mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 09:05:47 +00:00
parser.py v 0.0.2-alpha
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,3 +41,5 @@ analysis-master/dist
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from tra_analysis import analysis as an
from tra_analysis import metrics
from tra_analysis import fits
from tra_analysis.equation.parser import BNF
def test_():
test_data_linear = [1, 3, 6, 7, 9]
@ -32,4 +33,51 @@ def test_():
assert all(a == b for a, b in zip(an.Sort().bubblesort(test_data_scrambled), test_data_sorted))
assert all(a == b for a, b in zip(an.Sort().cyclesort(test_data_scrambled), test_data_sorted))
assert all(a == b for a, b in zip(an.Sort().cocktailsort(test_data_scrambled), test_data_sorted))
assert fits.CircleFit(x=[0,0,-1,1], y=[1, -1, 0, 0]).LSC() == (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
assert fits.CircleFit(x=[0,0,-1,1], y=[1, -1, 0, 0]).LSC() == (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
def test_equation():
parser = BNF()
assert parser.eval("9") == 9.0
assert parser.eval("-9") == -9.0
assert parser.eval("--9") == 9.0
assert parser.eval("-E") == -2.718281828459045
assert parser.eval("9 + 3 + 6") == 18.0
assert parser.eval("9 + 3 / 11") == 9.272727272727273
assert parser.eval("(9 + 3)") == 12.0
assert parser.eval("(9+3) / 11") == 1.0909090909090908
assert parser.eval("9 - 12 - 6") == -9.0
assert parser.eval("9 - (12 - 6)") == 3.0
assert parser.eval("2*3.14159") == 6.28318
assert parser.eval("3.1415926535*3.1415926535 / 10") == 0.9869604400525172
assert parser.eval("PI * PI / 10") == 0.9869604401089358
assert parser.eval("PI*PI/10") == 0.9869604401089358
assert parser.eval("PI^2") == 9.869604401089358
assert parser.eval("round(PI^2)") == 10
assert parser.eval("6.02E23 * 8.048") == 4.844896e+24
assert parser.eval("e / 3") == 0.9060939428196817
assert parser.eval("sin(PI/2)") == 1.0
assert parser.eval("10+sin(PI/4)^2") == 10.5
assert parser.eval("trunc(E)") == 2
assert parser.eval("trunc(-E)") == -2
assert parser.eval("round(E)") == 3
assert parser.eval("round(-E)") == -3
assert parser.eval("E^PI") == 23.140692632779263
assert parser.eval("exp(0)") == 1.0
assert parser.eval("exp(1)") == 2.718281828459045
assert parser.eval("2^3^2") == 512.0
assert parser.eval("(2^3)^2") == 64.0
assert parser.eval("2^3+2") == 10.0
assert parser.eval("2^3+5") == 13.0
assert parser.eval("2^9") == 512.0
assert parser.eval("sgn(-2)") == -1
assert parser.eval("sgn(0)") == 0
assert parser.eval("sgn(0.1)") == 1
assert parser.eval("sgn(cos(PI/4))") == 1
assert parser.eval("sgn(cos(PI/2))") == 0
assert parser.eval("sgn(cos(PI*3/4))") == -1
assert parser.eval("+(sgn(cos(PI/4)))") == 1
assert parser.eval("-(sgn(cos(PI/4)))") == -1
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
# Titan Robotics Team 2022: Expression submodule
# Written by Arthur Lu
# Notes:
# this should be imported as a python module using 'from tra_analysis import equation'
# setup:
__version__ = "0.0.1-alpha"
__changelog__ = """changelog:
- took items from equation.ipynb and ported here
__author__ = (
"Arthur Lu <learthurgo@gmail.com>",
import re
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import reduce
class Expression:
def __init__(self, string):
self.string = string
def add(self, string):
while(len(re.findall("[+]{1}[-]?", string)) != 0):
string = re.sub("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[+]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", str("%f" % reduce((lambda x, y: x + y), [Decimal(i) for i in re.split("[+]{1}", re.search("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[+]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", string).group())])), string, 1)
return string
def sub(self, string):
while(len(re.findall("\d+[.]?\d*[-]{1,2}\d+[.]?\d*", string)) != 0):
g = re.search("\d+[.]?\d*[-]{1,2}\d+[.]?\d*", string).group()
if(re.search("[-]{1,2}", g).group() == "-"):
r = re.sub("[-]{1}", "+-", g, 1)
string = re.sub(g, r, string, 1)
elif(re.search("[-]{1,2}", g).group() == "--"):
r = re.sub("[-]{2}", "+", g, 1)
string = re.sub(g, r, string, 1)
return string
def mul(self, string):
while(len(re.findall("[*]{1}[-]?", string)) != 0):
string = re.sub("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[*]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", str("%f" % reduce((lambda x, y: x * y), [Decimal(i) for i in re.split("[*]{1}", re.search("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[*]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", string).group())])), string, 1)
return string
def div(self, string):
while(len(re.findall("[/]{1}[-]?", string)) != 0):
string = re.sub("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[/]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", str("%f" % reduce((lambda x, y: x / y), [Decimal(i) for i in re.split("[/]{1}", re.search("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[/]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", string).group())])), string, 1)
return string
def exp(self, string):
while(len(re.findall("[\^]{1}[-]?", string)) != 0):
string = re.sub("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[\^]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", str("%f" % reduce((lambda x, y: x ** y), [Decimal(i) for i in re.split("[\^]{1}", re.search("[-]?\d+[.]?\d*[\^]{1}[-]?\d+[.]?\d*", string).group())])), string, 1)
return string
def evaluate(self):
string = self.string
string = self.exp(string)
string = self.div(string)
string = self.mul(string)
string = self.sub(string)
string = self.add(string)
return string
@ -1 +1 @@
from .Expression import Expression
from .parser import *
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
# Titan Robotics Team 2022: Expression submodule
# Written by Arthur Lu
# Notes:
# this should be imported as a python module using 'from tra_analysis import equation'
# adapted from https://github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing/blob/master/examples/fourFn.py
# setup:
from __future__ import division
__version__ = "0.0.2-alpha"
__changelog__ = """changelog:
- wrote BNF using pyparsing and uses a BNF metasyntax
- renamed this submodule parser
- took items from equation.ipynb and ported here
__author__ = (
"Arthur Lu <learthurgo@gmail.com>",
from pyparsing import (Literal, CaselessLiteral, Word, Combine, Group, Optional, ZeroOrMore, Forward, nums, alphas, oneOf)
from . import py2
import math
import operator
class BNF(object):
def pushFirst(self, strg, loc, toks):
def pushUMinus(self, strg, loc, toks):
if toks and toks[0] == '-':
self.exprStack.append('unary -')
def __init__(self):
expop :: '^'
multop :: '*' | '/'
addop :: '+' | '-'
integer :: ['+' | '-'] '0'..'9'+
atom :: PI | E | real | fn '(' expr ')' | '(' expr ')'
factor :: atom [ expop factor ]*
term :: factor [ multop factor ]*
expr :: term [ addop term ]*
point = Literal(".")
e = CaselessLiteral("E")
fnumber = Combine(Word("+-" + nums, nums) +
Optional(point + Optional(Word(nums))) +
Optional(e + Word("+-" + nums, nums)))
ident = Word(alphas, alphas + nums + "_$")
plus = Literal("+")
minus = Literal("-")
mult = Literal("*")
div = Literal("/")
lpar = Literal("(").suppress()
rpar = Literal(")").suppress()
addop = plus | minus
multop = mult | div
expop = Literal("^")
pi = CaselessLiteral("PI")
expr = Forward()
atom = ((Optional(oneOf("- +")) +
(ident + lpar + expr + rpar | pi | e | fnumber).setParseAction(self.pushFirst))
| Optional(oneOf("- +")) + Group(lpar + expr + rpar)
factor = Forward()
factor << atom + \
ZeroOrMore((expop + factor).setParseAction(self.pushFirst))
term = factor + \
ZeroOrMore((multop + factor).setParseAction(self.pushFirst))
expr << term + \
ZeroOrMore((addop + term).setParseAction(self.pushFirst))
self.bnf = expr
epsilon = 1e-12
self.opn = {"+": operator.add,
"-": operator.sub,
"*": operator.mul,
"/": operator.truediv,
"^": operator.pow}
self.fn = {"sin": math.sin,
"cos": math.cos,
"tan": math.tan,
"exp": math.exp,
"abs": abs,
"trunc": lambda a: int(a),
"round": round,
"sgn": lambda a: abs(a) > epsilon and py2.cmp(a, 0) or 0}
def evaluateStack(self, s):
op = s.pop()
if op == 'unary -':
return -self.evaluateStack(s)
if op in "+-*/^":
op2 = self.evaluateStack(s)
op1 = self.evaluateStack(s)
return self.opn[op](op1, op2)
elif op == "PI":
return math.pi
elif op == "E":
return math.e
elif op in self.fn:
return self.fn[op](self.evaluateStack(s))
elif op[0].isalpha():
return 0
return float(op)
def eval(self, num_string, parseAll=True):
self.exprStack = []
results = self.bnf.parseString(num_string, parseAll)
val = self.evaluateStack(self.exprStack[:])
return val
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Titan Robotics Team 2022: py2 module
# Written by Arthur Lu
# Notes:
# this module should only be used internally, contains old python 2.X functions that have been removed.
# setup:
from __future__ import division
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__changelog__ = """changelog:
- added cmp function
__author__ = (
"Arthur Lu <learthurgo@gmail.com>",
def cmp(a, b):
return (a > b) - (a < b)
Reference in New Issue
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