/* Set the width of the side navigation to 250px and the left margin of the page content to 250px and add a black background color to body */ function openNav() { document.getElementById("mySidenav").style.width = "250px"; document.getElementById("main").style.marginLeft = "250px"; document.body.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)"; } /* Set the width of the side navigation to 0 and the left margin of the page content to 0, and the background color of body to white */ function closeNav() { document.getElementById("mySidenav").style.width = "0"; document.getElementById("main").style.marginLeft = "0"; document.body.style.backgroundColor = "white"; } window.onload = function() { document.getElementById('sideload').style.display = 'block'; var config = { apiKey: "(insert the TitanScout Api Key Here)", authDomain: "titanscoutandroid.firebaseapp.com", databaseURL: "https://titanscoutandroid.firebaseio.com", projectId: "titanscoutandroid", storageBucket: "titanscoutandroid.appspot.com", messagingSenderId: "1097635313476" }; //eventually find a less-jank way to do this tho firebase.initializeApp(config); firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) { if (user != null) { if (user.displayName != null) { document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "You are signed in as: " + user.displayName; } else if (user.email != null) { document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "You are signed in as: " + user.email; } else if (user.phoneNumber != null) { document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "You are signed in as: " + user.phoneNumber; } else { document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "You are signed in."; } } else { window.location.replace('../../'); } teamAssoc = firebase.firestore().collection('UserAssociations').doc(user.uid); teamAssoc.get().then(function(doc) { if (doc.exists) { list = doc.data() teamNums = Object.keys(list) document.getElementById('tns').innerHTML = "" for (var i = 0; i < teamNums.length; i++) { document.getElementById('tns').innerHTML += "" } } else {} }).then(function() { changeTeam(document.getElementById('tns').value) }) }); } function changeTeam(teamNum) { document.getElementById("matchTable").innerHTML = ` Match Number Series Far Blue Mid Blue Near Blue Far Red Mid Red Near Red `; ti = firebase.firestore().collection('teamData').doc("team-" + teamNum); currentComp = null; ti.get().then(function(doc) { if (doc.exists) { info = doc.data(); currentComp = info['currentCompetition']; } else { alert("Something's wrong with firebase."); throw ("Something's wrong with firebase."); } }).then(function() { cci = firebase.firestore().collection('matchSignupsTeam').doc("team-" + teamNum).collection('competitions').doc(currentComp); cci.get().then(function(doc) { if (doc.exists) { compInfo = doc.data(); matches = Object.keys(compInfo); matches.sort(); var nr = [], mr = [], fr = [], nb = [], mb = [], fb = []; for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { mi = compInfo["match-" + (i + 1).toString()] //sets up the table lists. i really hope it doesn't break. for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (mi['far-blue']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()] != null) { fb.push(mi['far-blue']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()]); } else { fb.push(`open`); } if (mi['mid-blue']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()] != null) { mb.push(mi['mid-blue']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()]); } else { mb.push(`open`); } if (mi['near-blue']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()] != null) { nb.push(mi['near-blue']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()]); } else { nb.push(`open`); } if (mi['far-red']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()] != null) { fr.push(mi['far-red']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()]); } else { fr.push(`open`); } if (mi['mid-red']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()] != null) { mr.push(mi['mid-red']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()]); } else { mr.push(`open`); } if (mi['near-red']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()] != null) { nr.push(mi['near-red']['series-' + (j + 1).toString()]); } else { nr.push(`open`) } } var outstr = ""; outstr += "Quals " + (i + 1).toString() + ""; outstr += "Series 1"; outstr += "" + fb[0] + ""; outstr += "" + mb[0] + ""; outstr += "" + nb[0] + ""; outstr += "" + fr[0] + ""; outstr += "" + mr[0] + ""; outstr += "" + nr[0] + ""; outstr += "" for (var k = 1; k < 2; k++) { outstr += ""; outstr += "Series " + (k + 1).toString() + ""; outstr += "" + fb[k] + ""; outstr += "" + mb[k] + ""; outstr += "" + nb[k] + ""; outstr += "" + fr[k] + ""; outstr += "" + mr[k] + ""; outstr += "" + nr[k] + ""; outstr += "" } document.getElementById('matchTable').innerHTML += outstr; } } }); }); } function addMatch(matchNum, seriesNum, position) { var success = false; var teamNum = document.getElementById('tns').value var user = firebase.auth().currentUser; var name = "anon" if (user.displayName != null) { name = user.displayName; } else if (user.email != null) { name = user.email; } else if (user.phoneNumber != null) { name = user.phoneNumber; } ti = firebase.firestore().collection('teamData').doc("team-" + teamNum); currentComp = null; ti.get().then(function(doc) { if (doc.exists) { info = doc.data(); currentComp = info['currentCompetition']; } else { alert("Something's wrong with firebase."); throw ("Something's wrong with firebase."); } }).then(function() { cci = firebase.firestore().collection('matchSignupsTeam').doc("team-" + teamNum).collection('competitions').doc(currentComp); cci.get().then(function(doc) { if (doc.exists) { info = doc.data(); match = info["match-" + matchNum.toString()]; pos = match[position]; occ = pos["series-" + seriesNum.toString()]; if (occ == null) { info["match-" + matchNum.toString()][position]["series-" + seriesNum.toString()] = name; firebase.firestore().collection('matchSignupsTeam').doc("team-" + teamNum).collection('competitions').doc(currentComp).set(info) success = true; } else { alert(occ + "has added that match first.") setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = '../signUps'; }, 500); } } }).then(function() { if (success) { ti = firebase.firestore().collection('matchSignupsIndividual').doc(user.uid).collection("team-" + teamNum).doc(currentComp); var push = {} push["match-" + matchNum.toString() + " " + position] = { 'completed': false, 'series': seriesNum.toString() } ti.set(push, { merge: true }).then(function() { alert('Added!') setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = '../signUps'; }, 500); }); } }); }); }