'use strict'; var Emitter = require('events').EventEmitter, util = require('util'), streams = require('../streams'), Headers = require('./headers'), Reader = require('./stream_reader'); var Base = function(request, url, options) { Emitter.call(this); Base.validateOptions(options || {}, ['maxLength', 'masking', 'requireMasking', 'protocols']); this._request = request; this._reader = new Reader(); this._options = options || {}; this._maxLength = this._options.maxLength || this.MAX_LENGTH; this._headers = new Headers(); this.__queue = []; this.readyState = 0; this.url = url; this.io = new streams.IO(this); this.messages = new streams.Messages(this); this._bindEventListeners(); }; util.inherits(Base, Emitter); Base.validateOptions = function(options, validKeys) { for (var key in options) { if (validKeys.indexOf(key) < 0) throw new Error('Unrecognized option: ' + key); } }; var instance = { // This is 64MB, small enough for an average VPS to handle without // crashing from process out of memory MAX_LENGTH: 0x3ffffff, STATES: ['connecting', 'open', 'closing', 'closed'], _bindEventListeners: function() { var self = this; // Protocol errors are informational and do not have to be handled this.messages.on('error', function() {}); this.on('message', function(event) { var messages = self.messages; if (messages.readable) messages.emit('data', event.data); }); this.on('error', function(error) { var messages = self.messages; if (messages.readable) messages.emit('error', error); }); this.on('close', function() { var messages = self.messages; if (!messages.readable) return; messages.readable = messages.writable = false; messages.emit('end'); }); }, getState: function() { return this.STATES[this.readyState] || null; }, addExtension: function(extension) { return false; }, setHeader: function(name, value) { if (this.readyState > 0) return false; this._headers.set(name, value); return true; }, start: function() { if (this.readyState !== 0) return false; var response = this._handshakeResponse(); if (!response) return false; this._write(response); if (this._stage !== -1) this._open(); return true; }, text: function(message) { return this.frame(message); }, binary: function(message) { return false; }, ping: function() { return false; }, pong: function() { return false; }, close: function(reason, code) { if (this.readyState !== 1) return false; this.readyState = 3; this.emit('close', new Base.CloseEvent(null, null)); return true; }, _open: function() { this.readyState = 1; this.__queue.forEach(function(args) { this.frame.apply(this, args) }, this); this.__queue = []; this.emit('open', new Base.OpenEvent()); }, _queue: function(message) { this.__queue.push(message); return true; }, _write: function(chunk) { var io = this.io; if (io.readable) io.emit('data', chunk); } }; for (var key in instance) Base.prototype[key] = instance[key]; Base.ConnectEvent = function() {}; Base.OpenEvent = function() {}; Base.CloseEvent = function(code, reason) { this.code = code; this.reason = reason; }; Base.MessageEvent = function(data) { this.data = data; }; Base.PingEvent = function(data) { this.data = data; }; Base.PongEvent = function(data) { this.data = data; }; module.exports = Base;