# Mime
A comprehensive, compact MIME type module.
## Version 2 Notes
Version 2 is a breaking change from 1.x as the semver implies. Specifically:
* `lookup()` renamed to `getType()`
* `extension()` renamed to `getExtension()`
* `charset()` and `load()` methods have been removed
If you prefer the legacy version of this module please `npm install mime@^1`. Version 1 docs may be found [here](https://github.com/broofa/node-mime/tree/v1.4.0).
## Install
### NPM
npm install mime
### Browser
It is recommended that you use a bundler such as
[webpack](https://webpack.github.io/) or [browserify](http://browserify.org/) to
package your code. However, browser-ready versions are available via wzrd.in.
E.g. For the full version: