# retry-axios

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Use Axios interceptors to automatically retry failed requests.  Super flexible. Built in exponential backoff.

## Installation

``` sh
npm install retry-axios

## Usage

To use this library, import it alongside of `axios`:

// Just import rax and your favorite version of axios
const rax = require('retry-axios');
const {axios} = require('axios');

You can attach to the global `axios` object, and retry 3 times by default:

const interceptorId = rax.attach();
const res = await axios('https://test.local');

Or you can create your own axios instance to make scoped requests:

const myAxiosInstance = axios.create();
myAxiosInstance.defaults = {
  raxConfig: {
    instance: myAxiosInstance
const interceptorId = rax.attach(myAxiosInstance);
const res = await myAxiosInstance.get('https://test.local');

You have a lot of options...

const interceptorId = rax.attach();
const res = await axios({
  url: 'https://test.local',
  raxConfig: {
    // Retry 3 times on requests that return a response (500, etc) before giving up.  Defaults to 3.
    retry: 3,

    // Retry twice on errors that don't return a response (ENOTFOUND, ETIMEDOUT, etc).
    noResponseRetries: 2,

    // Milliseconds to delay at first.  Defaults to 100.
    retryDelay: 100,

    // HTTP methods to automatically retry.  Defaults to:
    // ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE', 'PUT']
    httpMethodsToRetry: ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE', 'PUT'],

    // The response status codes to retry.  Supports a double
    // array with a list of ranges.  Defaults to:
    // [[100, 199], [429, 429], [500, 599]]
    httpStatusCodesToRetry: [[100, 199], [429, 429], [500, 599]],

    // If you are using a non static instance of Axios you need
    // to pass that instance here (const ax = axios.create())
    instance: ax,

    // You can detect when a retry is happening, and figure out how many
    // retry attempts have been made
    onRetryAttempt: (err) => {
      const cfg = rax.getConfig(err);
      console.log(`Retry attempt #${cfg.currentRetryAttempt}`);

Or if you want, you can just decide if it should retry or not:

const res = await axios({
  url: 'https://test.local',
  raxConfig: {
    // Override the decision making process on if you should retry
    shouldRetry: (err) => {
      const cfg = rax.getConfig(err);
      return true;

## How it works

This library attaches an `interceptor` to an axios instance you pass to the API.  This way you get to choose which version of `axios` you want to run, and you can compose many interceptors on the same request pipeline.

## License

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[greenkeeper-image]: https://badges.greenkeeper.io/JustinBeckwith/retry-axios.svg
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[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/retry-axios
[snyk-image]: https://snyk.io/test/github/JustinBeckwith/retry-axios/badge.svg
[snyk-url]: https://snyk.io/test/github/JustinBeckwith/retry-axios