Google Cloud Platform logo # [Google Cloud Storage: Node.js Client]( [![release level](]( [![CircleCI](]( [![AppVeyor](]( [![codecov](]( > Node.js idiomatic client for [Cloud Storage][product-docs]. [Cloud Storage]( allows world-wide storage and retrieval of any amount of data at any time. You can use Google Cloud Storage for a range of scenarios including serving website content, storing data for archival and disaster recovery, or distributing large data objects to users via direct download. * [Cloud Storage Node.js Client API Reference][client-docs] * []( * [Cloud Storage Documentation][product-docs] Read more about the client libraries for Cloud APIs, including the older Google APIs Client Libraries, in [Client Libraries Explained][explained]. [explained]: **Table of contents:** * [Quickstart](#quickstart) * [Before you begin](#before-you-begin) * [Installing the client library](#installing-the-client-library) * [Using the client library](#using-the-client-library) * [Samples](#samples) * [Versioning](#versioning) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [License](#license) ## Quickstart ### Before you begin 1. Select or create a Cloud Platform project. [Go to the projects page][projects] 1. Enable billing for your project. [Enable billing][billing] 1. Enable the Google Cloud Storage API. [Enable the API][enable_api] 1. [Set up authentication with a service account][auth] so you can access the API from your local workstation. [projects]: [billing]: [enable_api]: [auth]: ### Installing the client library npm install --save @google-cloud/storage ### Using the client library ```javascript // Imports the Google Cloud client library const Storage = require('@google-cloud/storage'); // Your Google Cloud Platform project ID const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'; // Creates a client const storage = new Storage({ projectId: projectId, }); // The name for the new bucket const bucketName = 'my-new-bucket'; // Creates the new bucket storage .createBucket(bucketName) .then(() => { console.log(`Bucket ${bucketName} created.`); }) .catch(err => { console.error('ERROR:', err); }); ``` ## Samples Samples are in the [`samples/`]( directory. The samples' `` has instructions for running the samples. | Sample | Source Code | Try it | | --------------------------- | --------------------------------- | ------ | | ACL (Access Control Lists) | [source code]( | [![Open in Cloud Shell][shell_img]](,samples/ | | Buckets | [source code]( | [![Open in Cloud Shell][shell_img]](,samples/ | | Encryption | [source code]( | [![Open in Cloud Shell][shell_img]](,samples/ | | Files | [source code]( | [![Open in Cloud Shell][shell_img]](,samples/ | | Notifications | [source code]( | [![Open in Cloud Shell][shell_img]](,samples/ | | Requester Pays | [source code]( | [![Open in Cloud Shell][shell_img]](,samples/ | The [Cloud Storage Node.js Client API Reference][client-docs] documentation also contains samples. ## Versioning This library follows [Semantic Versioning]( This library is considered to be **General Availability (GA)**. This means it is stable; the code surface will not change in backwards-incompatible ways unless absolutely necessary (e.g. because of critical security issues) or with an extensive deprecation period. Issues and requests against **GA** libraries are addressed with the highest priority. More Information: [Google Cloud Platform Launch Stages][launch_stages] [launch_stages]: ## Contributing Contributions welcome! See the [Contributing Guide]( ## License Apache Version 2.0 See [LICENSE]( [client-docs]: [product-docs]: [shell_img]: //