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* @license
* Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var util = require('util');
var SSL_ROOTS_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, 'deps', 'grpc', 'etc', 'roots.pem');
var client = require('./src/client.js');
var server = require('./src/server.js');
var common = require('./src/common.js');
var Metadata = require('./src/metadata.js');
var grpc = require('./src/grpc_extension');
var protobuf_js_5_common = require('./src/protobuf_js_5_common');
var protobuf_js_6_common = require('./src/protobuf_js_6_common');
var constants = require('./src/constants.js');
grpc.setDefaultRootsPem(fs.readFileSync(SSL_ROOTS_PATH, 'ascii'));
* @namespace grpc
* Load a ProtoBuf.js object as a gRPC object.
* @memberof grpc
* @alias grpc.loadObject
* @param {Object} value The ProtoBuf.js reflection object to load
* @param {Object=} options Options to apply to the loaded file
* @param {bool=} [options.binaryAsBase64=false] deserialize bytes values as
* base64 strings instead of Buffers
* @param {bool=} [options.longsAsStrings=true] deserialize long values as
* strings instead of objects
* @param {bool=} [options.enumsAsStrings=true] deserialize enum values as
* strings instead of numbers. Only works with Protobuf.js 6 values.
* @param {bool=} [options.deprecatedArgumentOrder=false] use the beta method
* argument order for client methods, with optional arguments after the
* callback. This option is only a temporary stopgap measure to smooth an
* API breakage. It is deprecated, and new code should not use it.
* @param {(number|string)=} [options.protobufjsVersion='detect'] 5 and 6
* respectively indicate that an object from the corresponding version of
* Protobuf.js is provided in the value argument. If the option is 'detect',
* gRPC will guess what the version is based on the structure of the value.
* @return {Object<string, *>} The resulting gRPC object.
exports.loadObject = function loadObject(value, options) {
options = Object.assign({}, common.defaultGrpcOptions, options);
options = Object.assign({}, {'protobufjsVersion': 'detect'}, options);
var protobufjsVersion;
if (options.protobufjsVersion === 'detect') {
if (protobuf_js_6_common.isProbablyProtobufJs6(value)) {
protobufjsVersion = 6;
} else if (protobuf_js_5_common.isProbablyProtobufJs5(value)) {
protobufjsVersion = 5;
} else {
var error_message = 'Could not detect ProtoBuf.js version. Please ' +
'specify the version number with the "protobufjsVersion" option';
throw new Error(error_message);
} else {
protobufjsVersion = options.protobufjsVersion;
switch (protobufjsVersion) {
case 6: return protobuf_js_6_common.loadObject(value, options);
case 5:
return protobuf_js_5_common.loadObject(value, options);
throw new Error('Unrecognized protobufjsVersion', protobufjsVersion);
var loadObject = exports.loadObject;
* Load a gRPC object from a .proto file.
* @deprecated Use the {@link https://www.npmjs.com/package/@grpc/proto-loader|proto-loader module}
with grpc.loadPackageDefinition instead.
* @memberof grpc
* @alias grpc.load
* @param {string|{root: string, file: string}} filename The file to load
* @param {string=} format The file format to expect. Must be either 'proto' or
* 'json'. Defaults to 'proto'
* @param {Object=} options Options to apply to the loaded file
* @param {bool=} [options.convertFieldsToCamelCase=false] Load this file with
* field names in camel case instead of their original case
* @param {bool=} [options.binaryAsBase64=false] deserialize bytes values as
* base64 strings instead of Buffers
* @param {bool=} [options.longsAsStrings=true] deserialize long values as
* strings instead of objects
* @param {bool=} [options.deprecatedArgumentOrder=false] use the beta method
* argument order for client methods, with optional arguments after the
* callback. This option is only a temporary stopgap measure to smooth an
* API breakage. It is deprecated, and new code should not use it.
* @return {Object<string, *>} The resulting gRPC object
exports.load = util.deprecate(function load(filename, format, options) {
const ProtoBuf = require('protobufjs');
options = Object.assign({}, common.defaultGrpcOptions, options);
options.protobufjsVersion = 5;
if (!format) {
format = 'proto';
var convertFieldsToCamelCaseOriginal = ProtoBuf.convertFieldsToCamelCase;
if(options && options.hasOwnProperty('convertFieldsToCamelCase')) {
ProtoBuf.convertFieldsToCamelCase = options.convertFieldsToCamelCase;
var builder;
try {
switch(format) {
case 'proto':
builder = ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile(filename);
case 'json':
builder = ProtoBuf.loadJsonFile(filename);
throw new Error('Unrecognized format "' + format + '"');
} finally {
ProtoBuf.convertFieldsToCamelCase = convertFieldsToCamelCaseOriginal;
if (!builder) {
throw new Error('Could not load file "' + filename + '"');
return loadObject(builder.ns, options);
}, 'grpc.load: Use the @grpc/proto-loader module with grpc.loadPackageDefinition instead');
* Load a gRPC package definition as a gRPC object hierarchy
* @param packageDef grpc~PackageDefinition The package definition object
* @return {Object<string, *>} The resulting gRPC object
exports.loadPackageDefinition = function loadPackageDefintion(packageDef) {
const result = {};
for (const serviceFqn in packageDef) {
const service = packageDef[serviceFqn];
const nameComponents = serviceFqn.split('.');
const serviceName = nameComponents[nameComponents.length-1];
let current = result;
for (const packageName of nameComponents.slice(0, -1)) {
if (!current[packageName]) {
current[packageName] = {};
current = current[packageName];
current[serviceName] = client.makeClientConstructor(service, serviceName, {});
return result;
var log_template = function(args) {
var file = args.file;
var line = args.line;
var severity = args.severity;
var message = args.message;
var timestamp = args.timestamp;
return `${severity} ${timestamp}\t${file}:${line}]\t${message}`;
* Sets the logger function for the gRPC module. For debugging purposes, the C
* core will log synchronously directly to stdout unless this function is
* called. Note: the output format here is intended to be informational, and
* is not guaranteed to stay the same in the future.
* Logs will be directed to logger.error.
* @memberof grpc
* @alias grpc.setLogger
* @param {Console} logger A Console-like object.
exports.setLogger = function setLogger(logger) {
common.logger = logger;
grpc.setDefaultLoggerCallback(function(file, line, severity,
message, timestamp) {
file: path.basename(file),
line: line,
severity: severity,
message: message,
timestamp: timestamp.toISOString()
* Sets the logger verbosity for gRPC module logging. The options are members
* of the grpc.logVerbosity map.
* @memberof grpc
* @alias grpc.setLogVerbosity
* @param {Number} verbosity The minimum severity to log
exports.setLogVerbosity = function setLogVerbosity(verbosity) {
common.logVerbosity = verbosity;
exports.Server = server.Server;
exports.Metadata = Metadata;
exports.status = constants.status;
exports.propagate = constants.propagate;
exports.callError = constants.callError;
exports.writeFlags = constants.writeFlags;
exports.logVerbosity = constants.logVerbosity;
exports.methodTypes = constants.methodTypes;
exports.connectivityState = constants.connectivityState;
exports.credentials = require('./src/credentials.js');
* ServerCredentials factories
* @constructor ServerCredentials
* @memberof grpc
exports.ServerCredentials = grpc.ServerCredentials;
* Create insecure server credentials
* @name grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure
* @kind function
* @return {grpc.ServerCredentials}
* A private key and certificate pair
* @typedef {Object} grpc.ServerCredentials~keyCertPair
* @property {Buffer} private_key The server's private key
* @property {Buffer} cert_chain The server's certificate chain
* Create SSL server credentials
* @name grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl
* @kind function
* @param {?Buffer} rootCerts Root CA certificates for validating client
* certificates
* @param {Array<grpc.ServerCredentials~keyCertPair>} keyCertPairs A list of
* private key and certificate chain pairs to be used for authenticating
* the server
* @param {boolean} [checkClientCertificate=false] Indicates that the server
* should request and verify the client's certificates
* @return {grpc.ServerCredentials}
exports.makeGenericClientConstructor = client.makeClientConstructor;
exports.getClientChannel = client.getClientChannel;
exports.waitForClientReady = client.waitForClientReady;
exports.StatusBuilder = client.StatusBuilder;
exports.ListenerBuilder = client.ListenerBuilder;
exports.RequesterBuilder = client.RequesterBuilder;
exports.InterceptingCall = client.InterceptingCall;
* @memberof grpc
* @alias grpc.closeClient
* @param {grpc.Client} client_obj The client to close
exports.closeClient = function closeClient(client_obj) {
exports.Client = client.Client;
* @typedef {Object.<string, string | number>} grpc~ChannelOptions
* This constructor API is almost identical to the Client constructor,
* except that some of the options for the Client constructor are not valid
* here.
* @constructor Channel
* @memberof grpc
* @param {string} target The address of the server to connect to
* @param {grpc.ChannelCredentials} credentials Channel credentials to use when connecting
* @param {grpc~ChannelOptions} options A map of channel options that will be passed to the core
exports.Channel = grpc.Channel;
* Close the channel. This has the same functionality as the existing grpc.Client#close
* @name grpc.Channel#close
* @kind function
* Return the target that this channel connects to
* @name grpc.Channel#getTarget
* @kind function
* @return {string} The target
* Get the channel's current connectivity state.
* @name grpc.Channel#getConnectivityState
* @kind function
* @param {boolean} tryToConnect If true, the channel will start connecting if it is
* idle. Otherwise, idle channels will only start connecting when a
* call starts.
* @return {grpc.connectivityState} The current connectivity state
* @callback grpc.Channel~watchConnectivityStateCallback
* @param {Error?} error
* Watch for connectivity state changes.
* @name grpc.Channel#watchConnectivityState
* @kind function
* @param {grpc.ConnectivityState} currentState The state to watch for
* transitions from. This should always be populated by calling
* getConnectivityState immediately before.
* @param {grpc~Deadline} deadline A deadline for waiting for a state change
* @param {grpc.Channel~watchConnectivityStateCallback} callback Called with no
* error when the state changes, or with an error if the deadline passes
* without a state change
* @name grpc~Call
* @kind class
* Create a call object. Call is an opaque type used by the {@link grpc.Client}
* and {@link grpc.Server} classes. This function is called by the gRPC library
* when starting a request. Implementers should return an instance of Call that
* is returned from calling createCall on an instance of the provided Channel
* class.
* @name grpc.Channel#createCall
* @kind function
* @param {string} method The full method string to request
* @param {grpc~Deadline} deadline The call deadline
* @param {string|null} host A host string override for making the request
* @param {grpc~Call|null} parentCall A server call to propagate some
* information from
* @param {number|null} propagateFlags A bitwise combination of elements of
* {@link grpc.propagate} that indicates what information to propagate
* from parentCall
* @return {grpc~Call}