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1613 lines
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1613 lines
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* Modules in this bundle
* @license
* espurify:
* license: MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
* author: Takuto Wada <takuto.wada@gmail.com>
* homepage: https://github.com/estools/espurify
* version: 1.8.1
* core-js:
* license: MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
* homepage: https://github.com/zloirock/core-js#readme
* version: 2.5.7
* This header is generated by licensify (https://github.com/twada/licensify)
(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.espurify = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw (a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND", a)}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i<t.length;i++)o(t[i]);return o}return r})()({1:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
* espurify - Clone new AST without extra properties
* https://github.com/estools/espurify
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Takuto Wada
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* https://github.com/estools/espurify/blob/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt
'use strict';
var createWhitelist = _dereq_('./lib/create-whitelist');
var cloneWithWhitelist = _dereq_('./lib/clone-ast');
function createCloneFunction (options) {
return cloneWithWhitelist(createWhitelist(options));
var espurify = createCloneFunction();
espurify.customize = createCloneFunction;
espurify.cloneWithWhitelist = cloneWithWhitelist;
module.exports = espurify;
module.exports = {
ArrayExpression: ['type', 'elements'],
ArrayPattern: ['type', 'elements'],
ArrowFunctionExpression: ['type', 'id', 'params', 'body', 'generator', 'expression', 'async'],
AssignmentExpression: ['type', 'operator', 'left', 'right'],
AssignmentPattern: ['type', 'left', 'right'],
AwaitExpression: ['type', 'argument'],
BinaryExpression: ['type', 'operator', 'left', 'right'],
BlockStatement: ['type', 'body'],
BreakStatement: ['type', 'label'],
CallExpression: ['type', 'callee', 'arguments'],
CatchClause: ['type', 'param', 'guard', 'body'],
ClassBody: ['type', 'body'],
ClassDeclaration: ['type', 'id', 'superClass', 'body'],
ClassExpression: ['type', 'id', 'superClass', 'body'],
ConditionalExpression: ['type', 'test', 'consequent', 'alternate'],
ContinueStatement: ['type', 'label'],
DebuggerStatement: ['type'],
DoWhileStatement: ['type', 'body', 'test'],
EmptyStatement: ['type'],
ExportAllDeclaration: ['type', 'source'],
ExportDefaultDeclaration: ['type', 'declaration'],
ExportNamedDeclaration: ['type', 'declaration', 'specifiers', 'source'],
ExportSpecifier: ['type', 'exported', 'local'],
ExpressionStatement: ['type', 'expression'],
ForInStatement: ['type', 'left', 'right', 'body'],
ForOfStatement: ['type', 'left', 'right', 'body', 'await'],
ForStatement: ['type', 'init', 'test', 'update', 'body'],
FunctionDeclaration: ['type', 'id', 'params', 'body', 'generator', 'async'],
FunctionExpression: ['type', 'id', 'params', 'body', 'generator', 'async'],
Identifier: ['type', 'name'],
IfStatement: ['type', 'test', 'consequent', 'alternate'],
ImportDeclaration: ['type', 'specifiers', 'source'],
ImportDefaultSpecifier: ['type', 'local'],
ImportNamespaceSpecifier: ['type', 'local'],
ImportSpecifier: ['type', 'imported', 'local'],
LabeledStatement: ['type', 'label', 'body'],
Literal: ['type', 'value', 'regex'],
LogicalExpression: ['type', 'operator', 'left', 'right'],
MemberExpression: ['type', 'object', 'property', 'computed'],
MetaProperty: ['type', 'meta', 'property'],
MethodDefinition: ['type', 'key', 'value', 'kind', 'computed', 'static'],
NewExpression: ['type', 'callee', 'arguments'],
ObjectExpression: ['type', 'properties'],
ObjectPattern: ['type', 'properties'],
Program: ['type', 'body', 'sourceType'],
Property: ['type', 'key', 'value', 'kind', 'method', 'shorthand', 'computed'],
RestElement: ['type', 'argument'],
ReturnStatement: ['type', 'argument'],
SequenceExpression: ['type', 'expressions'],
SpreadElement: ['type', 'argument'],
Super: ['type'],
SwitchCase: ['type', 'test', 'consequent'],
SwitchStatement: ['type', 'discriminant', 'cases', 'lexical'],
TaggedTemplateExpression: ['type', 'tag', 'quasi'],
TemplateElement: ['type', 'tail', 'value'],
TemplateLiteral: ['type', 'quasis', 'expressions'],
ThisExpression: ['type'],
ThrowStatement: ['type', 'argument'],
TryStatement: ['type', 'block', 'handler', 'finalizer'],
UnaryExpression: ['type', 'operator', 'prefix', 'argument'],
UpdateExpression: ['type', 'operator', 'argument', 'prefix'],
VariableDeclaration: ['type', 'declarations', 'kind'],
VariableDeclarator: ['type', 'id', 'init'],
WhileStatement: ['type', 'test', 'body'],
WithStatement: ['type', 'object', 'body'],
YieldExpression: ['type', 'argument', 'delegate']
'use strict';
var isArray = _dereq_('core-js/library/fn/array/is-array');
var objectKeys = _dereq_('core-js/library/fn/object/keys');
var indexOf = _dereq_('core-js/library/fn/array/index-of');
var Map = _dereq_('core-js/library/fn/map');
var reduce = _dereq_('core-js/library/fn/array/reduce');
module.exports = function cloneWithWhitelist (astWhiteList) {
var whitelist = reduce(objectKeys(astWhiteList), function (props, key) {
var propNames = astWhiteList[key];
var prepend = (indexOf(propNames, 'type') === -1) ? ['type'] : [];
props[key] = prepend.concat(propNames || []);
return props;
}, {});
function cloneNodeOrObject (obj, seen) {
var props = obj.type ? whitelist[obj.type] : null;
if (props) {
return cloneNode(obj, props, seen);
} else {
return cloneObject(obj, seen);
function cloneArray (ary, seen) {
var i = ary.length;
var clone = [];
while (i--) {
clone[i] = cloneOf(ary[i], seen);
return clone;
function cloneNode (node, props, seen) {
var i, len, key;
var clone = {};
for (i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; i += 1) {
key = props[i];
if (node.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
clone[key] = cloneOf(node[key], seen);
return clone;
function cloneObject (obj, seen) {
var props = objectKeys(obj);
var i, len, key, value;
var clone = {};
for (i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; i += 1) {
key = props[i];
value = obj[key];
if (seen.has(value)) {
clone[key] = cloneOf(value, seen);
return clone;
function cloneOf (val, seen) {
if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null) {
seen.set(val, true);
if (val instanceof RegExp) {
return new RegExp(val);
} else if (isArray(val)) {
return cloneArray(val, seen);
} else {
return cloneNodeOrObject(val, seen);
} else {
return val;
function cloneRoot (obj) {
var seen = new Map();
seen.set(obj, true);
return cloneNodeOrObject(obj, seen);
return cloneRoot;
'use strict';
var defaultProps = _dereq_('./ast-properties');
var objectKeys = _dereq_('core-js/library/fn/object/keys');
var assign = _dereq_('core-js/library/fn/object/assign');
module.exports = function createWhitelist (options) {
var opts = assign({}, options);
var typeName, i, len;
var keys = objectKeys(defaultProps);
var result = {};
for (i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i += 1) {
typeName = keys[i];
result[typeName] = defaultProps[typeName].concat(opts.extra || []);
return result;
module.exports = _dereq_('../../modules/_core').Array.indexOf;
module.exports = _dereq_('../../modules/_core').Array.isArray;
module.exports = _dereq_('../../modules/_core').Array.reduce;
module.exports = _dereq_('../modules/_core').Map;
module.exports = _dereq_('../../modules/_core').Object.assign;
module.exports = _dereq_('../../modules/_core').Object.keys;
module.exports = function (it) {
if (typeof it != 'function') throw TypeError(it + ' is not a function!');
return it;
module.exports = function () { /* empty */ };
module.exports = function (it, Constructor, name, forbiddenField) {
if (!(it instanceof Constructor) || (forbiddenField !== undefined && forbiddenField in it)) {
throw TypeError(name + ': incorrect invocation!');
} return it;
var isObject = _dereq_('./_is-object');
module.exports = function (it) {
if (!isObject(it)) throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!');
return it;
var forOf = _dereq_('./_for-of');
module.exports = function (iter, ITERATOR) {
var result = [];
forOf(iter, false, result.push, result, ITERATOR);
return result;
// false -> Array#indexOf
// true -> Array#includes
var toIObject = _dereq_('./_to-iobject');
var toLength = _dereq_('./_to-length');
var toAbsoluteIndex = _dereq_('./_to-absolute-index');
module.exports = function (IS_INCLUDES) {
return function ($this, el, fromIndex) {
var O = toIObject($this);
var length = toLength(O.length);
var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length);
var value;
// Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm
// eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare
if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) {
value = O[index++];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare
if (value != value) return true;
// Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not
} else for (;length > index; index++) if (IS_INCLUDES || index in O) {
if (O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0;
} return !IS_INCLUDES && -1;
// 0 -> Array#forEach
// 1 -> Array#map
// 2 -> Array#filter
// 3 -> Array#some
// 4 -> Array#every
// 5 -> Array#find
// 6 -> Array#findIndex
var ctx = _dereq_('./_ctx');
var IObject = _dereq_('./_iobject');
var toObject = _dereq_('./_to-object');
var toLength = _dereq_('./_to-length');
var asc = _dereq_('./_array-species-create');
module.exports = function (TYPE, $create) {
var IS_MAP = TYPE == 1;
var IS_FILTER = TYPE == 2;
var IS_SOME = TYPE == 3;
var IS_EVERY = TYPE == 4;
var IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE == 6;
var create = $create || asc;
return function ($this, callbackfn, that) {
var O = toObject($this);
var self = IObject(O);
var f = ctx(callbackfn, that, 3);
var length = toLength(self.length);
var index = 0;
var result = IS_MAP ? create($this, length) : IS_FILTER ? create($this, 0) : undefined;
var val, res;
for (;length > index; index++) if (NO_HOLES || index in self) {
val = self[index];
res = f(val, index, O);
if (TYPE) {
if (IS_MAP) result[index] = res; // map
else if (res) switch (TYPE) {
case 3: return true; // some
case 5: return val; // find
case 6: return index; // findIndex
case 2: result.push(val); // filter
} else if (IS_EVERY) return false; // every
return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : result;
var aFunction = _dereq_('./_a-function');
var toObject = _dereq_('./_to-object');
var IObject = _dereq_('./_iobject');
var toLength = _dereq_('./_to-length');
module.exports = function (that, callbackfn, aLen, memo, isRight) {
var O = toObject(that);
var self = IObject(O);
var length = toLength(O.length);
var index = isRight ? length - 1 : 0;
var i = isRight ? -1 : 1;
if (aLen < 2) for (;;) {
if (index in self) {
memo = self[index];
index += i;
index += i;
if (isRight ? index < 0 : length <= index) {
throw TypeError('Reduce of empty array with no initial value');
for (;isRight ? index >= 0 : length > index; index += i) if (index in self) {
memo = callbackfn(memo, self[index], index, O);
return memo;
var isObject = _dereq_('./_is-object');
var isArray = _dereq_('./_is-array');
var SPECIES = _dereq_('./_wks')('species');
module.exports = function (original) {
var C;
if (isArray(original)) {
C = original.constructor;
// cross-realm fallback
if (typeof C == 'function' && (C === Array || isArray(C.prototype))) C = undefined;
if (isObject(C)) {
if (C === null) C = undefined;
} return C === undefined ? Array : C;
// ArraySpeciesCreate(originalArray, length)
var speciesConstructor = _dereq_('./_array-species-constructor');
module.exports = function (original, length) {
return new (speciesConstructor(original))(length);
// getting tag from Object.prototype.toString()
var cof = _dereq_('./_cof');
var TAG = _dereq_('./_wks')('toStringTag');
// ES3 wrong here
var ARG = cof(function () { return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments';
// fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error
var tryGet = function (it, key) {
try {
return it[key];
} catch (e) { /* empty */ }
module.exports = function (it) {
var O, T, B;
return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null'
// @@toStringTag case
: typeof (T = tryGet(O = Object(it), TAG)) == 'string' ? T
// builtinTag case
: ARG ? cof(O)
// ES3 arguments fallback
: (B = cof(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : B;
var toString = {}.toString;
module.exports = function (it) {
return toString.call(it).slice(8, -1);
'use strict';
var dP = _dereq_('./_object-dp').f;
var create = _dereq_('./_object-create');
var redefineAll = _dereq_('./_redefine-all');
var ctx = _dereq_('./_ctx');
var anInstance = _dereq_('./_an-instance');
var forOf = _dereq_('./_for-of');
var $iterDefine = _dereq_('./_iter-define');
var step = _dereq_('./_iter-step');
var setSpecies = _dereq_('./_set-species');
var DESCRIPTORS = _dereq_('./_descriptors');
var fastKey = _dereq_('./_meta').fastKey;
var validate = _dereq_('./_validate-collection');
var SIZE = DESCRIPTORS ? '_s' : 'size';
var getEntry = function (that, key) {
// fast case
var index = fastKey(key);
var entry;
if (index !== 'F') return that._i[index];
// frozen object case
for (entry = that._f; entry; entry = entry.n) {
if (entry.k == key) return entry;
module.exports = {
getConstructor: function (wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER) {
var C = wrapper(function (that, iterable) {
anInstance(that, C, NAME, '_i');
that._t = NAME; // collection type
that._i = create(null); // index
that._f = undefined; // first entry
that._l = undefined; // last entry
that[SIZE] = 0; // size
if (iterable != undefined) forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that);
redefineAll(C.prototype, {
// Map.prototype.clear()
// Set.prototype.clear()
clear: function clear() {
for (var that = validate(this, NAME), data = that._i, entry = that._f; entry; entry = entry.n) {
entry.r = true;
if (entry.p) entry.p = entry.p.n = undefined;
delete data[entry.i];
that._f = that._l = undefined;
that[SIZE] = 0;
// Map.prototype.delete(key)
// Set.prototype.delete(value)
'delete': function (key) {
var that = validate(this, NAME);
var entry = getEntry(that, key);
if (entry) {
var next = entry.n;
var prev = entry.p;
delete that._i[entry.i];
entry.r = true;
if (prev) prev.n = next;
if (next) next.p = prev;
if (that._f == entry) that._f = next;
if (that._l == entry) that._l = prev;
} return !!entry;
// Set.prototype.forEach(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined)
// Map.prototype.forEach(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined)
forEach: function forEach(callbackfn /* , that = undefined */) {
validate(this, NAME);
var f = ctx(callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined, 3);
var entry;
while (entry = entry ? entry.n : this._f) {
f(entry.v, entry.k, this);
// revert to the last existing entry
while (entry && entry.r) entry = entry.p;
// Map.prototype.has(key)
// Set.prototype.has(value)
has: function has(key) {
return !!getEntry(validate(this, NAME), key);
if (DESCRIPTORS) dP(C.prototype, 'size', {
get: function () {
return validate(this, NAME)[SIZE];
return C;
def: function (that, key, value) {
var entry = getEntry(that, key);
var prev, index;
// change existing entry
if (entry) {
entry.v = value;
// create new entry
} else {
that._l = entry = {
i: index = fastKey(key, true), // <- index
k: key, // <- key
v: value, // <- value
p: prev = that._l, // <- previous entry
n: undefined, // <- next entry
r: false // <- removed
if (!that._f) that._f = entry;
if (prev) prev.n = entry;
// add to index
if (index !== 'F') that._i[index] = entry;
} return that;
getEntry: getEntry,
setStrong: function (C, NAME, IS_MAP) {
// add .keys, .values, .entries, [@@iterator]
$iterDefine(C, NAME, function (iterated, kind) {
this._t = validate(iterated, NAME); // target
this._k = kind; // kind
this._l = undefined; // previous
}, function () {
var that = this;
var kind = that._k;
var entry = that._l;
// revert to the last existing entry
while (entry && entry.r) entry = entry.p;
// get next entry
if (!that._t || !(that._l = entry = entry ? entry.n : that._t._f)) {
// or finish the iteration
that._t = undefined;
return step(1);
// return step by kind
if (kind == 'keys') return step(0, entry.k);
if (kind == 'values') return step(0, entry.v);
return step(0, [entry.k, entry.v]);
}, IS_MAP ? 'entries' : 'values', !IS_MAP, true);
// add [@@species],,
// https://github.com/DavidBruant/Map-Set.prototype.toJSON
var classof = _dereq_('./_classof');
var from = _dereq_('./_array-from-iterable');
module.exports = function (NAME) {
return function toJSON() {
if (classof(this) != NAME) throw TypeError(NAME + "#toJSON isn't generic");
return from(this);
'use strict';
var global = _dereq_('./_global');
var $export = _dereq_('./_export');
var meta = _dereq_('./_meta');
var fails = _dereq_('./_fails');
var hide = _dereq_('./_hide');
var redefineAll = _dereq_('./_redefine-all');
var forOf = _dereq_('./_for-of');
var anInstance = _dereq_('./_an-instance');
var isObject = _dereq_('./_is-object');
var setToStringTag = _dereq_('./_set-to-string-tag');
var dP = _dereq_('./_object-dp').f;
var each = _dereq_('./_array-methods')(0);
var DESCRIPTORS = _dereq_('./_descriptors');
module.exports = function (NAME, wrapper, methods, common, IS_MAP, IS_WEAK) {
var Base = global[NAME];
var C = Base;
var ADDER = IS_MAP ? 'set' : 'add';
var proto = C && C.prototype;
var O = {};
if (!DESCRIPTORS || typeof C != 'function' || !(IS_WEAK || proto.forEach && !fails(function () {
new C().entries().next();
}))) {
// create collection constructor
C = common.getConstructor(wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER);
redefineAll(C.prototype, methods);
meta.NEED = true;
} else {
C = wrapper(function (target, iterable) {
anInstance(target, C, NAME, '_c');
target._c = new Base();
if (iterable != undefined) forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, target[ADDER], target);
each('add,clear,delete,forEach,get,has,set,keys,values,entries,toJSON'.split(','), function (KEY) {
var IS_ADDER = KEY == 'add' || KEY == 'set';
if (KEY in proto && !(IS_WEAK && KEY == 'clear')) hide(C.prototype, KEY, function (a, b) {
anInstance(this, C, KEY);
if (!IS_ADDER && IS_WEAK && !isObject(a)) return KEY == 'get' ? undefined : false;
var result = this._c[KEY](a === 0 ? 0 : a, b);
return IS_ADDER ? this : result;
IS_WEAK || dP(C.prototype, 'size', {
get: function () {
return this._c.size;
setToStringTag(C, NAME);
O[NAME] = C;
$export($export.G + $export.W + $export.F, O);
if (!IS_WEAK) common.setStrong(C, NAME, IS_MAP);
return C;
var core = module.exports = { version: '2.5.7' };
if (typeof __e == 'number') __e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
// optional / simple context binding
var aFunction = _dereq_('./_a-function');
module.exports = function (fn, that, length) {
if (that === undefined) return fn;
switch (length) {
case 1: return function (a) {
return fn.call(that, a);
case 2: return function (a, b) {
return fn.call(that, a, b);
case 3: return function (a, b, c) {
return fn.call(that, a, b, c);
return function (/* ...args */) {
return fn.apply(that, arguments);
// 7.2.1 RequireObjectCoercible(argument)
module.exports = function (it) {
if (it == undefined) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it);
return it;
// Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty
module.exports = !_dereq_('./_fails')(function () {
return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7;
var isObject = _dereq_('./_is-object');
var document = _dereq_('./_global').document;
// typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE
var is = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement);
module.exports = function (it) {
return is ? document.createElement(it) : {};
// IE 8- don't enum bug keys
module.exports = (
var global = _dereq_('./_global');
var core = _dereq_('./_core');
var ctx = _dereq_('./_ctx');
var hide = _dereq_('./_hide');
var has = _dereq_('./_has');
var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';
var $export = function (type, name, source) {
var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F;
var IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G;
var IS_STATIC = type & $export.S;
var IS_PROTO = type & $export.P;
var IS_BIND = type & $export.B;
var IS_WRAP = type & $export.W;
var exports = IS_GLOBAL ? core : core[name] || (core[name] = {});
var expProto = exports[PROTOTYPE];
var target = IS_GLOBAL ? global : IS_STATIC ? global[name] : (global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE];
var key, own, out;
if (IS_GLOBAL) source = name;
for (key in source) {
// contains in native
own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key] !== undefined;
if (own && has(exports, key)) continue;
// export native or passed
out = own ? target[key] : source[key];
// prevent global pollution for namespaces
exports[key] = IS_GLOBAL && typeof target[key] != 'function' ? source[key]
// bind timers to global for call from export context
: IS_BIND && own ? ctx(out, global)
// wrap global constructors for prevent change them in library
: IS_WRAP && target[key] == out ? (function (C) {
var F = function (a, b, c) {
if (this instanceof C) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0: return new C();
case 1: return new C(a);
case 2: return new C(a, b);
} return new C(a, b, c);
} return C.apply(this, arguments);
return F;
// make static versions for prototype methods
})(out) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == 'function' ? ctx(Function.call, out) : out;
// export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.methods.%NAME%
if (IS_PROTO) {
(exports.virtual || (exports.virtual = {}))[key] = out;
// export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.prototype.%NAME%
if (type & $export.R && expProto && !expProto[key]) hide(expProto, key, out);
// type bitmap
$export.F = 1; // forced
$export.G = 2; // global
$export.S = 4; // static
$export.P = 8; // proto
$export.B = 16; // bind
$export.W = 32; // wrap
$export.U = 64; // safe
$export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library`
module.exports = $export;
module.exports = function (exec) {
try {
return !!exec();
} catch (e) {
return true;
var ctx = _dereq_('./_ctx');
var call = _dereq_('./_iter-call');
var isArrayIter = _dereq_('./_is-array-iter');
var anObject = _dereq_('./_an-object');
var toLength = _dereq_('./_to-length');
var getIterFn = _dereq_('./core.get-iterator-method');
var BREAK = {};
var RETURN = {};
var exports = module.exports = function (iterable, entries, fn, that, ITERATOR) {
var iterFn = ITERATOR ? function () { return iterable; } : getIterFn(iterable);
var f = ctx(fn, that, entries ? 2 : 1);
var index = 0;
var length, step, iterator, result;
if (typeof iterFn != 'function') throw TypeError(iterable + ' is not iterable!');
// fast case for arrays with default iterator
if (isArrayIter(iterFn)) for (length = toLength(iterable.length); length > index; index++) {
result = entries ? f(anObject(step = iterable[index])[0], step[1]) : f(iterable[index]);
if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result;
} else for (iterator = iterFn.call(iterable); !(step = iterator.next()).done;) {
result = call(iterator, f, step.value, entries);
if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result;
exports.BREAK = BREAK;
exports.RETURN = RETURN;
// https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028
var global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math
? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
: Function('return this')();
if (typeof __g == 'number') __g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty;
module.exports = function (it, key) {
return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key);
var dP = _dereq_('./_object-dp');
var createDesc = _dereq_('./_property-desc');
module.exports = _dereq_('./_descriptors') ? function (object, key, value) {
return dP.f(object, key, createDesc(1, value));
} : function (object, key, value) {
object[key] = value;
return object;
var document = _dereq_('./_global').document;
module.exports = document && document.documentElement;
module.exports = !_dereq_('./_descriptors') && !_dereq_('./_fails')(function () {
return Object.defineProperty(_dereq_('./_dom-create')('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7;
// fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings
var cof = _dereq_('./_cof');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
module.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) {
return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it);
// check on default Array iterator
var Iterators = _dereq_('./_iterators');
var ITERATOR = _dereq_('./_wks')('iterator');
var ArrayProto = Array.prototype;
module.exports = function (it) {
return it !== undefined && (Iterators.Array === it || ArrayProto[ITERATOR] === it);
// 7.2.2 IsArray(argument)
var cof = _dereq_('./_cof');
module.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) {
return cof(arg) == 'Array';
module.exports = function (it) {
return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function';
// call something on iterator step with safe closing on error
var anObject = _dereq_('./_an-object');
module.exports = function (iterator, fn, value, entries) {
try {
return entries ? fn(anObject(value)[0], value[1]) : fn(value);
// 7.4.6 IteratorClose(iterator, completion)
} catch (e) {
var ret = iterator['return'];
if (ret !== undefined) anObject(ret.call(iterator));
throw e;
'use strict';
var create = _dereq_('./_object-create');
var descriptor = _dereq_('./_property-desc');
var setToStringTag = _dereq_('./_set-to-string-tag');
var IteratorPrototype = {};
// %IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]()
_dereq_('./_hide')(IteratorPrototype, _dereq_('./_wks')('iterator'), function () { return this; });
module.exports = function (Constructor, NAME, next) {
Constructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, { next: descriptor(1, next) });
setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator');
'use strict';
var LIBRARY = _dereq_('./_library');
var $export = _dereq_('./_export');
var redefine = _dereq_('./_redefine');
var hide = _dereq_('./_hide');
var Iterators = _dereq_('./_iterators');
var $iterCreate = _dereq_('./_iter-create');
var setToStringTag = _dereq_('./_set-to-string-tag');
var getPrototypeOf = _dereq_('./_object-gpo');
var ITERATOR = _dereq_('./_wks')('iterator');
var BUGGY = !([].keys && 'next' in [].keys()); // Safari has buggy iterators w/o `next`
var FF_ITERATOR = '@@iterator';
var KEYS = 'keys';
var VALUES = 'values';
var returnThis = function () { return this; };
module.exports = function (Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) {
$iterCreate(Constructor, NAME, next);
var getMethod = function (kind) {
if (!BUGGY && kind in proto) return proto[kind];
switch (kind) {
case KEYS: return function keys() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };
case VALUES: return function values() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };
} return function entries() { return new Constructor(this, kind); };
var TAG = NAME + ' Iterator';
var VALUES_BUG = false;
var proto = Base.prototype;
var $native = proto[ITERATOR] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT];
var $default = $native || getMethod(DEFAULT);
var $entries = DEFAULT ? !DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod('entries') : undefined;
var $anyNative = NAME == 'Array' ? proto.entries || $native : $native;
var methods, key, IteratorPrototype;
// Fix native
if ($anyNative) {
IteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf($anyNative.call(new Base()));
if (IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && IteratorPrototype.next) {
// Set @@toStringTag to native iterators
setToStringTag(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true);
// fix for some old engines
if (!LIBRARY && typeof IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR] != 'function') hide(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis);
// fix Array#{values, @@iterator}.name in V8 / FF
if (DEF_VALUES && $native && $native.name !== VALUES) {
VALUES_BUG = true;
$default = function values() { return $native.call(this); };
// Define iterator
if ((!LIBRARY || FORCED) && (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG || !proto[ITERATOR])) {
hide(proto, ITERATOR, $default);
// Plug for library
Iterators[NAME] = $default;
Iterators[TAG] = returnThis;
if (DEFAULT) {
methods = {
values: DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod(VALUES),
keys: IS_SET ? $default : getMethod(KEYS),
entries: $entries
if (FORCED) for (key in methods) {
if (!(key in proto)) redefine(proto, key, methods[key]);
} else $export($export.P + $export.F * (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG), NAME, methods);
return methods;
module.exports = function (done, value) {
return { value: value, done: !!done };
module.exports = {};
module.exports = true;
var META = _dereq_('./_uid')('meta');
var isObject = _dereq_('./_is-object');
var has = _dereq_('./_has');
var setDesc = _dereq_('./_object-dp').f;
var id = 0;
var isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || function () {
return true;
var FREEZE = !_dereq_('./_fails')(function () {
return isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({}));
var setMeta = function (it) {
setDesc(it, META, { value: {
i: 'O' + ++id, // object ID
w: {} // weak collections IDs
} });
var fastKey = function (it, create) {
// return primitive with prefix
if (!isObject(it)) return typeof it == 'symbol' ? it : (typeof it == 'string' ? 'S' : 'P') + it;
if (!has(it, META)) {
// can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object
if (!isExtensible(it)) return 'F';
// not necessary to add metadata
if (!create) return 'E';
// add missing metadata
// return object ID
} return it[META].i;
var getWeak = function (it, create) {
if (!has(it, META)) {
// can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object
if (!isExtensible(it)) return true;
// not necessary to add metadata
if (!create) return false;
// add missing metadata
// return hash weak collections IDs
} return it[META].w;
// add metadata on freeze-family methods calling
var onFreeze = function (it) {
if (FREEZE && meta.NEED && isExtensible(it) && !has(it, META)) setMeta(it);
return it;
var meta = module.exports = {
NEED: false,
fastKey: fastKey,
getWeak: getWeak,
onFreeze: onFreeze
'use strict';
// Object.assign(target, source, ...)
var getKeys = _dereq_('./_object-keys');
var gOPS = _dereq_('./_object-gops');
var pIE = _dereq_('./_object-pie');
var toObject = _dereq_('./_to-object');
var IObject = _dereq_('./_iobject');
var $assign = Object.assign;
// should work with symbols and should have deterministic property order (V8 bug)
module.exports = !$assign || _dereq_('./_fails')(function () {
var A = {};
var B = {};
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
var S = Symbol();
var K = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst';
A[S] = 7;
K.split('').forEach(function (k) { B[k] = k; });
return $assign({}, A)[S] != 7 || Object.keys($assign({}, B)).join('') != K;
}) ? function assign(target, source) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
var T = toObject(target);
var aLen = arguments.length;
var index = 1;
var getSymbols = gOPS.f;
var isEnum = pIE.f;
while (aLen > index) {
var S = IObject(arguments[index++]);
var keys = getSymbols ? getKeys(S).concat(getSymbols(S)) : getKeys(S);
var length = keys.length;
var j = 0;
var key;
while (length > j) if (isEnum.call(S, key = keys[j++])) T[key] = S[key];
} return T;
} : $assign;
// / Object.create(O [, Properties])
var anObject = _dereq_('./_an-object');
var dPs = _dereq_('./_object-dps');
var enumBugKeys = _dereq_('./_enum-bug-keys');
var IE_PROTO = _dereq_('./_shared-key')('IE_PROTO');
var Empty = function () { /* empty */ };
var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';
// Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype
var createDict = function () {
// Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug
var iframe = _dereq_('./_dom-create')('iframe');
var i = enumBugKeys.length;
var lt = '<';
var gt = '>';
var iframeDocument;
iframe.style.display = 'none';
iframe.src = 'javascript:'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url
// createDict = iframe.contentWindow.Object;
// html.removeChild(iframe);
iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;
iframeDocument.write(lt + 'script' + gt + 'document.F=Object' + lt + '/script' + gt);
createDict = iframeDocument.F;
while (i--) delete createDict[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[i]];
return createDict();
module.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) {
var result;
if (O !== null) {
Empty[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O);
result = new Empty();
Empty[PROTOTYPE] = null;
// add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill
result[IE_PROTO] = O;
} else result = createDict();
return Properties === undefined ? result : dPs(result, Properties);
var anObject = _dereq_('./_an-object');
var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = _dereq_('./_ie8-dom-define');
var toPrimitive = _dereq_('./_to-primitive');
var dP = Object.defineProperty;
exports.f = _dereq_('./_descriptors') ? Object.defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) {
P = toPrimitive(P, true);
if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try {
return dP(O, P, Attributes);
} catch (e) { /* empty */ }
if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!');
if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value;
return O;
var dP = _dereq_('./_object-dp');
var anObject = _dereq_('./_an-object');
var getKeys = _dereq_('./_object-keys');
module.exports = _dereq_('./_descriptors') ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) {
var keys = getKeys(Properties);
var length = keys.length;
var i = 0;
var P;
while (length > i) dP.f(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]);
return O;
exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
// / Object.getPrototypeOf(O)
var has = _dereq_('./_has');
var toObject = _dereq_('./_to-object');
var IE_PROTO = _dereq_('./_shared-key')('IE_PROTO');
var ObjectProto = Object.prototype;
module.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (O) {
O = toObject(O);
if (has(O, IE_PROTO)) return O[IE_PROTO];
if (typeof O.constructor == 'function' && O instanceof O.constructor) {
return O.constructor.prototype;
} return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null;
var has = _dereq_('./_has');
var toIObject = _dereq_('./_to-iobject');
var arrayIndexOf = _dereq_('./_array-includes')(false);
var IE_PROTO = _dereq_('./_shared-key')('IE_PROTO');
module.exports = function (object, names) {
var O = toIObject(object);
var i = 0;
var result = [];
var key;
for (key in O) if (key != IE_PROTO) has(O, key) && result.push(key);
// Don't enum bug & hidden keys
while (names.length > i) if (has(O, key = names[i++])) {
~arrayIndexOf(result, key) || result.push(key);
return result;
// / Object.keys(O)
var $keys = _dereq_('./_object-keys-internal');
var enumBugKeys = _dereq_('./_enum-bug-keys');
module.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) {
return $keys(O, enumBugKeys);
exports.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;
// most Object methods by ES6 should accept primitives
var $export = _dereq_('./_export');
var core = _dereq_('./_core');
var fails = _dereq_('./_fails');
module.exports = function (KEY, exec) {
var fn = (core.Object || {})[KEY] || Object[KEY];
var exp = {};
exp[KEY] = exec(fn);
$export($export.S + $export.F * fails(function () { fn(1); }), 'Object', exp);
module.exports = function (bitmap, value) {
return {
enumerable: !(bitmap & 1),
configurable: !(bitmap & 2),
writable: !(bitmap & 4),
value: value
var hide = _dereq_('./_hide');
module.exports = function (target, src, safe) {
for (var key in src) {
if (safe && target[key]) target[key] = src[key];
else hide(target, key, src[key]);
} return target;
module.exports = _dereq_('./_hide');
'use strict';
// https://tc39.github.io/proposal-setmap-offrom/
var $export = _dereq_('./_export');
var aFunction = _dereq_('./_a-function');
var ctx = _dereq_('./_ctx');
var forOf = _dereq_('./_for-of');
module.exports = function (COLLECTION) {
$export($export.S, COLLECTION, { from: function from(source /* , mapFn, thisArg */) {
var mapFn = arguments[1];
var mapping, A, n, cb;
mapping = mapFn !== undefined;
if (mapping) aFunction(mapFn);
if (source == undefined) return new this();
A = [];
if (mapping) {
n = 0;
cb = ctx(mapFn, arguments[2], 2);
forOf(source, false, function (nextItem) {
A.push(cb(nextItem, n++));
} else {
forOf(source, false, A.push, A);
return new this(A);
} });
'use strict';
// https://tc39.github.io/proposal-setmap-offrom/
var $export = _dereq_('./_export');
module.exports = function (COLLECTION) {
$export($export.S, COLLECTION, { of: function of() {
var length = arguments.length;
var A = new Array(length);
while (length--) A[length] = arguments[length];
return new this(A);
} });
'use strict';
var global = _dereq_('./_global');
var core = _dereq_('./_core');
var dP = _dereq_('./_object-dp');
var DESCRIPTORS = _dereq_('./_descriptors');
var SPECIES = _dereq_('./_wks')('species');
module.exports = function (KEY) {
var C = typeof core[KEY] == 'function' ? core[KEY] : global[KEY];
configurable: true,
get: function () { return this; }
var def = _dereq_('./_object-dp').f;
var has = _dereq_('./_has');
var TAG = _dereq_('./_wks')('toStringTag');
module.exports = function (it, tag, stat) {
if (it && !has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG)) def(it, TAG, { configurable: true, value: tag });
var shared = _dereq_('./_shared')('keys');
var uid = _dereq_('./_uid');
module.exports = function (key) {
return shared[key] || (shared[key] = uid(key));
var core = _dereq_('./_core');
var global = _dereq_('./_global');
var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__';
var store = global[SHARED] || (global[SHARED] = {});
(module.exports = function (key, value) {
return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {});
})('versions', []).push({
version: core.version,
mode: _dereq_('./_library') ? 'pure' : 'global',
copyright: '© 2018 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)'
'use strict';
var fails = _dereq_('./_fails');
module.exports = function (method, arg) {
return !!method && fails(function () {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-call
arg ? method.call(null, function () { /* empty */ }, 1) : method.call(null);
var toInteger = _dereq_('./_to-integer');
var defined = _dereq_('./_defined');
// true -> String#at
// false -> String#codePointAt
module.exports = function (TO_STRING) {
return function (that, pos) {
var s = String(defined(that));
var i = toInteger(pos);
var l = s.length;
var a, b;
if (i < 0 || i >= l) return TO_STRING ? '' : undefined;
a = s.charCodeAt(i);
return a < 0xd800 || a > 0xdbff || i + 1 === l || (b = s.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || b > 0xdfff
? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i) : a
: TO_STRING ? s.slice(i, i + 2) : (a - 0xd800 << 10) + (b - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;
var toInteger = _dereq_('./_to-integer');
var max = Math.max;
var min = Math.min;
module.exports = function (index, length) {
index = toInteger(index);
return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min(index, length);
// 7.1.4 ToInteger
var ceil = Math.ceil;
var floor = Math.floor;
module.exports = function (it) {
return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it);
// to indexed object, toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings
var IObject = _dereq_('./_iobject');
var defined = _dereq_('./_defined');
module.exports = function (it) {
return IObject(defined(it));
// 7.1.15 ToLength
var toInteger = _dereq_('./_to-integer');
var min = Math.min;
module.exports = function (it) {
return it > 0 ? min(toInteger(it), 0x1fffffffffffff) : 0; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991
// 7.1.13 ToObject(argument)
var defined = _dereq_('./_defined');
module.exports = function (it) {
return Object(defined(it));
// 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType])
var isObject = _dereq_('./_is-object');
// instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case
// and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string
module.exports = function (it, S) {
if (!isObject(it)) return it;
var fn, val;
if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;
if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;
if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;
throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value");
var id = 0;
var px = Math.random();
module.exports = function (key) {
return 'Symbol('.concat(key === undefined ? '' : key, ')_', (++id + px).toString(36));
var isObject = _dereq_('./_is-object');
module.exports = function (it, TYPE) {
if (!isObject(it) || it._t !== TYPE) throw TypeError('Incompatible receiver, ' + TYPE + ' required!');
return it;
var store = _dereq_('./_shared')('wks');
var uid = _dereq_('./_uid');
var Symbol = _dereq_('./_global').Symbol;
var USE_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol == 'function';
var $exports = module.exports = function (name) {
return store[name] || (store[name] =
USE_SYMBOL && Symbol[name] || (USE_SYMBOL ? Symbol : uid)('Symbol.' + name));
$exports.store = store;
var classof = _dereq_('./_classof');
var ITERATOR = _dereq_('./_wks')('iterator');
var Iterators = _dereq_('./_iterators');
module.exports = _dereq_('./_core').getIteratorMethod = function (it) {
if (it != undefined) return it[ITERATOR]
|| it['@@iterator']
|| Iterators[classof(it)];
'use strict';
var $export = _dereq_('./_export');
var $indexOf = _dereq_('./_array-includes')(false);
var $native = [].indexOf;
var NEGATIVE_ZERO = !!$native && 1 / [1].indexOf(1, -0) < 0;
$export($export.P + $export.F * (NEGATIVE_ZERO || !_dereq_('./_strict-method')($native)), 'Array', {
// / Array.prototype.indexOf(searchElement [, fromIndex])
indexOf: function indexOf(searchElement /* , fromIndex = 0 */) {
// convert -0 to +0
? $native.apply(this, arguments) || 0
: $indexOf(this, searchElement, arguments[1]);
// / Array.isArray(arg)
var $export = _dereq_('./_export');
$export($export.S, 'Array', { isArray: _dereq_('./_is-array') });
'use strict';
var addToUnscopables = _dereq_('./_add-to-unscopables');
var step = _dereq_('./_iter-step');
var Iterators = _dereq_('./_iterators');
var toIObject = _dereq_('./_to-iobject');
// Array.prototype.entries()
// Array.prototype.keys()
// Array.prototype.values()
// Array.prototype[@@iterator]()
module.exports = _dereq_('./_iter-define')(Array, 'Array', function (iterated, kind) {
this._t = toIObject(iterated); // target
this._i = 0; // next index
this._k = kind; // kind
// %ArrayIteratorPrototype%.next()
}, function () {
var O = this._t;
var kind = this._k;
var index = this._i++;
if (!O || index >= O.length) {
this._t = undefined;
return step(1);
if (kind == 'keys') return step(0, index);
if (kind == 'values') return step(0, O[index]);
return step(0, [index, O[index]]);
}, 'values');
// argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values% (,
Iterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array;
'use strict';
var $export = _dereq_('./_export');
var $reduce = _dereq_('./_array-reduce');
$export($export.P + $export.F * !_dereq_('./_strict-method')([].reduce, true), 'Array', {
// / Array.prototype.reduce(callbackfn [, initialValue])
reduce: function reduce(callbackfn /* , initialValue */) {
return $reduce(this, callbackfn, arguments.length, arguments[1], false);
'use strict';
var strong = _dereq_('./_collection-strong');
var validate = _dereq_('./_validate-collection');
var MAP = 'Map';
// 23.1 Map Objects
module.exports = _dereq_('./_collection')(MAP, function (get) {
return function Map() { return get(this, arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined); };
}, {
// Map.prototype.get(key)
get: function get(key) {
var entry = strong.getEntry(validate(this, MAP), key);
return entry && entry.v;
// Map.prototype.set(key, value)
set: function set(key, value) {
return strong.def(validate(this, MAP), key === 0 ? 0 : key, value);
}, strong, true);
// Object.assign(target, source)
var $export = _dereq_('./_export');
$export($export.S + $export.F, 'Object', { assign: _dereq_('./_object-assign') });
// Object.keys(O)
var toObject = _dereq_('./_to-object');
var $keys = _dereq_('./_object-keys');
_dereq_('./_object-sap')('keys', function () {
return function keys(it) {
return $keys(toObject(it));
'use strict';
var $at = _dereq_('./_string-at')(true);
// String.prototype[@@iterator]()
_dereq_('./_iter-define')(String, 'String', function (iterated) {
this._t = String(iterated); // target
this._i = 0; // next index
// %StringIteratorPrototype%.next()
}, function () {
var O = this._t;
var index = this._i;
var point;
if (index >= O.length) return { value: undefined, done: true };
point = $at(O, index);
this._i += point.length;
return { value: point, done: false };
// https://tc39.github.io/proposal-setmap-offrom/#sec-map.from
// https://tc39.github.io/proposal-setmap-offrom/#sec-map.of
// https://github.com/DavidBruant/Map-Set.prototype.toJSON
var $export = _dereq_('./_export');
$export($export.P + $export.R, 'Map', { toJSON: _dereq_('./_collection-to-json')('Map') });
var global = _dereq_('./_global');
var hide = _dereq_('./_hide');
var Iterators = _dereq_('./_iterators');
var TO_STRING_TAG = _dereq_('./_wks')('toStringTag');
var DOMIterables = ('CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,' +
'DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,' +
'MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,' +
'SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,' +
for (var i = 0; i < DOMIterables.length; i++) {
var NAME = DOMIterables[i];
var Collection = global[NAME];
var proto = Collection && Collection.prototype;
if (proto && !proto[TO_STRING_TAG]) hide(proto, TO_STRING_TAG, NAME);
Iterators[NAME] = Iterators.Array;