# Titan Robotics Team 2022: Expression submodule # Written by Arthur Lu # Notes: # this should be imported as a python module using 'from tra_analysis import equation' # setup: __version__ = "0.0.1-alpha" __changelog__ = """changelog: 0.0.1-alpha: - took items from equation.ipynb and ported here """ __author__ = ( "Arthur Lu ", ) import re from decimal import Decimal from functools import reduce class Expression: def __init__(self, string): self.string = string def add(self, string): while(len(re.findall("[+]{1}[-]?", string)) != 0): string = re.sub("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[+]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", str("%f" % reduce((lambda x, y: x + y), [Decimal(i) for i in re.split("[+]{1}", re.search("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[+]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", string).group())])), string, 1) return string def sub(self, string): while(len(re.findall("\d+[.]?\d*[-]{1,2}\d+[.]?\d*", string)) != 0): g = re.search("\d+[.]?\d*[-]{1,2}\d+[.]?\d*", string).group() if(re.search("[-]{1,2}", g).group() == "-"): r = re.sub("[-]{1}", "+-", g, 1) string = re.sub(g, r, string, 1) elif(re.search("[-]{1,2}", g).group() == "--"): r = re.sub("[-]{2}", "+", g, 1) string = re.sub(g, r, string, 1) else: pass return string def mul(self, string): while(len(re.findall("[*]{1}[-]?", string)) != 0): string = re.sub("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[*]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", str("%f" % reduce((lambda x, y: x * y), [Decimal(i) for i in re.split("[*]{1}", re.search("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[*]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", string).group())])), string, 1) return string def div(self, string): while(len(re.findall("[/]{1}[-]?", string)) != 0): string = re.sub("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[/]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", str("%f" % reduce((lambda x, y: x / y), [Decimal(i) for i in re.split("[/]{1}", re.search("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[/]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", string).group())])), string, 1) return string def exp(self, string): while(len(re.findall("[\^]{1}[-]?", string)) != 0): string = re.sub("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[\^]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", str("%f" % reduce((lambda x, y: x ** y), [Decimal(i) for i in re.split("[\^]{1}", re.search("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[\^]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", string).group())])), string, 1) return string def evaluate(self): string = self.string string = self.exp(string) string = self.div(string) string = self.mul(string) string = self.sub(string) string = self.add(string) return string