npm-restart(1) -- Restart a package =================================== ## SYNOPSIS npm restart [-- <args>] ## DESCRIPTION This restarts a package. This runs a package's "stop", "restart", and "start" scripts, and associated pre- and post- scripts, in the order given below: 1. prerestart 2. prestop 3. stop 4. poststop 5. restart 6. prestart 7. start 8. poststart 9. postrestart ## NOTE Note that the "restart" script is run **in addition to** the "stop" and "start" scripts, not instead of them. This is the behavior as of `npm` major version 2. A change in this behavior will be accompanied by an increase in major version number ## SEE ALSO * npm-run-script(1) * npm-scripts(7) * npm-test(1) * npm-start(1) * npm-stop(1) * npm-restart(3)