any} response The response to check for errors.
* @return {string|null} The error code if present; null otherwise.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.getErrorCode = function (response) {
return (validator.isNonNullObject(response) && response.error && response.error.message) || null;
* Creates a new Firebase session cookie with the specified duration that can be used for
* session management (set as a server side session cookie with custom cookie policy).
* The session cookie JWT will have the same payload claims as the provided ID token.
* @param {string} idToken The Firebase ID token to exchange for a session cookie.
* @param {number} expiresIn The session cookie duration in milliseconds.
* @return {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves on success with the created session cookie.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.createSessionCookie = function (idToken, expiresIn) {
var request = {
idToken: idToken,
// Convert to seconds.
validDuration: expiresIn / 1000,
return this.invokeRequestHandler(exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_CREATE_SESSION_COOKIE, request)
.then(function (response) { return response.sessionCookie; });
* Looks up a user by uid.
* @param {string} uid The uid of the user to lookup.
* @return {Promise<object>} A promise that resolves with the user information.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.getAccountInfoByUid = function (uid) {
if (!validator.isUid(uid)) {
return Promise.reject(new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_UID));
var request = {
localId: [uid],
return this.invokeRequestHandler(exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_GET_ACCOUNT_INFO, request);
* Looks up a user by email.
* @param {string} email The email of the user to lookup.
* @return {Promise<object>} A promise that resolves with the user information.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.getAccountInfoByEmail = function (email) {
if (!validator.isEmail(email)) {
return Promise.reject(new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_EMAIL));
var request = {
email: [email],
return this.invokeRequestHandler(exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_GET_ACCOUNT_INFO, request);
* Looks up a user by phone number.
* @param {string} phoneNumber The phone number of the user to lookup.
* @return {Promise<object>} A promise that resolves with the user information.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.getAccountInfoByPhoneNumber = function (phoneNumber) {
if (!validator.isPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)) {
return Promise.reject(new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER));
var request = {
phoneNumber: [phoneNumber],
return this.invokeRequestHandler(exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_GET_ACCOUNT_INFO, request);
* Exports the users (single batch only) with a size of maxResults and starting from
* the offset as specified by pageToken.
* @param {number=} maxResults The page size, 1000 if undefined. This is also the maximum
* allowed limit.
* @param {string=} pageToken The next page token. If not specified, returns users starting
* without any offset. Users are returned in the order they were created from oldest to
* newest, relative to the page token offset.
* @return {Promise<object>} A promise that resolves with the current batch of downloaded
* users and the next page token if available. For the last page, an empty list of users
* and no page token are returned.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.downloadAccount = function (maxResults, pageToken) {
if (maxResults === void 0) { maxResults = MAX_DOWNLOAD_ACCOUNT_PAGE_SIZE; }
// Construct request.
var request = {
maxResults: maxResults,
nextPageToken: pageToken,
// Remove next page token if not provided.
if (typeof request.nextPageToken === 'undefined') {
delete request.nextPageToken;
return this.invokeRequestHandler(exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_DOWNLOAD_ACCOUNT, request)
.then(function (response) {
// No more users available.
if (!response.users) {
response.users = [];
return response;
* Imports the list of users provided to Firebase Auth. This is useful when
* migrating from an external authentication system without having to use the Firebase CLI SDK.
* At most, 1000 users are allowed to be imported one at a time.
* When importing a list of password users, UserImportOptions are required to be specified.
* @param {UserImportRecord[]} users The list of user records to import to Firebase Auth.
* @param {UserImportOptions=} options The user import options, required when the users provided
* include password credentials.
* @return {Promise<UserImportResult>} A promise that resolves when the operation completes
* with the result of the import. This includes the number of successful imports, the number
* of failed uploads and their corresponding errors.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.uploadAccount = function (users, options) {
// This will throw if any error is detected in the hash options.
// For errors in the list of users, this will not throw and will report the errors and the
// corresponding user index in the user import generated response below.
// No need to validate raw request or raw response as this is done in UserImportBuilder.
var userImportBuilder = new user_import_builder_1.UserImportBuilder(users, options, function (userRequest) {
// Pass true to validate the uploadAccount specific fields.
validateCreateEditRequest(userRequest, true);
var request = userImportBuilder.buildRequest();
// Fail quickly if more users than allowed are to be imported.
if (validator.isArray(users) && users.length > MAX_UPLOAD_ACCOUNT_BATCH_SIZE) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.MAXIMUM_USER_COUNT_EXCEEDED, "A maximum of " + MAX_UPLOAD_ACCOUNT_BATCH_SIZE + " users can be imported at once.");
// If no remaining user in request after client side processing, there is no need
// to send the request to the server.
if (request.users.length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve(userImportBuilder.buildResponse([]));
return this.invokeRequestHandler(exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_UPLOAD_ACCOUNT, request)
.then(function (response) {
// No error object is returned if no error encountered.
var failedUploads = (response.error || []);
// Rewrite response as UserImportResult and re-insert client previously detected errors.
return userImportBuilder.buildResponse(failedUploads);
* Deletes an account identified by a uid.
* @param {string} uid The uid of the user to delete.
* @return {Promise<object>} A promise that resolves when the user is deleted.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.deleteAccount = function (uid) {
if (!validator.isUid(uid)) {
return Promise.reject(new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_UID));
var request = {
localId: uid,
return this.invokeRequestHandler(exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_DELETE_ACCOUNT, request);
* Sets additional developer claims on an existing user identified by provided UID.
* @param {string} uid The user to edit.
* @param {object} customUserClaims The developer claims to set.
* @return {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves when the operation completes
* with the user id that was edited.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.setCustomUserClaims = function (uid, customUserClaims) {
// Validate user UID.
if (!validator.isUid(uid)) {
return Promise.reject(new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_UID));
else if (!validator.isObject(customUserClaims)) {
return Promise.reject(new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, 'CustomUserClaims argument must be an object or null.'));
// Delete operation. Replace null with an empty object.
if (customUserClaims === null) {
customUserClaims = {};
// Construct custom user attribute editting request.
var request = {
localId: uid,
customAttributes: JSON.stringify(customUserClaims),
return this.invokeRequestHandler(exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_SET_ACCOUNT_INFO, request)
.then(function (response) {
return response.localId;
* Edits an existing user.
* @param {string} uid The user to edit.
* @param {object} properties The properties to set on the user.
* @return {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves when the operation completes
* with the user id that was edited.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.updateExistingAccount = function (uid, properties) {
if (!validator.isUid(uid)) {
return Promise.reject(new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_UID));
else if (!validator.isNonNullObject(properties)) {
return Promise.reject(new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, 'Properties argument must be a non-null object.'));
// Build the setAccountInfo request.
var request = deep_copy_1.deepCopy(properties);
request.localId = uid;
// For deleting displayName or photoURL, these values must be passed as null.
// They will be removed from the backend request and an additional parameter
// deleteAttribute: ['PHOTO_URL', 'DISPLAY_NAME']
// with an array of the parameter names to delete will be passed.
// Parameters that are deletable and their deleteAttribute names.
// Use client facing names, photoURL instead of photoUrl.
var deletableParams = {
displayName: 'DISPLAY_NAME',
photoURL: 'PHOTO_URL',
// Properties to delete if available.
request.deleteAttribute = [];
for (var key in deletableParams) {
if (request[key] === null) {
// Add property identifier to list of attributes to delete.
// Remove property from request.
delete request[key];
if (request.deleteAttribute.length === 0) {
delete request.deleteAttribute;
// For deleting phoneNumber, this value must be passed as null.
// It will be removed from the backend request and an additional parameter
// deleteProvider: ['phone'] with an array of providerIds (phone in this case),
// will be passed.
// Currently this applies to phone provider only.
if (request.phoneNumber === null) {
request.deleteProvider = ['phone'];
delete request.phoneNumber;
else {
// Doesn't apply to other providers in admin SDK.
delete request.deleteProvider;
// Rewrite photoURL to photoUrl.
if (typeof request.photoURL !== 'undefined') {
request.photoUrl = request.photoURL;
delete request.photoURL;
// Rewrite disabled to disableUser.
if (typeof request.disabled !== 'undefined') {
request.disableUser = request.disabled;
delete request.disabled;
return this.invokeRequestHandler(exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_SET_ACCOUNT_INFO, request)
.then(function (response) {
return response.localId;
* Revokes all refresh tokens for the specified user identified by the uid provided.
* In addition to revoking all refresh tokens for a user, all ID tokens issued
* before revocation will also be revoked on the Auth backend. Any request with an
* ID token generated before revocation will be rejected with a token expired error.
* Note that due to the fact that the timestamp is stored in seconds, any tokens minted in
* the same second as the revocation will still be valid. If there is a chance that a token
* was minted in the last second, delay for 1 second before revoking.
* @param {string} uid The user whose tokens are to be revoked.
* @return {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves when the operation completes
* successfully with the user id of the corresponding user.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.revokeRefreshTokens = function (uid) {
// Validate user UID.
if (!validator.isUid(uid)) {
return Promise.reject(new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_UID));
var request = {
localId: uid,
// validSince is in UTC seconds.
validSince: Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000),
return this.invokeRequestHandler(exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_SET_ACCOUNT_INFO, request)
.then(function (response) {
return response.localId;
* Create a new user with the properties supplied.
* @param {object} properties The properties to set on the user.
* @return {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves when the operation completes
* with the user id that was created.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.createNewAccount = function (properties) {
if (!validator.isNonNullObject(properties)) {
return Promise.reject(new error_1.FirebaseAuthError(error_1.AuthClientErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT, 'Properties argument must be a non-null object.'));
// Build the signupNewUser request.
var request = deep_copy_1.deepCopy(properties);
// Rewrite photoURL to photoUrl.
if (typeof request.photoURL !== 'undefined') {
request.photoUrl = request.photoURL;
delete request.photoURL;
// Rewrite uid to localId if it exists.
if (typeof request.uid !== 'undefined') {
request.localId = request.uid;
delete request.uid;
return this.invokeRequestHandler(exports.FIREBASE_AUTH_SIGN_UP_NEW_USER, request)
.then(function (response) {
// Return the user id.
return response.localId;
* Invokes the request handler based on the API settings object passed.
* @param {ApiSettings} apiSettings The API endpoint settings to apply to request and response.
* @param {object} requestData The request data.
* @return {Promise<object>} A promise that resolves with the response.
FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.prototype.invokeRequestHandler = function (apiSettings, requestData) {
var _this = this;
return Promise.resolve()
.then(function () {
// Validate request.
var requestValidator = apiSettings.getRequestValidator();
// Process request.
var req = {
method: apiSettings.getHttpMethod(),
url: "" + _this.baseUrl + apiSettings.getEndpoint(),
data: requestData,
return _this.httpClient.send(req);
.then(function (response) {
// Validate response.
var responseValidator = apiSettings.getResponseValidator();
// Return entire response.
return response.data;
.catch(function (err) {
if (err instanceof api_request_1.HttpError) {
var error = err.response.data;
var errorCode = FirebaseAuthRequestHandler.getErrorCode(error);
throw error_1.FirebaseAuthError.fromServerError(errorCode, /* message */ undefined, error);
throw err;
return FirebaseAuthRequestHandler;
exports.FirebaseAuthRequestHandler = FirebaseAuthRequestHandler;