# ent Encode and decode HTML entities [](http://ci.testling.com/substack/node-ent) [](http://travis-ci.org/substack/node-ent) # example ``` js var ent = require('ent'); console.log(ent.encode('<span>©moo</span>')) console.log(ent.decode('π & ρ')); ``` ``` <span>©moo</span> π & ρ ```  # methods ``` js var ent = require('ent'); var encode = require('ent/encode'); var decode = require('ent/decode'); ``` ## encode(str, opts={}) Escape unsafe characters in `str` with html entities. By default, entities are encoded with numeric decimal codes. If `opts.numeric` is false or `opts.named` is true, encoding will used named codes like `π`. If `opts.special` is set to an Object, the key names will be forced to be encoded (defaults to forcing: `<>'"&`). For example: ``` js console.log(encode('hello', { special: { l: true } })); ``` ``` hello ``` ## decode(str) Convert html entities in `str` back to raw text. # credits HTML entity tables shamelessly lifted from perl's [HTML::Entities](http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/GAAS/HTML-Parser-3.68/lib/HTML/Entities.pm) # install With [npm](https://npmjs.org) do: ``` npm install ent ``` # license MIT