mirror of https://github.com/titanscouting/tra-analysis.git synced 2025-03-15 01:55:47 +00:00

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2019-01-06 13:14:45 -06:00
'use strict'
exports.generate = generate
exports.generateFromInstall = generateFromInstall
exports.submitForInstallReport = submitForInstallReport
exports.submitForFullReport = submitForFullReport
exports.printInstallReport = printInstallReport
exports.printParseableReport = printParseableReport
exports.printFullReport = printFullReport
const Bluebird = require('bluebird')
const auditReport = require('npm-audit-report')
const treeToShrinkwrap = require('../shrinkwrap.js').treeToShrinkwrap
const packageId = require('../utils/package-id.js')
const output = require('../utils/output.js')
const npm = require('../npm.js')
const qw = require('qw')
const registryFetch = require('npm-registry-fetch')
const zlib = require('zlib')
const gzip = Bluebird.promisify(zlib.gzip)
const log = require('npmlog')
const perf = require('../utils/perf.js')
const url = require('url')
const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const uuid = require('uuid')
const ssri = require('ssri')
const cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep')
const pacoteOpts = require('../config/pacote.js')
// used when scrubbing module names/specifiers
const runId = uuid.v4()
function submitForInstallReport (auditData) {
const cfg = npm.config // avoid the no-dynamic-lookups test
const scopedRegistries = cfg.keys.filter(_ => /:registry$/.test(_)).map(_ => cfg.get(_))
perf.emit('time', 'audit compress')
// TODO: registryFetch will be adding native support for `Content-Encoding: gzip` at which point
// we'll pass in something like `gzip: true` and not need to JSON stringify, gzip or headers.
return gzip(JSON.stringify(auditData)).then(body => {
perf.emit('timeEnd', 'audit compress')
log.info('audit', 'Submitting payload of ' + body.length + 'bytes')
scopedRegistries.forEach(reg => {
// we don't care about the response so destroy the stream if we can, or leave it flowing
// so it can eventually finish and clean up after itself
fetchAudit(url.resolve(reg, '/-/npm/v1/security/audits/quick'))
.then(_ => {
_.body.on('error', () => {})
if (_.body.destroy) {
} else {
}, _ => {})
perf.emit('time', 'audit submit')
return fetchAudit('/-/npm/v1/security/audits/quick', body).then(response => {
perf.emit('timeEnd', 'audit submit')
perf.emit('time', 'audit body')
return response.json()
}).then(result => {
perf.emit('timeEnd', 'audit body')
return result
function submitForFullReport (auditData) {
perf.emit('time', 'audit compress')
// TODO: registryFetch will be adding native support for `Content-Encoding: gzip` at which point
// we'll pass in something like `gzip: true` and not need to JSON stringify, gzip or headers.
return gzip(JSON.stringify(auditData)).then(body => {
perf.emit('timeEnd', 'audit compress')
log.info('audit', 'Submitting payload of ' + body.length + ' bytes')
perf.emit('time', 'audit submit')
return fetchAudit('/-/npm/v1/security/audits', body).then(response => {
perf.emit('timeEnd', 'audit submit')
perf.emit('time', 'audit body')
return response.json()
}).then(result => {
perf.emit('timeEnd', 'audit body')
result.runId = runId
return result
function fetchAudit (href, body) {
const opts = pacoteOpts()
return registryFetch(href, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'content-encoding': 'gzip', 'content-type': 'application/json' },
config: npm.config,
npmSession: opts.npmSession,
projectScope: npm.projectScope,
log: log,
body: body
function printInstallReport (auditResult) {
return auditReport(auditResult, {
reporter: 'install',
withColor: npm.color,
withUnicode: npm.config.get('unicode')
}).then(result => output(result.report))
function printFullReport (auditResult) {
return auditReport(auditResult, {
log: output,
reporter: npm.config.get('json') ? 'json' : 'detail',
withColor: npm.color,
withUnicode: npm.config.get('unicode')
}).then(result => output(result.report))
function printParseableReport (auditResult) {
return auditReport(auditResult, {
log: output,
reporter: 'parseable',
withColor: npm.color,
withUnicode: npm.config.get('unicode')
}).then(result => output(result.report))
function generate (shrinkwrap, requires, diffs, install, remove) {
const sw = cloneDeep(shrinkwrap)
delete sw.lockfileVersion
sw.requires = scrubRequires(requires)
// sw.diffs = diffs || {}
sw.install = (install || []).map(scrubArg)
sw.remove = (remove || []).map(scrubArg)
return generateMetadata().then((md) => {
sw.metadata = md
return sw
const scrubKeys = qw`version`
const deleteKeys = qw`from resolved`
function scrubDeps (deps) {
if (!deps) return
Object.keys(deps).forEach(name => {
if (!shouldScrubName(name) && !shouldScrubSpec(name, deps[name].version)) return
const value = deps[name]
delete deps[name]
deps[scrub(name)] = value
Object.keys(deps).forEach(name => {
for (let toScrub of scrubKeys) {
if (!deps[name][toScrub]) continue
deps[name][toScrub] = scrubSpec(name, deps[name][toScrub])
for (let toDelete of deleteKeys) delete deps[name][toDelete]
function scrubRequires (reqs) {
if (!reqs) return reqs
Object.keys(reqs).forEach(name => {
const spec = reqs[name]
if (shouldScrubName(name) || shouldScrubSpec(name, spec)) {
delete reqs[name]
reqs[scrub(name)] = scrubSpec(name, spec)
} else {
reqs[name] = scrubSpec(name, spec)
return reqs
function getScope (name) {
if (name[0] === '@') return name.slice(0, name.indexOf('/'))
function shouldScrubName (name) {
const scope = getScope(name)
const cfg = npm.config // avoid the no-dynamic-lookups test
return Boolean(scope && cfg.get(scope + ':registry'))
function shouldScrubSpec (name, spec) {
const req = npa.resolve(name, spec)
return !req.registry
function scrubArg (arg) {
const req = npa(arg)
let name = req.name
if (shouldScrubName(name) || shouldScrubSpec(name, req.rawSpec)) {
name = scrubName(name)
const spec = scrubSpec(req.name, req.rawSpec)
return name + '@' + spec
function scrubName (name) {
return shouldScrubName(name) ? scrub(name) : name
function scrubSpec (name, spec) {
const req = npa.resolve(name, spec)
if (req.registry) return spec
if (req.type === 'git') {
return 'git+ssh://' + scrub(spec)
} else if (req.type === 'remote') {
return 'https://' + scrub(spec)
} else if (req.type === 'directory') {
return 'file:' + scrub(spec)
} else if (req.type === 'file') {
return 'file:' + scrub(spec) + '.tar'
} else {
return scrub(spec)
module.exports.scrub = scrub
function scrub (value, rid) {
return ssri.fromData((rid || runId) + ' ' + value, {algorithms: ['sha256']}).hexDigest()
function generateMetadata () {
const meta = {}
meta.npm_version = npm.version
meta.node_version = process.version
meta.platform = process.platform
meta.node_env = process.env.NODE_ENV
return Promise.resolve(meta)
const head = path.resolve(npm.prefix, '.git/HEAD')
return readFile(head, 'utf8').then((head) => {
if (!head.match(/^ref: /)) {
meta.commit_hash = head.trim()
const headFile = head.replace(/^ref: /, '').trim()
meta.branch = headFile.replace(/^refs[/]heads[/]/, '')
return readFile(path.resolve(npm.prefix, '.git', headFile), 'utf8')
}).then((commitHash) => {
meta.commit_hash = commitHash.trim()
const proc = spawn('git', qw`diff --quiet --exit-code package.json package-lock.json`, {cwd: npm.prefix, stdio: 'ignore'})
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
proc.once('error', reject)
proc.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
if (signal == null) meta.state = code === 0 ? 'clean' : 'dirty'
}).then(() => meta, () => meta)
function generateFromInstall (tree, diffs, install, remove) {
const requires = {}
tree.requires.forEach((pkg) => {
requires[pkg.package.name] = tree.package.dependencies[pkg.package.name] || tree.package.devDependencies[pkg.package.name] || pkg.package.version
const auditInstall = (install || []).filter((a) => a.name).map(packageId)
const auditRemove = (remove || []).filter((a) => a.name).map(packageId)
const auditDiffs = {}
diffs.forEach((action) => {
const mutation = action[0]
const child = action[1]
if (mutation !== 'add' && mutation !== 'update' && mutation !== 'remove') return
if (!auditDiffs[mutation]) auditDiffs[mutation] = []
if (mutation === 'add') {
auditDiffs[mutation].push({location: child.location})
} else if (mutation === 'update') {
auditDiffs[mutation].push({location: child.location, previous: packageId(child.oldPkg)})
} else if (mutation === 'remove') {
auditDiffs[mutation].push({previous: packageId(child)})
return generate(treeToShrinkwrap(tree), requires, auditDiffs, auditInstall, auditRemove)