/** * @license * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ /** * Credentials module * * This module contains factory methods for two different credential types: * CallCredentials and ChannelCredentials. ChannelCredentials are things like * SSL credentials that can be used to secure a connection, and are used to * construct a Client object. CallCredentials genrally modify metadata, so they * can be attached to an individual method call. * * CallCredentials can be composed with other CallCredentials to create * CallCredentials. ChannelCredentials can be composed with CallCredentials * to create ChannelCredentials. No combined credential can have more than * one ChannelCredentials. * * For example, to create a client secured with SSL that uses Google * default application credentials to authenticate: * * @example * var channel_creds = credentials.createSsl(root_certs); * (new GoogleAuth()).getApplicationDefault(function(err, credential) { * var call_creds = credentials.createFromGoogleCredential(credential); * var combined_creds = credentials.combineChannelCredentials( * channel_creds, call_creds); * var client = new Client(address, combined_creds); * }); * * @namespace grpc.credentials */ 'use strict'; var grpc = require('./grpc_extension'); /** * This cannot be constructed directly. Instead, instances of this class should * be created using the factory functions in {@link grpc.credentials} * @constructor grpc.credentials~CallCredentials */ var CallCredentials = grpc.CallCredentials; /** * This cannot be constructed directly. Instead, instances of this class should * be created using the factory functions in {@link grpc.credentials} * @constructor grpc.credentials~ChannelCredentials */ var ChannelCredentials = grpc.ChannelCredentials; var Metadata = require('./metadata.js'); var common = require('./common.js'); var constants = require('./constants'); /** * @external GoogleCredential * @see https://github.com/google/google-auth-library-nodejs */ const PEM_CERT_HEADER = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"; const PEM_CERT_FOOTER = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"; function wrapCheckServerIdentityCallback(callback) { return function(hostname, cert) { // Parse cert from pem to a version that matches the tls.checkServerIdentity // format. // https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_checkserveridentity_hostname_cert var pemHeaderIndex = cert.indexOf(PEM_CERT_HEADER); if (pemHeaderIndex === -1) { return new Error("Unable to parse certificate PEM."); } cert = cert.substring(pemHeaderIndex); var pemFooterIndex = cert.indexOf(PEM_CERT_FOOTER); if (pemFooterIndex === -1) { return new Error("Unable to parse certificate PEM."); } cert = cert.substring(PEM_CERT_HEADER.length, pemFooterIndex); var rawBuffer = new Buffer(cert.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", ""), "base64"); return callback(hostname, { raw: rawBuffer }); } } /** * Create an SSL Credentials object. If using a client-side certificate, both * the second and third arguments must be passed. Additional peer verification * options can be passed in the fourth argument as described below. * @memberof grpc.credentials * @alias grpc.credentials.createSsl * @kind function * @param {Buffer=} root_certs The root certificate data * @param {Buffer=} private_key The client certificate private key, if * applicable * @param {Buffer=} cert_chain The client certificate cert chain, if applicable * @param {Function} verify_options.checkServerIdentity Optional callback * receiving the expected hostname and peer certificate for additional * verification. The callback should return an Error if verification * fails and otherwise return undefined. * @return {grpc.credentials~ChannelCredentials} The SSL Credentials object */ exports.createSsl = function(root_certs, private_key, cert_chain, verify_options) { // The checkServerIdentity callback from gRPC core will receive the cert as a PEM. // To better match the checkServerIdentity callback of Node, we wrap the callback // to decode the PEM and populate a cert object. if (verify_options && verify_options.checkServerIdentity) { if (typeof verify_options.checkServerIdentity !== 'function') { throw new TypeError("Value of checkServerIdentity must be a function."); } // Make a shallow clone of verify_options so our modification of the callback // isn't reflected to the caller var updated_verify_options = Object.assign({}, verify_options); updated_verify_options.checkServerIdentity = wrapCheckServerIdentityCallback( verify_options.checkServerIdentity); arguments[3] = updated_verify_options; } return ChannelCredentials.createSsl.apply(this, arguments); } /** * @callback grpc.credentials~metadataCallback * @param {Error} error The error, if getting metadata failed * @param {grpc.Metadata} metadata The metadata */ /** * @callback grpc.credentials~generateMetadata * @param {Object} params Parameters that can modify metadata generation * @param {string} params.service_url The URL of the service that the call is * going to * @param {grpc.credentials~metadataCallback} callback */ /** * Create a gRPC credentials object from a metadata generation function. This * function gets the service URL and a callback as parameters. The error * passed to the callback can optionally have a 'code' value attached to it, * which corresponds to a status code that this library uses. * @memberof grpc.credentials * @alias grpc.credentials.createFromMetadataGenerator * @param {grpc.credentials~generateMetadata} metadata_generator The function * that generates metadata * @return {grpc.credentials~CallCredentials} The credentials object */ exports.createFromMetadataGenerator = function(metadata_generator) { return CallCredentials.createFromPlugin(function(service_url, cb_data, callback) { metadata_generator({service_url: service_url}, function(error, metadata) { var code = constants.status.OK; var message = ''; if (error) { message = error.message; if (error.hasOwnProperty('code') && Number.isFinite(error.code)) { code = error.code; } else { code = constants.status.UNAUTHENTICATED; } if (!metadata) { metadata = new Metadata(); } } callback(code, message, metadata._getCoreRepresentation(), cb_data); }); }); }; function getAuthorizationHeaderFromGoogleCredential(google_credential, url, callback) { // google-auth-library pre-v2.0.0 does not have getRequestHeaders // but has getRequestMetadata, which is deprecated in v2.0.0 if (typeof google_credential.getRequestHeaders === 'function') { google_credential.getRequestHeaders(url) .then(function(header) { callback(null, header.Authorization); }) .catch(function(err) { callback(err); return; }); } else { google_credential.getRequestMetadata(url, function(err, header) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } callback(null, header.Authorization); }); } } /** * Create a gRPC credential from a Google credential object. * @memberof grpc.credentials * @alias grpc.credentials.createFromGoogleCredential * @param {external:GoogleCredential} google_credential The Google credential * object to use * @return {grpc.credentials~CallCredentials} The resulting credentials object */ exports.createFromGoogleCredential = function(google_credential) { return exports.createFromMetadataGenerator(function(auth_context, callback) { var service_url = auth_context.service_url; getAuthorizationHeaderFromGoogleCredential(google_credential, service_url, function(err, authHeader) { if (err) { common.log(constants.logVerbosity.INFO, 'Auth error:' + err); callback(err); return; } var metadata = new Metadata(); metadata.add('authorization', authHeader); callback(null, metadata); }); }); }; /** * Combine a ChannelCredentials with any number of CallCredentials into a single * ChannelCredentials object. * @memberof grpc.credentials * @alias grpc.credentials.combineChannelCredentials * @param {grpc.credentials~ChannelCredentials} channel_credential The ChannelCredentials to * start with * @param {...grpc.credentials~CallCredentials} credentials The CallCredentials to compose * @return {grpc.credentials~ChannelCredentials} A credentials object that combines all of the * input credentials */ exports.combineChannelCredentials = function(channel_credential) { var current = channel_credential; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { current = current.compose(arguments[i]); } return current; }; /** * Combine any number of CallCredentials into a single CallCredentials object * @memberof grpc.credentials * @alias grpc.credentials.combineCallCredentials * @param {...grpc.credentials~CallCredentials} credentials The CallCredentials to compose * @return {grpc.credentials~CallCredentials} A credentials object that combines all of the input * credentials */ exports.combineCallCredentials = function() { var current = arguments[0]; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { current = current.compose(arguments[i]); } return current; }; /** * Create an insecure credentials object. This is used to create a channel that * does not use SSL. This cannot be composed with anything. * @memberof grpc.credentials * @alias grpc.credentials.createInsecure * @kind function * @return {grpc.credentials~ChannelCredentials} The insecure credentials object */ exports.createInsecure = ChannelCredentials.createInsecure;