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Produces graph of each value in expression.

  assert(a.name === 'bar')
         | |    |         
         | |    false     
         | "foo"          


`var DiagramRenderer = require('power-assert-renderer-diagram');`

#### options.stringify

| type       | default value |
| `function` | [stringifier module](https://github.com/twada/stringifier) |

Function to stringify any target value.

#### options.maxDepth

| type     | default value |
| `number` | `2`           |

Depth of object traversal. If object depth is greater than `maxDepth`, compound object (IOW, `Array` or `object`) will be pruned with `#` like `["foo",#Array#,#Object#]`.

#### options.lineSeparator

| type     | default value |
| `string` | `"\n"`        |

Line separator in power assert output.

#### options.anonymous

| type     | default value |
| `string` | `"Object"`    |

Type name to show when target object is created by anonymous constructor.

#### options.circular

| type     | default value   |
| `string` | `"#@Circular#"` |

Name to show when target object is detected as circular structure.

#### options.widthOf

| type       | default value |
| `function` | [power-assert-util-string-width](https://github.com/twada/power-assert-runtime/blob/master/packages/power-assert-util-string-width) |

Function to calculate width of string.

#### options.ambiguousEastAsianCharWidth

| type     | default value |
| `number` | `2`           |

Width of 'Ambiguous' characters defined in [Unicode Standard Annex \#11 EAST ASIAN WIDTH](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/#Ambiguous). Configure `options.ambiguousEastAsianCharWidth` to treat ambiguous east asian character as fullwidth (= `2`) or narrow (= `1`). Default is `2`.


$ npm install --save-dev power-assert-renderer-diagram

* [Takuto Wada](https://github.com/twada)

Licensed under the [MIT](https://github.com/twada/power-assert-runtime/blob/master/LICENSE) license.

[power-assert-url]: https://github.com/power-assert-js/power-assert
[power-assert-banner]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/power-assert-js/power-assert-js-logo/master/banner/banner-official-fullcolor.png

[travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/twada/power-assert-runtime
[travis-image]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/twada/power-assert-runtime.svg?branch=master

[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/power-assert-renderer-diagram
[npm-image]: https://badge.fury.io/js/power-assert-renderer-diagram.svg

[license-url]: https://github.com/twada/power-assert-runtime/blob/master/LICENSE
[license-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-brightgreen.svg