# Titan Robotics Team 2022: Superscript Script # Written by Arthur Lu & Jacob Levine # Notes: # setup: __version__ = "" # changelog should be viewed using print(analysis.__changelog__) __changelog__ = """changelog: - integrated get_team_rankings.py as get_team_metrics() function - integrated visualize_pit.py as graph_pit_histogram() function - bug fixes with analysis.Metric() calls - modified metric functions to use config.json defined default values - removed main function - changed load_config function - added save_config function - added load_match function - renamed simpleloop to matchloop - moved simplestats function inside matchloop - renamed load_metrics to load_metric - renamed metricsloop to metricloop - split push to database functions amon push_match, push_metric, push_pit - moved - made changes due to refactoring of analysis - text fixes - removed matplotlib requirement - improved user interface - removed unessasary code - fixed bug where X range for regression was determined before sanitization - better sanitized data - fixed spelling issue in __changelog__ - addressed nan bug in regression - fixed errors on line 335 with metrics calling incorrect key "glicko2" - fixed errors in metrics computing - added analysis to pit data - minor stability patches - implemented db syncing for timestamps - fixed bugs - finalized testing and small fixes - finished metrics implement, trueskill is bugged - working - started implement of metrics - cleaned up imports - tested working, can push to database - tested working - prints out stats for the time being, will push to database later - added data import - removed tba import - finished main method - added load_config - optimized simpleloop for readibility - added __all__ entries - added simplestats engine - pending testing - fixes - imported pickle - created custom database object - fixed simpleloop to actually return a vector - added metricsloop which is unfinished - added simpleloop which is untested until data is provided - created script - added analysis, numba, numpy imports """ __author__ = ( "Arthur Lu ", "Jacob Levine ", ) __all__ = [ "load_config", "save_config", "get_previous_time", "load_match", "matchloop", "load_metric", "metricloop", "load_pit", "pitloop", "push_match", "push_metric", "push_pit", ] # imports: from tra_analysis import analysis as an import data as d import json import numpy as np from os import system, name from pathlib import Path import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time import warnings def load_config(file): config_vector = {} with open(file) as f: config_vector = json.load(f) return config_vector def save_config(file, config_vector): with open(file) as f: json.dump(config_vector, f) def get_previous_time(apikey): previous_time = d.get_analysis_flags(apikey, "latest_update") if previous_time == None: d.set_analysis_flags(apikey, "latest_update", 0) previous_time = 0 else: previous_time = previous_time["latest_update"] return previous_time def load_match(apikey, competition): return d.get_match_data_formatted(apikey, competition) def matchloop(apikey, competition, data, tests): # expects 3D array with [Team][Variable][Match] def simplestats(data, test): data = np.array(data) data = data[np.isfinite(data)] ranges = list(range(len(data))) if test == "basic_stats": return an.basic_stats(data) if test == "historical_analysis": return an.histo_analysis([ranges, data]) if test == "regression_linear": return an.regression(ranges, data, ['lin']) if test == "regression_logarithmic": return an.regression(ranges, data, ['log']) if test == "regression_exponential": return an.regression(ranges, data, ['exp']) if test == "regression_polynomial": return an.regression(ranges, data, ['ply']) if test == "regression_sigmoidal": return an.regression(ranges, data, ['sig']) return_vector = {} for team in data: variable_vector = {} for variable in data[team]: test_vector = {} variable_data = data[team][variable] if variable in tests: for test in tests[variable]: test_vector[test] = simplestats(variable_data, test) else: pass variable_vector[variable] = test_vector return_vector[team] = variable_vector push_match(apikey, competition, return_vector) def load_metric(apikey, competition, match, group_name, metrics): group = {} for team in match[group_name]: db_data = d.get_team_metrics_data(apikey, competition, team) if d.get_team_metrics_data(apikey, competition, team) == None: elo = {"score": metrics["elo"]["score"]} gl2 = {"score": metrics["gl2"]["score"], "rd": metrics["gl2"]["rd"], "vol": metrics["gl2"]["vol"]} ts = {"mu": metrics["ts"]["mu"], "sigma": metrics["ts"]["sigma"]} group[team] = {"elo": elo, "gl2": gl2, "ts": ts} else: metrics = db_data["metrics"] elo = metrics["elo"] gl2 = metrics["gl2"] ts = metrics["ts"] group[team] = {"elo": elo, "gl2": gl2, "ts": ts} return group def metricloop(tbakey, apikey, competition, timestamp, metrics): # listener based metrics update elo_N = metrics["elo"]["N"] elo_K = metrics["elo"]["K"] matches = d.pull_new_tba_matches(tbakey, competition, timestamp) red = {} blu = {} for match in matches: red = load_metric(apikey, competition, match, "red", metrics) blu = load_metric(apikey, competition, match, "blue", metrics) elo_red_total = 0 elo_blu_total = 0 gl2_red_score_total = 0 gl2_blu_score_total = 0 gl2_red_rd_total = 0 gl2_blu_rd_total = 0 gl2_red_vol_total = 0 gl2_blu_vol_total = 0 for team in red: elo_red_total += red[team]["elo"]["score"] gl2_red_score_total += red[team]["gl2"]["score"] gl2_red_rd_total += red[team]["gl2"]["rd"] gl2_red_vol_total += red[team]["gl2"]["vol"] for team in blu: elo_blu_total += blu[team]["elo"]["score"] gl2_blu_score_total += blu[team]["gl2"]["score"] gl2_blu_rd_total += blu[team]["gl2"]["rd"] gl2_blu_vol_total += blu[team]["gl2"]["vol"] red_elo = {"score": elo_red_total / len(red)} blu_elo = {"score": elo_blu_total / len(blu)} red_gl2 = {"score": gl2_red_score_total / len(red), "rd": gl2_red_rd_total / len(red), "vol": gl2_red_vol_total / len(red)} blu_gl2 = {"score": gl2_blu_score_total / len(blu), "rd": gl2_blu_rd_total / len(blu), "vol": gl2_blu_vol_total / len(blu)} if match["winner"] == "red": observations = {"red": 1, "blu": 0} elif match["winner"] == "blue": observations = {"red": 0, "blu": 1} else: observations = {"red": 0.5, "blu": 0.5} red_elo_delta = an.Metric().elo(red_elo["score"], blu_elo["score"], observations["red"], elo_N, elo_K) - red_elo["score"] blu_elo_delta = an.Metric().elo(blu_elo["score"], red_elo["score"], observations["blu"], elo_N, elo_K) - blu_elo["score"] new_red_gl2_score, new_red_gl2_rd, new_red_gl2_vol = an.Metric().glicko2(red_gl2["score"], red_gl2["rd"], red_gl2["vol"], [blu_gl2["score"]], [blu_gl2["rd"]], [observations["red"], observations["blu"]]) new_blu_gl2_score, new_blu_gl2_rd, new_blu_gl2_vol = an.Metric().glicko2(blu_gl2["score"], blu_gl2["rd"], blu_gl2["vol"], [red_gl2["score"]], [red_gl2["rd"]], [observations["blu"], observations["red"]]) red_gl2_delta = {"score": new_red_gl2_score - red_gl2["score"], "rd": new_red_gl2_rd - red_gl2["rd"], "vol": new_red_gl2_vol - red_gl2["vol"]} blu_gl2_delta = {"score": new_blu_gl2_score - blu_gl2["score"], "rd": new_blu_gl2_rd - blu_gl2["rd"], "vol": new_blu_gl2_vol - blu_gl2["vol"]} for team in red: red[team]["elo"]["score"] = red[team]["elo"]["score"] + red_elo_delta red[team]["gl2"]["score"] = red[team]["gl2"]["score"] + red_gl2_delta["score"] red[team]["gl2"]["rd"] = red[team]["gl2"]["rd"] + red_gl2_delta["rd"] red[team]["gl2"]["vol"] = red[team]["gl2"]["vol"] + red_gl2_delta["vol"] for team in blu: blu[team]["elo"]["score"] = blu[team]["elo"]["score"] + blu_elo_delta blu[team]["gl2"]["score"] = blu[team]["gl2"]["score"] + blu_gl2_delta["score"] blu[team]["gl2"]["rd"] = blu[team]["gl2"]["rd"] + blu_gl2_delta["rd"] blu[team]["gl2"]["vol"] = blu[team]["gl2"]["vol"] + blu_gl2_delta["vol"] temp_vector = {} temp_vector.update(red) temp_vector.update(blu) push_metric(apikey, competition, temp_vector) def load_pit(apikey, competition): return d.get_pit_data_formatted(apikey, competition) def pitloop(apikey, competition, pit, tests): return_vector = {} for team in pit: for variable in pit[team]: if variable in tests: if not variable in return_vector: return_vector[variable] = [] return_vector[variable].append(pit[team][variable]) push_pit(apikey, competition, return_vector) def push_match(apikey, competition, results): for team in results: d.push_team_tests_data(apikey, competition, team, results[team]) def push_metric(apikey, competition, metric): for team in metric: d.push_team_metrics_data(apikey, competition, team, metric[team]) def push_pit(apikey, competition, pit): for variable in pit: d.push_team_pit_data(apikey, competition, variable, pit[variable]) def get_team_metrics(apikey, tbakey, competition): metrics = d.get_metrics_data_formatted(apikey, competition) elo = {} gl2 = {} for team in metrics: elo[team] = metrics[team]["metrics"]["elo"]["score"] gl2[team] = metrics[team]["metrics"]["gl2"]["score"] elo = {k: v for k, v in sorted(elo.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])} gl2 = {k: v for k, v in sorted(gl2.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])} elo_ranked = [] for team in elo: elo_ranked.append({"team": str(team), "elo": str(elo[team])}) gl2_ranked = [] for team in gl2: gl2_ranked.append({"team": str(team), "gl2": str(gl2[team])}) return {"elo-ranks": elo_ranked, "glicko2-ranks": gl2_ranked} def graph_pit_histogram(apikey, competition, figsize=(80,15)): pit = d.get_pit_variable_formatted(apikey, competition) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(pit), sharey=True, figsize=figsize) i = 0 for variable in pit: ax[i].hist(pit[variable]) ax[i].invert_xaxis() ax[i].set_xlabel('') ax[i].set_ylabel('Frequency') ax[i].set_title(variable) plt.yticks(np.arange(len(pit[variable]))) i+=1 plt.show()