import * as firebase from 'firebase-admin'; import { CloudFunction, Change, EventContext } from '../cloud-functions'; export declare type DocumentSnapshot = firebase.firestore.DocumentSnapshot; /** * Select the Firestore document to listen to for events. * @param path Full database path to listen to. This includes the name of * the collection that the document is a part of. For example, if the * collection is named "users" and the document is named "Ada", then the * path is "/users/Ada". */ export declare function document(path: string): DocumentBuilder; export declare class DatabaseBuilder { private database; private opts; namespace(namespace: string): NamespaceBuilder; document(path: string): DocumentBuilder; } export declare class NamespaceBuilder { private database; private opts; private namespace; document(path: string): DocumentBuilder; } export declare class DocumentBuilder { private triggerResource; private opts; /** Respond to all document writes (creates, updates, or deletes). */ onWrite(handler: (change: Change<DocumentSnapshot>, context: EventContext) => PromiseLike<any> | any): CloudFunction<Change<DocumentSnapshot>>; /** Respond only to document updates. */ onUpdate(handler: (change: Change<DocumentSnapshot>, context: EventContext) => PromiseLike<any> | any): CloudFunction<Change<DocumentSnapshot>>; /** Respond only to document creations. */ onCreate(handler: (snapshot: DocumentSnapshot, context: EventContext) => PromiseLike<any> | any): CloudFunction<DocumentSnapshot>; /** Respond only to document deletions. */ onDelete(handler: (snapshot: DocumentSnapshot, context: EventContext) => PromiseLike<any> | any): CloudFunction<DocumentSnapshot>; private onOperation<T>(handler, eventType, dataConstructor); }