====== Probably the sole command line option parser you'll ever need to <del>`npm install optjs`</del> Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V. Proof: ```js function opt(argv) { var opt={},arg,p;argv=Array.prototype.slice.call(argv||process.argv);for(var i=2;i<argv.length;i++)if(argv[i].charAt(0)=='-') ((p=(arg=(""+argv.splice(i--,1)).replace(/^[\-]+/,'')).indexOf("="))>0?opt[arg.substring(0,p)]=arg.substring(p+1):opt[arg]=true); return {'node':argv[0],'script':argv[1],'argv':argv.slice(2),'opt':opt}; } ``` Usage ----- ```js var opt = require("optjs")(); console.log(opt.node); // Path to node executable console.log(opt.script); // Path to the current script console.log(opt.opt); // Command line options as a hash console.log(opt.argv); // Remaining non-option arguments ``` Example ------- `node somescript.js foo -a=1 -b --c="hello world" bar ----d` ```js // Result opt.node == "/path/to/node[.exe]" opt.script == "/path/to/somescript.js" opt.opt == { a: 1, b: true, c: "hello world", d: true } opt.argv == ["foo", "bar"] ``` Full-featured test suite ------------------------ ```js #!/usr/bin/env node console.log(require("./opt.js")()); ``` License ------- MIT