mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 12:05:18 +00:00
446 lines
12 KiB
446 lines
12 KiB
/*jshint node:true */
var assert = require('assert');
exports.HTTPParser = HTTPParser;
function HTTPParser(type) {
assert.ok(type === HTTPParser.REQUEST || type === HTTPParser.RESPONSE);
this.type = type;
this.state = type + '_LINE';
this.info = {
headers: [],
upgrade: false
this.trailers = [];
this.line = '';
this.isChunked = false;
this.connection = '';
this.headerSize = 0; // for preventing too big headers
this.body_bytes = null;
this.isUserCall = false;
this.hadError = false;
HTTPParser.encoding = 'ascii';
HTTPParser.maxHeaderSize = 80 * 1024; // maxHeaderSize (in bytes) is configurable, but 80kb by default;
var kOnHeaders = HTTPParser.kOnHeaders = 0;
var kOnHeadersComplete = HTTPParser.kOnHeadersComplete = 1;
var kOnBody = HTTPParser.kOnBody = 2;
var kOnMessageComplete = HTTPParser.kOnMessageComplete = 3;
// Some handler stubs, needed for compatibility
HTTPParser.prototype[kOnHeaders] =
HTTPParser.prototype[kOnHeadersComplete] =
HTTPParser.prototype[kOnBody] =
HTTPParser.prototype[kOnMessageComplete] = function () {};
var compatMode0_12 = true;
Object.defineProperty(HTTPParser, 'kOnExecute', {
get: function () {
// hack for backward compatibility
compatMode0_12 = false;
return 4;
var methods = exports.methods = HTTPParser.methods = [
var method_connect = methods.indexOf('CONNECT');
HTTPParser.prototype.reinitialize = HTTPParser;
HTTPParser.prototype.close =
HTTPParser.prototype.pause =
HTTPParser.prototype.resume =
HTTPParser.prototype.free = function () {};
HTTPParser.prototype._compatMode0_11 = false;
HTTPParser.prototype.getAsyncId = function() { return 0; };
var headerState = {
HEADER: true
HTTPParser.prototype.execute = function (chunk, start, length) {
if (!(this instanceof HTTPParser)) {
throw new TypeError('not a HTTPParser');
// backward compat to node < 0.11.4
// Note: the start and length params were removed in newer version
start = start || 0;
length = typeof length === 'number' ? length : chunk.length;
this.chunk = chunk;
this.offset = start;
var end = this.end = start + length;
try {
while (this.offset < end) {
if (this[this.state]()) {
} catch (err) {
if (this.isUserCall) {
throw err;
this.hadError = true;
return err;
this.chunk = null;
length = this.offset - start;
if (headerState[this.state]) {
this.headerSize += length;
if (this.headerSize > HTTPParser.maxHeaderSize) {
return new Error('max header size exceeded');
return length;
var stateFinishAllowed = {
BODY_RAW: true
HTTPParser.prototype.finish = function () {
if (this.hadError) {
if (!stateFinishAllowed[this.state]) {
return new Error('invalid state for EOF');
if (this.state === 'BODY_RAW') {
// These three methods are used for an internal speed optimization, and it also
// works if theses are noops. Basically consume() asks us to read the bytes
// ourselves, but if we don't do it we get them through execute().
HTTPParser.prototype.consume =
HTTPParser.prototype.unconsume =
HTTPParser.prototype.getCurrentBuffer = function () {};
//For correct error handling - see HTTPParser#execute
//Usage: this.userCall()(userFunction('arg'));
HTTPParser.prototype.userCall = function () {
this.isUserCall = true;
var self = this;
return function (ret) {
self.isUserCall = false;
return ret;
HTTPParser.prototype.nextRequest = function () {
HTTPParser.prototype.consumeLine = function () {
var end = this.end,
chunk = this.chunk;
for (var i = this.offset; i < end; i++) {
if (chunk[i] === 0x0a) { // \n
var line = this.line + chunk.toString(HTTPParser.encoding, this.offset, i);
if (line.charAt(line.length - 1) === '\r') {
line = line.substr(0, line.length - 1);
this.line = '';
this.offset = i + 1;
return line;
//line split over multiple chunks
this.line += chunk.toString(HTTPParser.encoding, this.offset, this.end);
this.offset = this.end;
var headerExp = /^([^: \t]+):[ \t]*((?:.*[^ \t])|)/;
var headerContinueExp = /^[ \t]+(.*[^ \t])/;
HTTPParser.prototype.parseHeader = function (line, headers) {
if (line.indexOf('\r') !== -1) {
throw parseErrorCode('HPE_LF_EXPECTED');
var match = headerExp.exec(line);
var k = match && match[1];
if (k) { // skip empty string (malformed header)
} else {
var matchContinue = headerContinueExp.exec(line);
if (matchContinue && headers.length) {
if (headers[headers.length - 1]) {
headers[headers.length - 1] += ' ';
headers[headers.length - 1] += matchContinue[1];
var requestExp = /^([A-Z-]+) ([^ ]+) HTTP\/(\d)\.(\d)$/;
HTTPParser.prototype.REQUEST_LINE = function () {
var line = this.consumeLine();
if (!line) {
var match = requestExp.exec(line);
if (match === null) {
throw parseErrorCode('HPE_INVALID_CONSTANT');
this.info.method = this._compatMode0_11 ? match[1] : methods.indexOf(match[1]);
if (this.info.method === -1) {
throw new Error('invalid request method');
this.info.url = match[2];
this.info.versionMajor = +match[3];
this.info.versionMinor = +match[4];
this.body_bytes = 0;
this.state = 'HEADER';
var responseExp = /^HTTP\/(\d)\.(\d) (\d{3}) ?(.*)$/;
HTTPParser.prototype.RESPONSE_LINE = function () {
var line = this.consumeLine();
if (!line) {
var match = responseExp.exec(line);
if (match === null) {
throw parseErrorCode('HPE_INVALID_CONSTANT');
this.info.versionMajor = +match[1];
this.info.versionMinor = +match[2];
var statusCode = this.info.statusCode = +match[3];
this.info.statusMessage = match[4];
// Implied zero length.
if ((statusCode / 100 | 0) === 1 || statusCode === 204 || statusCode === 304) {
this.body_bytes = 0;
this.state = 'HEADER';
HTTPParser.prototype.shouldKeepAlive = function () {
if (this.info.versionMajor > 0 && this.info.versionMinor > 0) {
if (this.connection.indexOf('close') !== -1) {
return false;
} else if (this.connection.indexOf('keep-alive') === -1) {
return false;
if (this.body_bytes !== null || this.isChunked) { // || skipBody
return true;
return false;
HTTPParser.prototype.HEADER = function () {
var line = this.consumeLine();
if (line === undefined) {
var info = this.info;
if (line) {
this.parseHeader(line, info.headers);
} else {
var headers = info.headers;
var hasContentLength = false;
var currentContentLengthValue;
var hasUpgradeHeader = false;
for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i += 2) {
switch (headers[i].toLowerCase()) {
case 'transfer-encoding':
this.isChunked = headers[i + 1].toLowerCase() === 'chunked';
case 'content-length':
currentContentLengthValue = +headers[i + 1];
if (hasContentLength) {
// Fix duplicate Content-Length header with same values.
// Throw error only if values are different.
// Known issues:
// https://github.com/request/request/issues/2091#issuecomment-328715113
// https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/6517#issuecomment-216263771
if (currentContentLengthValue !== this.body_bytes) {
} else {
hasContentLength = true;
this.body_bytes = currentContentLengthValue;
case 'connection':
this.connection += headers[i + 1].toLowerCase();
case 'upgrade':
hasUpgradeHeader = true;
// if both isChunked and hasContentLength, isChunked wins
// This is required so the body is parsed using the chunked method, and matches
// Chrome's behavior. We could, maybe, ignore them both (would get chunked
// encoding into the body), and/or disable shouldKeepAlive to be more
// resilient.
if (this.isChunked && hasContentLength) {
hasContentLength = false;
this.body_bytes = null;
// Logic from https://github.com/nodejs/http-parser/blob/921d5585515a153fa00e411cf144280c59b41f90/http_parser.c#L1727-L1737
// "For responses, "Upgrade: foo" and "Connection: upgrade" are
// mandatory only when it is a 101 Switching Protocols response,
// otherwise it is purely informational, to announce support.
if (hasUpgradeHeader && this.connection.indexOf('upgrade') != -1) {
info.upgrade = this.type === HTTPParser.REQUEST || info.statusCode === 101;
} else {
info.upgrade = info.method === method_connect;
info.shouldKeepAlive = this.shouldKeepAlive();
//problem which also exists in original node: we should know skipBody before calling onHeadersComplete
var skipBody;
if (compatMode0_12) {
skipBody = this.userCall()(this[kOnHeadersComplete](info));
} else {
skipBody = this.userCall()(this[kOnHeadersComplete](info.versionMajor,
info.versionMinor, info.headers, info.method, info.url, info.statusCode,
info.statusMessage, info.upgrade, info.shouldKeepAlive));
if (skipBody === 2) {
return true;
} else if (this.isChunked && !skipBody) {
this.state = 'BODY_CHUNKHEAD';
} else if (skipBody || this.body_bytes === 0) {
// For older versions of node (v6.x and older?), that return skipBody=1 or skipBody=true,
// need this "return true;" if it's an upgrade request.
return info.upgrade;
} else if (this.body_bytes === null) {
this.state = 'BODY_RAW';
} else {
this.state = 'BODY_SIZED';
HTTPParser.prototype.BODY_CHUNKHEAD = function () {
var line = this.consumeLine();
if (line === undefined) {
this.body_bytes = parseInt(line, 16);
if (!this.body_bytes) {
this.state = 'BODY_CHUNKTRAILERS';
} else {
this.state = 'BODY_CHUNK';
HTTPParser.prototype.BODY_CHUNK = function () {
var length = Math.min(this.end - this.offset, this.body_bytes);
this.userCall()(this[kOnBody](this.chunk, this.offset, length));
this.offset += length;
this.body_bytes -= length;
if (!this.body_bytes) {
HTTPParser.prototype.BODY_CHUNKEMPTYLINE = function () {
var line = this.consumeLine();
if (line === undefined) {
assert.equal(line, '');
this.state = 'BODY_CHUNKHEAD';
HTTPParser.prototype.BODY_CHUNKTRAILERS = function () {
var line = this.consumeLine();
if (line === undefined) {
if (line) {
this.parseHeader(line, this.trailers);
} else {
if (this.trailers.length) {
this.userCall()(this[kOnHeaders](this.trailers, ''));
HTTPParser.prototype.BODY_RAW = function () {
var length = this.end - this.offset;
this.userCall()(this[kOnBody](this.chunk, this.offset, length));
this.offset = this.end;
HTTPParser.prototype.BODY_SIZED = function () {
var length = Math.min(this.end - this.offset, this.body_bytes);
this.userCall()(this[kOnBody](this.chunk, this.offset, length));
this.offset += length;
this.body_bytes -= length;
if (!this.body_bytes) {
// backward compat to node < 0.11.6
['Headers', 'HeadersComplete', 'Body', 'MessageComplete'].forEach(function (name) {
var k = HTTPParser['kOn' + name];
Object.defineProperty(HTTPParser.prototype, 'on' + name, {
get: function () {
return this[k];
set: function (to) {
// hack for backward compatibility
this._compatMode0_11 = true;
method_connect = 'CONNECT';
return (this[k] = to);
function parseErrorCode(code) {
var err = new Error('Parse Error');
err.code = code;
return err;