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* @license
* Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var constants = require('./constants');
* Wrap a function to pass null-like values through without calling it. If no
* function is given, just uses the identity.
* @private
* @param {?function} func The function to wrap
* @return {function} The wrapped function
exports.wrapIgnoreNull = function wrapIgnoreNull(func) {
if (!func) {
return x => x;
return function(arg) {
if (arg === null || arg === undefined) {
return null;
return func(arg);
* The logger object for the gRPC module. Defaults to console.
* @private
exports.logger = console;
* The current logging verbosity. 0 corresponds to logging everything
* @private
exports.logVerbosity = 0;
* Log a message if the severity is at least as high as the current verbosity
* @private
* @param {Number} severity A value of the grpc.logVerbosity map
* @param {String} message The message to log
exports.log = function log(severity, message) {
if (severity >= exports.logVerbosity) {
* Default options for loading proto files into gRPC
* @alias grpc~defaultLoadOptions
exports.defaultGrpcOptions = {
convertFieldsToCamelCase: false,
binaryAsBase64: false,
longsAsStrings: true,
enumsAsStrings: true,
deprecatedArgumentOrder: false
* Create an Error object from a status object
* @param {grpc~StatusObject} status The status object
* @return {Error} The resulting Error
exports.createStatusError = function(status) {
let inverted = Object.keys(constants.status)
.reduce((acc, key) => {
acc[constants.status[key]] = key;
return acc;
}, {});
let statusName = inverted[status.code];
let message = `${status.code} ${statusName}: ${status.details}`;
let error = new Error(message);
error.code = status.code;
error.metadata = status.metadata;
error.details = status.details;
return error;
* Get a method's type from its definition
* @param {grpc~MethodDefinition} method_definition
* @return {number}
exports.getMethodType = function(method_definition) {
if (method_definition.requestStream) {
if (method_definition.responseStream) {
return constants.methodTypes.BIDI_STREAMING;
} else {
return constants.methodTypes.CLIENT_STREAMING;
} else {
if (method_definition.responseStream) {
return constants.methodTypes.SERVER_STREAMING;
} else {
return constants.methodTypes.UNARY;
* Iterate over a collection of items, and run the given handler.
* Return the results as a flattened array of values.
* @private
* @param {Array} collection Array of items to process
* @param {Function} handler The function to call on each element in the array
* @return {Array} A flattened array of results.
exports.flatMap = function(collection, handler) {
const mapped = collection.map(handler);
return mapped.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.concat(curr), []);
* Given an array of property names and an array of values,
* combine the two into an object map.
* Equivalent to _.zipObject.
* @private
* @param props {Array<String>} Array of property names
* @param values {Array} Array of property values
* @return {Object} An object with the combined values
exports.zipObject = function(props, values) {
return props.reduce((acc, curr, idx) => {
return Object.assign(acc, { [curr]: values[idx] });
}, {});
// JSDoc definitions that are used in multiple other modules
* Represents the status of a completed request. If `code` is
* {@link grpc.status}.OK, then the request has completed successfully.
* Otherwise, the request has failed, `details` will contain a description of
* the error. Either way, `metadata` contains the trailing response metadata
* sent by the server when it finishes processing the call.
* @typedef {object} grpc~StatusObject
* @property {number} code The error code, a key of {@link grpc.status}
* @property {string} details Human-readable description of the status
* @property {grpc.Metadata} metadata Trailing metadata sent with the status,
* if applicable
* Describes how a request has failed. The member `message` will be the same as
* `details` in {@link grpc~StatusObject}, and `code` and `metadata` are the
* same as in that object.
* @typedef {Error} grpc~ServiceError
* @property {number} code The error code, a key of {@link grpc.status} that is
* not `grpc.status.OK`
* @property {grpc.Metadata} metadata Trailing metadata sent with the status,
* if applicable
* The EventEmitter class in the event standard module
* @external EventEmitter
* @see https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_class_eventemitter
* The Readable class in the stream standard module
* @external Readable
* @see https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_readable_streams
* The Writable class in the stream standard module
* @external Writable
* @see https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_writable_streams
* The Duplex class in the stream standard module
* @external Duplex
* @see https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_duplex
* A serialization function
* @callback grpc~serialize
* @param {*} value The value to serialize
* @return {Buffer} The value serialized as a byte sequence
* A deserialization function
* @callback grpc~deserialize
* @param {Buffer} data The byte sequence to deserialize
* @return {*} The data deserialized as a value
* The deadline of an operation. If it is a date, the deadline is reached at
* the date and time specified. If it is a finite number, it is treated as
* a number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. If it is Infinity, the
* deadline will never be reached. If it is -Infinity, the deadline has already
* passed.
* @typedef {(number|Date)} grpc~Deadline
* An object that completely defines a service method signature.
* @typedef {Object} grpc~MethodDefinition
* @property {string} path The method's URL path
* @property {boolean} requestStream Indicates whether the method accepts
* a stream of requests
* @property {boolean} responseStream Indicates whether the method returns
* a stream of responses
* @property {grpc~serialize} requestSerialize Serialization
* function for request values
* @property {grpc~serialize} responseSerialize Serialization
* function for response values
* @property {grpc~deserialize} requestDeserialize Deserialization
* function for request data
* @property {grpc~deserialize} responseDeserialize Deserialization
* function for repsonse data
* @function MetadataListener
* @param {grpc.Metadata} metadata The response metadata.
* @param {function} next Passes metadata to the next interceptor.
* @function MessageListener
* @param {jspb.Message} message The response message.
* @param {function} next Passes a message to the next interceptor.
* @function StatusListener
* @param {grpc~StatusObject} status The response status.
* @param {function} next Passes a status to the next interceptor.
* A set of interceptor functions triggered by responses
* @typedef {object} grpc~Listener
* @property {MetadataListener=} onReceiveMetadata A function triggered by
* response metadata.
* @property {MessageListener=} onReceiveMessage A function triggered by a
* response message.
* @property {StatusListener=} onReceiveStatus A function triggered by a
* response status.
* @function MetadataRequester
* @param {grpc.Metadata} metadata The request metadata.
* @param {grpc~Listener} listener A listener wired to the previous layers
* in the interceptor stack.
* @param {function} next Passes metadata and a listener to the next
* interceptor.
* @function MessageRequester
* @param {jspb.Message} message The request message.
* @param {function} next Passes a message to the next interceptor.
* @function CloseRequester
* @param {function} next Calls the next interceptor.
* @function CancelRequester
* @param {function} next Calls the next interceptor.
* @function GetPeerRequester
* @param {function} next Calls the next interceptor.
* @return {string}
* @typedef {object} grpc~Requester
* @param {MetadataRequester=} start A function triggered when the call begins.
* @param {MessageRequester=} sendMessage A function triggered by the request
* message.
* @param {CloseRequester=} halfClose A function triggered when the client
* closes the call.
* @param {CancelRequester=} cancel A function triggered when the call is
* cancelled.
* @param {GetPeerRequester=} getPeer A function triggered when the endpoint is
* requested.
* An object that completely defines a service.
* @typedef {Object.<string, grpc~MethodDefinition>} grpc~ServiceDefinition
* An object that defines a package hierarchy with multiple services
* @typedef {Object.<string, grpc~ServiceDefinition>} grpc~PackageDefinition
* A function for dynamically assigning an interceptor to a call.
* @function InterceptorProvider
* @param {grpc~MethodDefinition} method_definition The method to provide
* an interceptor for.
* @return {Interceptor|null} The interceptor to provide or nothing
* A function which can modify call options and produce methods to intercept
* RPC operations.
* @function Interceptor
* @param {object} options The grpc call options
* @param {NextCall} nextCall
* @return {InterceptingCall}
* A function which produces the next InterceptingCall.
* @function NextCall
* @param {object} options The grpc call options
* @return {InterceptingCall|null}