npm-index(7) -- Index of all npm documentation

### README(1)

a JavaScript package manager

## Command Line Documentation

Using npm on the command line

### npm(1)

javascript package manager

### npm-access(1)

Set access level on published packages

### npm-adduser(1)

Add a registry user account

### npm-audit(1)

Run a security audit

### npm-bin(1)

Display npm bin folder

### npm-bugs(1)

Bugs for a package in a web browser maybe

### npm-build(1)

Build a package

### npm-bundle(1)


### npm-cache(1)

Manipulates packages cache

### npm-ci(1)

Install a project with a clean slate

### npm-completion(1)

Tab Completion for npm

### npm-config(1)

Manage the npm configuration files

### npm-dedupe(1)

Reduce duplication

### npm-deprecate(1)

Deprecate a version of a package

### npm-dist-tag(1)

Modify package distribution tags

### npm-docs(1)

Docs for a package in a web browser maybe

### npm-doctor(1)

Check your environments

### npm-edit(1)

Edit an installed package

### npm-explore(1)

Browse an installed package

### npm-help-search(1)

Search npm help documentation

### npm-help(1)

Get help on npm

### npm-hook(1)

Manage registry hooks

### npm-init(1)

create a package.json file

### npm-install-ci-test(1)

Install a project with a clean slate and run tests

### npm-install-test(1)

Install package(s) and run tests

### npm-install(1)

Install a package

### npm-link(1)

Symlink a package folder

### npm-logout(1)

Log out of the registry

### npm-ls(1)

List installed packages

### npm-outdated(1)

Check for outdated packages

### npm-owner(1)

Manage package owners

### npm-pack(1)

Create a tarball from a package

### npm-ping(1)

Ping npm registry

### npm-prefix(1)

Display prefix

### npm-profile(1)

Change settings on your registry profile

### npm-prune(1)

Remove extraneous packages

### npm-publish(1)

Publish a package

### npm-rebuild(1)

Rebuild a package

### npm-repo(1)

Open package repository page in the browser

### npm-restart(1)

Restart a package

### npm-root(1)

Display npm root

### npm-run-script(1)

Run arbitrary package scripts

### npm-search(1)

Search for packages

### npm-shrinkwrap(1)

Lock down dependency versions for publication

### npm-star(1)

Mark your favorite packages

### npm-stars(1)

View packages marked as favorites

### npm-start(1)

Start a package

### npm-stop(1)

Stop a package

### npm-team(1)

Manage organization teams and team memberships

### npm-test(1)

Test a package

### npm-token(1)

Manage your authentication tokens

### npm-uninstall(1)

Remove a package

### npm-unpublish(1)

Remove a package from the registry

### npm-update(1)

Update a package

### npm-version(1)

Bump a package version

### npm-view(1)

View registry info

### npm-whoami(1)

Display npm username

## API Documentation

Using npm in your Node programs

## Files

File system structures npm uses

### npm-folders(5)

Folder Structures Used by npm

### npm-package-locks(5)

An explanation of npm lockfiles

### npm-shrinkwrap.json(5)

A publishable lockfile

### npmrc(5)

The npm config files

### package-lock.json(5)

A manifestation of the manifest

### package.json(5)

Specifics of npm's package.json handling

## Misc

Various other bits and bobs

### npm-coding-style(7)

npm's "funny" coding style

### npm-config(7)

More than you probably want to know about npm configuration

### npm-developers(7)

Developer Guide

### npm-disputes(7)

Handling Module Name Disputes

### npm-index(7)

Index of all npm documentation

### npm-orgs(7)

Working with Teams & Orgs

### npm-registry(7)

The JavaScript Package Registry

### npm-scope(7)

Scoped packages

### npm-scripts(7)

How npm handles the "scripts" field

### removing-npm(7)

Cleaning the Slate

### semver(7)

The semantic versioner for npm