"use strict"; module.exports = parse; parse.filename = null; parse.defaults = { keepCase: false }; var tokenize = require("./tokenize"), Root = require("./root"), Type = require("./type"), Field = require("./field"), MapField = require("./mapfield"), OneOf = require("./oneof"), Enum = require("./enum"), Service = require("./service"), Method = require("./method"), types = require("./types"), util = require("./util"); var base10Re = /^[1-9][0-9]*$/, base10NegRe = /^-?[1-9][0-9]*$/, base16Re = /^0[x][0-9a-fA-F]+$/, base16NegRe = /^-?0[x][0-9a-fA-F]+$/, base8Re = /^0[0-7]+$/, base8NegRe = /^-?0[0-7]+$/, numberRe = /^(?![eE])[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$/, nameRe = /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$/, typeRefRe = /^(?:\.?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)(?:\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)*$/, fqTypeRefRe = /^(?:\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)+$/; /** * Result object returned from {@link parse}. * @interface IParserResult * @property {string|undefined} package Package name, if declared * @property {string[]|undefined} imports Imports, if any * @property {string[]|undefined} weakImports Weak imports, if any * @property {string|undefined} syntax Syntax, if specified (either `"proto2"` or `"proto3"`) * @property {Root} root Populated root instance */ /** * Options modifying the behavior of {@link parse}. * @interface IParseOptions * @property {boolean} [keepCase=false] Keeps field casing instead of converting to camel case * @property {boolean} [alternateCommentMode=false] Recognize double-slash comments in addition to doc-block comments. */ /** * Options modifying the behavior of JSON serialization. * @interface IToJSONOptions * @property {boolean} [keepComments=false] Serializes comments. */ /** * Parses the given .proto source and returns an object with the parsed contents. * @param {string} source Source contents * @param {Root} root Root to populate * @param {IParseOptions} [options] Parse options. Defaults to {@link parse.defaults} when omitted. * @returns {IParserResult} Parser result * @property {string} filename=null Currently processing file name for error reporting, if known * @property {IParseOptions} defaults Default {@link IParseOptions} */ function parse(source, root, options) { /* eslint-disable callback-return */ if (!(root instanceof Root)) { options = root; root = new Root(); } if (!options) options = parse.defaults; var tn = tokenize(source, options.alternateCommentMode || false), next = tn.next, push = tn.push, peek = tn.peek, skip = tn.skip, cmnt = tn.cmnt; var head = true, pkg, imports, weakImports, syntax, isProto3 = false; var ptr = root; var applyCase = options.keepCase ? function(name) { return name; } : util.camelCase; /* istanbul ignore next */ function illegal(token, name, insideTryCatch) { var filename = parse.filename; if (!insideTryCatch) parse.filename = null; return Error("illegal " + (name || "token") + " '" + token + "' (" + (filename ? filename + ", " : "") + "line " + tn.line + ")"); } function readString() { var values = [], token; do { /* istanbul ignore if */ if ((token = next()) !== "\"" && token !== "'") throw illegal(token); values.push(next()); skip(token); token = peek(); } while (token === "\"" || token === "'"); return values.join(""); } function readValue(acceptTypeRef) { var token = next(); switch (token) { case "'": case "\"": push(token); return readString(); case "true": case "TRUE": return true; case "false": case "FALSE": return false; } try { return parseNumber(token, /* insideTryCatch */ true); } catch (e) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (acceptTypeRef && typeRefRe.test(token)) return token; /* istanbul ignore next */ throw illegal(token, "value"); } } function readRanges(target, acceptStrings) { var token, start; do { if (acceptStrings && ((token = peek()) === "\"" || token === "'")) target.push(readString()); else target.push([ start = parseId(next()), skip("to", true) ? parseId(next()) : start ]); } while (skip(",", true)); skip(";"); } function parseNumber(token, insideTryCatch) { var sign = 1; if (token.charAt(0) === "-") { sign = -1; token = token.substring(1); } switch (token) { case "inf": case "INF": case "Inf": return sign * Infinity; case "nan": case "NAN": case "Nan": case "NaN": return NaN; case "0": return 0; } if (base10Re.test(token)) return sign * parseInt(token, 10); if (base16Re.test(token)) return sign * parseInt(token, 16); if (base8Re.test(token)) return sign * parseInt(token, 8); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (numberRe.test(token)) return sign * parseFloat(token); /* istanbul ignore next */ throw illegal(token, "number", insideTryCatch); } function parseId(token, acceptNegative) { switch (token) { case "max": case "MAX": case "Max": return 536870911; case "0": return 0; } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!acceptNegative && token.charAt(0) === "-") throw illegal(token, "id"); if (base10NegRe.test(token)) return parseInt(token, 10); if (base16NegRe.test(token)) return parseInt(token, 16); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (base8NegRe.test(token)) return parseInt(token, 8); /* istanbul ignore next */ throw illegal(token, "id"); } function parsePackage() { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (pkg !== undefined) throw illegal("package"); pkg = next(); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!typeRefRe.test(pkg)) throw illegal(pkg, "name"); ptr = ptr.define(pkg); skip(";"); } function parseImport() { var token = peek(); var whichImports; switch (token) { case "weak": whichImports = weakImports || (weakImports = []); next(); break; case "public": next(); // eslint-disable-line no-fallthrough default: whichImports = imports || (imports = []); break; } token = readString(); skip(";"); whichImports.push(token); } function parseSyntax() { skip("="); syntax = readString(); isProto3 = syntax === "proto3"; /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!isProto3 && syntax !== "proto2") throw illegal(syntax, "syntax"); skip(";"); } function parseCommon(parent, token) { switch (token) { case "option": parseOption(parent, token); skip(";"); return true; case "message": parseType(parent, token); return true; case "enum": parseEnum(parent, token); return true; case "service": parseService(parent, token); return true; case "extend": parseExtension(parent, token); return true; } return false; } function ifBlock(obj, fnIf, fnElse) { var trailingLine = tn.line; if (obj) { obj.comment = cmnt(); // try block-type comment obj.filename = parse.filename; } if (skip("{", true)) { var token; while ((token = next()) !== "}") fnIf(token); skip(";", true); } else { if (fnElse) fnElse(); skip(";"); if (obj && typeof obj.comment !== "string") obj.comment = cmnt(trailingLine); // try line-type comment if no block } } function parseType(parent, token) { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!nameRe.test(token = next())) throw illegal(token, "type name"); var type = new Type(token); ifBlock(type, function parseType_block(token) { if (parseCommon(type, token)) return; switch (token) { case "map": parseMapField(type, token); break; case "required": case "optional": case "repeated": parseField(type, token); break; case "oneof": parseOneOf(type, token); break; case "extensions": readRanges(type.extensions || (type.extensions = [])); break; case "reserved": readRanges(type.reserved || (type.reserved = []), true); break; default: /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!isProto3 || !typeRefRe.test(token)) throw illegal(token); push(token); parseField(type, "optional"); break; } }); parent.add(type); } function parseField(parent, rule, extend) { var type = next(); if (type === "group") { parseGroup(parent, rule); return; } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!typeRefRe.test(type)) throw illegal(type, "type"); var name = next(); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!nameRe.test(name)) throw illegal(name, "name"); name = applyCase(name); skip("="); var field = new Field(name, parseId(next()), type, rule, extend); ifBlock(field, function parseField_block(token) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (token === "option") { parseOption(field, token); skip(";"); } else throw illegal(token); }, function parseField_line() { parseInlineOptions(field); }); parent.add(field); // JSON defaults to packed=true if not set so we have to set packed=false explicity when // parsing proto2 descriptors without the option, where applicable. This must be done for // all known packable types and anything that could be an enum (= is not a basic type). if (!isProto3 && field.repeated && (types.packed[type] !== undefined || types.basic[type] === undefined)) field.setOption("packed", false, /* ifNotSet */ true); } function parseGroup(parent, rule) { var name = next(); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!nameRe.test(name)) throw illegal(name, "name"); var fieldName = util.lcFirst(name); if (name === fieldName) name = util.ucFirst(name); skip("="); var id = parseId(next()); var type = new Type(name); type.group = true; var field = new Field(fieldName, id, name, rule); field.filename = parse.filename; ifBlock(type, function parseGroup_block(token) { switch (token) { case "option": parseOption(type, token); skip(";"); break; case "required": case "optional": case "repeated": parseField(type, token); break; /* istanbul ignore next */ default: throw illegal(token); // there are no groups with proto3 semantics } }); parent.add(type) .add(field); } function parseMapField(parent) { skip("<"); var keyType = next(); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (types.mapKey[keyType] === undefined) throw illegal(keyType, "type"); skip(","); var valueType = next(); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!typeRefRe.test(valueType)) throw illegal(valueType, "type"); skip(">"); var name = next(); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!nameRe.test(name)) throw illegal(name, "name"); skip("="); var field = new MapField(applyCase(name), parseId(next()), keyType, valueType); ifBlock(field, function parseMapField_block(token) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (token === "option") { parseOption(field, token); skip(";"); } else throw illegal(token); }, function parseMapField_line() { parseInlineOptions(field); }); parent.add(field); } function parseOneOf(parent, token) { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!nameRe.test(token = next())) throw illegal(token, "name"); var oneof = new OneOf(applyCase(token)); ifBlock(oneof, function parseOneOf_block(token) { if (token === "option") { parseOption(oneof, token); skip(";"); } else { push(token); parseField(oneof, "optional"); } }); parent.add(oneof); } function parseEnum(parent, token) { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!nameRe.test(token = next())) throw illegal(token, "name"); var enm = new Enum(token); ifBlock(enm, function parseEnum_block(token) { switch(token) { case "option": parseOption(enm, token); skip(";"); break; case "reserved": readRanges(enm.reserved || (enm.reserved = []), true); break; default: parseEnumValue(enm, token); } }); parent.add(enm); } function parseEnumValue(parent, token) { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!nameRe.test(token)) throw illegal(token, "name"); skip("="); var value = parseId(next(), true), dummy = {}; ifBlock(dummy, function parseEnumValue_block(token) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (token === "option") { parseOption(dummy, token); // skip skip(";"); } else throw illegal(token); }, function parseEnumValue_line() { parseInlineOptions(dummy); // skip }); parent.add(token, value, dummy.comment); } function parseOption(parent, token) { var isCustom = skip("(", true); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!typeRefRe.test(token = next())) throw illegal(token, "name"); var name = token; if (isCustom) { skip(")"); name = "(" + name + ")"; token = peek(); if (fqTypeRefRe.test(token)) { name += token; next(); } } skip("="); parseOptionValue(parent, name); } function parseOptionValue(parent, name) { if (skip("{", true)) { // { a: "foo" b { c: "bar" } } do { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!nameRe.test(token = next())) throw illegal(token, "name"); if (peek() === "{") parseOptionValue(parent, name + "." + token); else { skip(":"); if (peek() === "{") parseOptionValue(parent, name + "." + token); else setOption(parent, name + "." + token, readValue(true)); } skip(",", true); } while (!skip("}", true)); } else setOption(parent, name, readValue(true)); // Does not enforce a delimiter to be universal } function setOption(parent, name, value) { if (parent.setOption) parent.setOption(name, value); } function parseInlineOptions(parent) { if (skip("[", true)) { do { parseOption(parent, "option"); } while (skip(",", true)); skip("]"); } return parent; } function parseService(parent, token) { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!nameRe.test(token = next())) throw illegal(token, "service name"); var service = new Service(token); ifBlock(service, function parseService_block(token) { if (parseCommon(service, token)) return; /* istanbul ignore else */ if (token === "rpc") parseMethod(service, token); else throw illegal(token); }); parent.add(service); } function parseMethod(parent, token) { var type = token; /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!nameRe.test(token = next())) throw illegal(token, "name"); var name = token, requestType, requestStream, responseType, responseStream; skip("("); if (skip("stream", true)) requestStream = true; /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!typeRefRe.test(token = next())) throw illegal(token); requestType = token; skip(")"); skip("returns"); skip("("); if (skip("stream", true)) responseStream = true; /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!typeRefRe.test(token = next())) throw illegal(token); responseType = token; skip(")"); var method = new Method(name, type, requestType, responseType, requestStream, responseStream); ifBlock(method, function parseMethod_block(token) { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (token === "option") { parseOption(method, token); skip(";"); } else throw illegal(token); }); parent.add(method); } function parseExtension(parent, token) { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!typeRefRe.test(token = next())) throw illegal(token, "reference"); var reference = token; ifBlock(null, function parseExtension_block(token) { switch (token) { case "required": case "repeated": case "optional": parseField(parent, token, reference); break; default: /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!isProto3 || !typeRefRe.test(token)) throw illegal(token); push(token); parseField(parent, "optional", reference); break; } }); } var token; while ((token = next()) !== null) { switch (token) { case "package": /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!head) throw illegal(token); parsePackage(); break; case "import": /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!head) throw illegal(token); parseImport(); break; case "syntax": /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!head) throw illegal(token); parseSyntax(); break; case "option": /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!head) throw illegal(token); parseOption(ptr, token); skip(";"); break; default: /* istanbul ignore else */ if (parseCommon(ptr, token)) { head = false; continue; } /* istanbul ignore next */ throw illegal(token); } } parse.filename = null; return { "package" : pkg, "imports" : imports, weakImports : weakImports, syntax : syntax, root : root }; } /** * Parses the given .proto source and returns an object with the parsed contents. * @name parse * @function * @param {string} source Source contents * @param {IParseOptions} [options] Parse options. Defaults to {@link parse.defaults} when omitted. * @returns {IParserResult} Parser result * @property {string} filename=null Currently processing file name for error reporting, if known * @property {IParseOptions} defaults Default {@link IParseOptions} * @variation 2 */