'use strict' const BB = require('bluebird') const crypto = require('crypto') const hookApi = require('libnpmhook') const log = require('npmlog') const npm = require('./npm.js') const output = require('./utils/output.js') const pudding = require('figgy-pudding') const relativeDate = require('tiny-relative-date') const Table = require('cli-table3') const usage = require('./utils/usage.js') const validate = require('aproba') hook.usage = usage([ 'npm hook add <pkg> <url> <secret> [--type=<type>]', 'npm hook ls [pkg]', 'npm hook rm <id>', 'npm hook update <id> <url> <secret>' ]) hook.completion = (opts, cb) => { validate('OF', [opts, cb]) return cb(null, []) // fill in this array with completion values } const npmSession = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex') const hookConfig = pudding() function config () { return hookConfig({ refer: npm.refer, projectScope: npm.projectScope, log, npmSession }, npm.config) } module.exports = (args, cb) => BB.try(() => hook(args)).nodeify(cb) function hook (args) { switch (args[0]) { case 'add': return add(args[1], args[2], args[3]) case 'ls': return ls(args[1]) case 'rm': return rm(args[1]) case 'update': case 'up': return update(args[1], args[2], args[3]) } } function add (pkg, uri, secret) { return hookApi.add(pkg, uri, secret, config()) .then((hook) => { if (npm.config.get('json')) { output(JSON.stringify(hook, null, 2)) } else { output(`+ ${hookName(hook)} ${ npm.config.get('unicode') ? ' ➜ ' : ' -> ' } ${hook.endpoint}`) } }) } function ls (pkg) { return hookApi.ls(pkg, config()) .then((hooks) => { if (npm.config.get('json')) { output(JSON.stringify(hooks, null, 2)) } else if (!hooks.length) { output("You don't have any hooks configured yet.") } else { if (hooks.length === 1) { output('You have one hook configured.') } else { output(`You have ${hooks.length} hooks configured.`) } const table = new Table({head: ['id', 'target', 'endpoint']}) hooks.forEach((hook) => { table.push([ {rowSpan: 2, content: hook.id}, hookName(hook), hook.endpoint ]) if (hook.last_delivery) { table.push([ { colSpan: 1, content: `triggered ${relativeDate(hook.last_delivery)}` }, hook.response_code ]) } else { table.push([{colSpan: 2, content: 'never triggered'}]) } }) output(table.toString()) } }) } function rm (id) { return hookApi.rm(id, config()) .then((hook) => { if (npm.config.get('json')) { output(JSON.stringify(hook, null, 2)) } else { output(`- ${hookName(hook)} ${ npm.config.get('unicode') ? ' ✘ ' : ' X ' } ${hook.endpoint}`) } }) } function update (id, uri, secret) { return hookApi.update(id, uri, secret, config()) .then((hook) => { if (npm.config.get('json')) { output(JSON.stringify(hook, null, 2)) } else { output(`+ ${hookName(hook)} ${ npm.config.get('unicode') ? ' ➜ ' : ' -> ' } ${hook.endpoint}`) } }) } function hookName (hook) { let target = hook.name if (hook.type === 'scope') { target = '@' + target } if (hook.type === 'owner') { target = '~' + target } return target }