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2019-01-06 19:14:45 +00:00
### [1.6.1]( (2018-09-08)
#### Bug Fixes
* update [empower to 1.3.1]( to work well with Jest
## [1.6.0]( (2018-06-14)
#### Features
* [Support ES2018 syntax](
## [1.5.0]( (2018-03-30)
#### Features
* [support "Strict mode" introduced in Node9](
### [1.4.4]( (2017-06-10)
#### Bug Fixes
* [Update empower to 1.2.3 for vanilla Node8 support](
### [1.4.3]( (2017-06-04)
#### Bug Fixes
* [Update empower to 1.2.2 for Node v8 support](
### [1.4.2]( (2016-11-11)
#### Bug Fixes
* [Fix deepStrictEqual usage to run with old Node (v0.12)](
### [1.4.1]( (2016-05-10)
* update [universal-deep-strict-equal]( to 1.2.1 ([70bc3fb9](
## [1.4.0]( (2016-05-06)
#### Features
* [Integrate universal-deep-strict-equal to enable `deepStrictEqual` on browsers](
### [1.3.1]( (2016-03-10)
#### Bug Fixes
* [Access property `default` using bracket notation]( by [@LeshaKoss](, since using dot notation to access the property `default` causes an error in Internet Explorer 8.
## [1.3.0]( (2016-03-09)
#### Features
* Module style interop. [Support standard style definitions of transpirable es6 modules]( by [@falsandtru](
refs: [Babel and CommonJS modules](
## [1.2.0]( (2015-11-14)
#### Features
* [support async/await]( (by [@jamestalmage](
* [support yield expressions]( (by [@jamestalmage](
## [1.1.0]( (2015-10-04)
#### Features
* [Support `import from` syntax of ES6 module]( by [@falsandtru](
### [1.0.1]( (2015-09-14)
#### Bug Fixes
* update empower and power-assert-formatter ([f118c4f]( to [fix location detection of infix operator](
## [1.0.0]( (2015-08-26)
#### Bug Fixes
* upgrade power-assert-formatter for native ES6 Symbol support ([d8ba0a1b](
#### Features
* transfer to power-assert-js organization ([64b2fe2e](
* [official logo!](
## [0.11.0]( (2015-04-18)
#### Features
* [ES6 support](
### [0.10.2]( (2015-02-16)
#### Bug Fixes
* **power-assert:**
* update power-assert-formatter to 0.10.2 ([2c0f9624]( to apply [stringifier fix]([67a9fa72](
#### Features
* **power-assert:**
* ship npm module with built bundle for browsers ([431769f3](
* add Node 0.12 and io.js to Travis build ([dd9629f9](
### [0.10.1]( (2015-01-09)
#### Bug Fixes
* **power-assert:**
* apply [assert.deepEqual fix]( in browserify 8.1.0 ([96302406](
* apply [dereserve]( to browser build
## [0.10.0]( (2014-11-12)
#### Features
* **power-assert:**
* [provide API for customization]( (see [CUSTOMIZATION API](
* **power-assert-formatter:**
* [diff option to make string diff function pluggable]( (new option [options.diff](
* [outputOffset option to configure number of spaces inserted at the left]( (new option [options.outputOffset](
* [ambiguousEastAsianCharWidth option to make ambiguous east asian character width configurable]( (new option [options.ambiguousEastAsianCharWidth](
* **espowerify:**
* [transform file if and only if it is listed in browserify entries](
### 0.9.1 (2014-10-08)
#### Bug Fixes
* **empower:**
* power-assert output doesn't appear in Node 0.11.x ([53e882e0](
## 0.9.0 (2014-09-02)
#### Features
Now power-assert 0.9.0 supports multi-stage sourcemaps.
* **power-assert:**
* update empower and power-assert-formatter to 0.9.0 ([a84ca4e1](
* **empower:**
* There's no significant changes
* **power-assert-formatter:**
* [Customizable Renderers](
* move built-in renderers to ./built-in/ ([acf85109](
* customize rendering by using custom renderer constructor in `renderers` option ([265d3539](
* use EventEmitter to make renderers customizable ([7c190e11](
* **espower:**
* [SourceMap support](
* adjust filepath in power-assert output if sourceMap option is given ([f919d59d](
* adjust line number in power-assert output if sourceMap option is given ([8c035d89](
* **espower-source:**
* backport espowerify to support multi-stage sourcemaps ([71de737c](
* **espower-loader:**
* use espower-source 0.9.0 ([c5329f39](
* **grunt-espower:**
* [support multistage sourcemap by @vvakame](
* Thanks @vvakame for the great contribution!
* **gulp-espower:**
* [support gulp-sourcemaps](
* **espowerify:**
* use espower-source directly since espower-source 0.9.0 is backported from espowerify ([625cf55d](
* use multi-stage-sourcemap module to generate more accurate sourcemaps ([b1f939fa](
* if upstream SourceMap is given, decode and offset it ([a1683475](
* **espower-coffee:**
* interact with coffeescript compiler to adjust line number in power-assert output ([9c159205](
#### Breaking Changes
**No change is required if you are using default configuration.**
* **power-assert-formatter:**
* built-in renderers are listed as relative path
If you are customizing renderers by `options.renderers`, you may have to migrate.
To migrate, change your code from the following:
([265d3539](, ([acf85109](
## 0.8.0 (2014-08-12)
#### Features
* **power-assert:**
* use single index.js ([e8fa666a](
* update empower and power-assert-formatter to 0.8.0 ([8f760aa0](
* **empower:**
* [built and modularized by browserify](
* use `escallmatch` module to describe target patterns ([533a21a0](
* support assertion methods with three or more arguments ([d31dca86](
* if not in patterns, do not empower assertion function itself ([1d73a756](
* option `targetMethods` does not required any more ([8ffcc49f](
* rename `saveContextOnFail` option to `saveContextOnRethrow` ([1f6133b2](
* rename `modifyMessageOnFail` option to `modifyMessageOnRethrow` ([0c8a88f0](
* **power-assert-formatter:**
* [built and modularized by browserify](
* [use spun-off stringifier module](
* **espower:**
* [built and modularized by browserify](
* [use escallmatch module to describe instrumentation target patterns](
* support chained callee like `browser.assert.element(selector)` ([ea0a3ce9](
* **espower-source:**
* update espower to 0.8.0 ([ae15a229](
* simple xtend would be better for options handling ([6bea0a92](
* **espower-loader:**
* update espower-source to 0.8.0 ([54c2143b](
* **grunt-espower:**
* update espower-source to 0.8.0 ([55110fa4](
* **gulp-espower:**
* update espower-source to 0.8.0 ([a9ab1f7d](
* now supports streams as well ([ada19f90](
* **espowerify:**
* update espower-source to 0.8.0 ([026bd0c6](
* **espower-coffee:**
* update espower-source to 0.8.0 ([8702d847](
* [now in beta stage](
#### Breaking Changes
First of all, **No change is required if you are using default configuration.**
* **instrumentors:**
Version 0.8.0 introduces [escallmatch]( syntax for configuration.
If you are:
* using instrumentors such as `espower-loader`, `grunt-espower`, `gulp-espower`, `espowerify` and `espower-coffee`
* or using `espower-source` or `espower` directly
* having custom instrumentation pattern using `powerAssertVariableName` or `targetMethods` property
Then you need to migarte. To migrate, please see CHANGELOG for the instrumentor you choose.
* [espower-loader CHANGELOG](
* [grunt-espower CHANGELOG](
* [gulp-espower CHANGELOG](
* [espowerify CHANGELOG](
* [espower-coffee CHANGELOG](
* [espower-source CHANGELOG](
* [espower CHANGELOG](
* **empower:**
* `saveContextOnFail` option is renamed to `saveContextOnRethrow`
* `modifyMessageOnFail` option is renamed to `modifyMessageOnRethrow`
* option `targetMethods` does not required any more
* Please see [empower CHANGELOG]( for more details.
* **power-assert-formatter:**
* option `stringifyDepth` does not supported any more. use `maxDepth` option instead.
* Please see [power-assert-formatter CHANGELOG]( for more details.