#Titan Robotics Team 2022: Super Script #Written by Arthur Lu & Jacob Levine #Notes: #setup: __version__ = "" __changelog__ = """changelog: - grammar fixes - actually pushes to firebase - processes data more efficiently - actually processes data - added data reading from folder - nearly crashed computer reading from 20 GiB of data - added data reading from file - added superstructure to code - added import statements (revolutionary) """ __author__ = ( "Arthur Lu , " "Jacob Levine ," ) import firebase_admin from firebase_admin import credentials from firebase_admin import firestore import analysis import titanlearn import visualization import os import glob import numpy as np def titanservice(): # Use a service account cred = credentials.Certificate('keys/firebasekey.json') firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred) db = firestore.client() #get all the data analysis.generate_data("data/bdata.csv", 100, 5, -10, 10) source_dir = 'data' file_list = glob.glob(source_dir + '/*.csv') #supposedly sorts by alphabetical order, skips reading teams.csv because of redundancy data = [] files = [fn for fn in glob.glob('data/*.csv') if not os.path.basename(fn).startswith('teams')] #for file_path in file_list: # if not os.path.basename(file_list).startswith("teams") # data.append(analysis.load_csv(file_path)) for i in files: data.append(analysis.load_csv(i)) stats = [] measure_stats = [] teams = analysis.load_csv("data/teams.csv") #assumes that team number is in the first column, and that the order of teams is the same across all files #unhelpful comment for measure in data: #unpacks 3d array into 2ds measure_stats = [] for i in range(len(measure)): #unpacks into specific teams ofbest_curve = [None] r2best_curve = [None] line = measure[i] #print(line) x = list(range(len(line))) eqs, rmss, r2s, overfit = analysis.optimize_regression(x, line, 10, 1) beqs, brmss, br2s, boverfit = analysis.select_best_regression(eqs, rmss, r2s, overfit, "min_overfit") #print(eqs, rmss, r2s, overfit) ofbest_curve.append(beqs) ofbest_curve.append(brmss) ofbest_curve.append(br2s) ofbest_curve.append(boverfit) ofbest_curve.pop(0) #print(ofbest_curve) beqs, brmss, br2s, boverfit = analysis.select_best_regression(eqs, rmss, r2s, overfit, "max_r2s") r2best_curve.append(beqs) r2best_curve.append(brmss) r2best_curve.append(br2s) r2best_curve.append(boverfit) r2best_curve.pop(0) #print(r2best_curve) measure_stats.append(teams[i] + ["|"] + list(analysis.basic_stats(line, 0, 0)) + ["|"] + list(analysis.histo_analysis(line, 1, -3, 3)) + ["|"] + ofbest_curve + ["|"] + r2best_curve) stats.append(list(measure_stats)) json_out = {} for i in range(len(stats)): json_out[files[i]]=str(stats[i]) print(json_out) db.collection(u'stats').document(u'stats-noNN').set(json_out)