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// npm build command
// everything about the installation after the creation of
// the .npm/{name}/{version}/package folder.
// linking the modules into the npm.root,
// resolving dependencies, etc.
// This runs AFTER install or link are completed.
var npm = require('./npm.js')
var log = require('npmlog')
var chain = require('slide').chain
var path = require('path')
var fs = require('graceful-fs')
var lifecycle = require('./utils/lifecycle.js')
var readJson = require('read-package-json')
var binLinks = require('bin-links')
var binLinksConfig = require('./config/bin-links.js')
var ini = require('ini')
var writeFile = require('write-file-atomic')
module.exports = build
build.usage = 'npm build [<folder>]'
build._didBuild = {}
build._noLC = {}
function build (args, global, didPre, didRB, cb) {
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
cb = didRB
didRB = false
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
cb = didPre
didPre = false
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
cb = global
global = npm.config.get('global')
if (!args.length) {
readJson(path.resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'package.json'), function (er, pkg) {
if (!args.length && pkg && pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts.build) {
log.warn('build', '`npm build` called with no arguments. Did you mean to `npm run-script build`?')
} else {
// it'd be nice to asyncMap these, but actually, doing them
// in parallel generally munges up the output from node-waf
var builder = build_(global, didPre, didRB)
chain(args.map(function (arg) {
return function (cb) {
builder(arg, cb)
}), cb)
function build_ (global, didPre, didRB) {
return function (folder, cb) {
folder = path.resolve(folder)
if (build._didBuild[folder]) log.info('build', 'already built', folder)
build._didBuild[folder] = true
log.info('build', folder)
readJson(path.resolve(folder, 'package.json'), function (er, pkg) {
if (er) return cb(er)
!didPre && [lifecycle, pkg, 'preinstall', folder],
[linkStuff, pkg, folder, global],
!didRB && [rebuildBundles, pkg, folder],
[writeBuiltinConf, pkg, folder],
didPre !== build._noLC && [lifecycle, pkg, 'install', folder],
didPre !== build._noLC && [lifecycle, pkg, 'postinstall', folder]
var writeBuiltinConf = build.writeBuiltinConf = function (pkg, folder, cb) {
// the builtin config is "sticky". Any time npm installs
// itself globally, it puts its builtin config file there
var parent = path.dirname(folder)
var dir = npm.globalDir
// Make this count for canary, too
if ((pkg.name !== 'npm' && pkg.name !== 'npmc') ||
!npm.config.get('global') ||
!npm.config.usingBuiltin ||
dir !== parent) {
return cb()
var data = ini.stringify(npm.config.sources.builtin.data)
writeFile(path.resolve(folder, 'npmrc'), data, cb)
var linkStuff = build.linkStuff = function (pkg, folder, global, cb) {
// allow to opt out of linking binaries.
if (npm.config.get('bin-links') === false) return cb()
return binLinks(pkg, folder, global, binLinksConfig(pkg), cb)
function rebuildBundles (pkg, folder, cb) {
if (!npm.config.get('rebuild-bundle')) return cb()
var deps = Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {})
.concat(Object.keys(pkg.devDependencies || {}))
var bundles = pkg.bundleDependencies || pkg.bundledDependencies || []
fs.readdir(path.resolve(folder, 'node_modules'), function (er, files) {
// error means no bundles
if (er) return cb()
log.verbose('rebuildBundles', files)
// don't asyncMap these, because otherwise build script output
// gets interleaved and is impossible to read
chain(files.filter(function (file) {
// rebuild if:
// not a .folder, like .bin or .hooks
return !file.match(/^[._-]/) &&
// not some old 0.x style bundle
file.indexOf('@') === -1 &&
// either not a dep, or explicitly bundled
(deps.indexOf(file) === -1 || bundles.indexOf(file) !== -1)
}).map(function (file) {
file = path.resolve(folder, 'node_modules', file)
return function (cb) {
if (build._didBuild[file]) return cb()
log.verbose('rebuild bundle', file)
// if file is not a package dir, then don't do it.
fs.lstat(path.resolve(file, 'package.json'), function (er) {
if (er) return cb()
build_(false)(file, cb)
}), cb)