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2019-01-06 13:14:45 -06:00
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.bigtable.v2;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/bigtable/v2/data.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
import "google/rpc/status.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.Bigtable.V2";
option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/bigtable/v2;bigtable";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "BigtableProto";
option java_package = "com.google.bigtable.v2";
option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\Bigtable\\V2";
// Service for reading from and writing to existing Bigtable tables.
service Bigtable {
// Streams back the contents of all requested rows in key order, optionally
// applying the same Reader filter to each. Depending on their size,
// rows and cells may be broken up across multiple responses, but
// atomicity of each row will still be preserved. See the
// ReadRowsResponse documentation for details.
rpc ReadRows(ReadRowsRequest) returns (stream ReadRowsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v2/{table_name=projects/*/instances/*/tables/*}:readRows"
body: "*"
// Returns a sample of row keys in the table. The returned row keys will
// delimit contiguous sections of the table of approximately equal size,
// which can be used to break up the data for distributed tasks like
// mapreduces.
rpc SampleRowKeys(SampleRowKeysRequest) returns (stream SampleRowKeysResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v2/{table_name=projects/*/instances/*/tables/*}:sampleRowKeys"
// Mutates a row atomically. Cells already present in the row are left
// unchanged unless explicitly changed by `mutation`.
rpc MutateRow(MutateRowRequest) returns (MutateRowResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v2/{table_name=projects/*/instances/*/tables/*}:mutateRow"
body: "*"
// Mutates multiple rows in a batch. Each individual row is mutated
// atomically as in MutateRow, but the entire batch is not executed
// atomically.
rpc MutateRows(MutateRowsRequest) returns (stream MutateRowsResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v2/{table_name=projects/*/instances/*/tables/*}:mutateRows"
body: "*"
// Mutates a row atomically based on the output of a predicate Reader filter.
rpc CheckAndMutateRow(CheckAndMutateRowRequest) returns (CheckAndMutateRowResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v2/{table_name=projects/*/instances/*/tables/*}:checkAndMutateRow"
body: "*"
// Modifies a row atomically on the server. The method reads the latest
// existing timestamp and value from the specified columns and writes a new
// entry based on pre-defined read/modify/write rules. The new value for the
// timestamp is the greater of the existing timestamp or the current server
// time. The method returns the new contents of all modified cells.
rpc ReadModifyWriteRow(ReadModifyWriteRowRequest) returns (ReadModifyWriteRowResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v2/{table_name=projects/*/instances/*/tables/*}:readModifyWriteRow"
body: "*"
// Request message for Bigtable.ReadRows.
message ReadRowsRequest {
// The unique name of the table from which to read.
// Values are of the form
// `projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/tables/<table>`.
string table_name = 1;
// This value specifies routing for replication. If not specified, the
// "default" application profile will be used.
string app_profile_id = 5;
// The row keys and/or ranges to read. If not specified, reads from all rows.
RowSet rows = 2;
// The filter to apply to the contents of the specified row(s). If unset,
// reads the entirety of each row.
RowFilter filter = 3;
// The read will terminate after committing to N rows' worth of results. The
// default (zero) is to return all results.
int64 rows_limit = 4;
// Response message for Bigtable.ReadRows.
message ReadRowsResponse {
// Specifies a piece of a row's contents returned as part of the read
// response stream.
message CellChunk {
// The row key for this chunk of data. If the row key is empty,
// this CellChunk is a continuation of the same row as the previous
// CellChunk in the response stream, even if that CellChunk was in a
// previous ReadRowsResponse message.
bytes row_key = 1;
// The column family name for this chunk of data. If this message
// is not present this CellChunk is a continuation of the same column
// family as the previous CellChunk. The empty string can occur as a
// column family name in a response so clients must check
// explicitly for the presence of this message, not just for
// `family_name.value` being non-empty.
google.protobuf.StringValue family_name = 2;
// The column qualifier for this chunk of data. If this message
// is not present, this CellChunk is a continuation of the same column
// as the previous CellChunk. Column qualifiers may be empty so
// clients must check for the presence of this message, not just
// for `qualifier.value` being non-empty.
google.protobuf.BytesValue qualifier = 3;
// The cell's stored timestamp, which also uniquely identifies it
// within its column. Values are always expressed in
// microseconds, but individual tables may set a coarser
// granularity to further restrict the allowed values. For
// example, a table which specifies millisecond granularity will
// only allow values of `timestamp_micros` which are multiples of
// 1000. Timestamps are only set in the first CellChunk per cell
// (for cells split into multiple chunks).
int64 timestamp_micros = 4;
// Labels applied to the cell by a
// [RowFilter][google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter]. Labels are only set
// on the first CellChunk per cell.
repeated string labels = 5;
// The value stored in the cell. Cell values can be split across
// multiple CellChunks. In that case only the value field will be
// set in CellChunks after the first: the timestamp and labels
// will only be present in the first CellChunk, even if the first
// CellChunk came in a previous ReadRowsResponse.
bytes value = 6;
// If this CellChunk is part of a chunked cell value and this is
// not the final chunk of that cell, value_size will be set to the
// total length of the cell value. The client can use this size
// to pre-allocate memory to hold the full cell value.
int32 value_size = 7;
oneof row_status {
// Indicates that the client should drop all previous chunks for
// `row_key`, as it will be re-read from the beginning.
bool reset_row = 8;
// Indicates that the client can safely process all previous chunks for
// `row_key`, as its data has been fully read.
bool commit_row = 9;
repeated CellChunk chunks = 1;
// Optionally the server might return the row key of the last row it
// has scanned. The client can use this to construct a more
// efficient retry request if needed: any row keys or portions of
// ranges less than this row key can be dropped from the request.
// This is primarily useful for cases where the server has read a
// lot of data that was filtered out since the last committed row
// key, allowing the client to skip that work on a retry.
bytes last_scanned_row_key = 2;
// Request message for Bigtable.SampleRowKeys.
message SampleRowKeysRequest {
// The unique name of the table from which to sample row keys.
// Values are of the form
// `projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/tables/<table>`.
string table_name = 1;
// This value specifies routing for replication. If not specified, the
// "default" application profile will be used.
string app_profile_id = 2;
// Response message for Bigtable.SampleRowKeys.
message SampleRowKeysResponse {
// Sorted streamed sequence of sample row keys in the table. The table might
// have contents before the first row key in the list and after the last one,
// but a key containing the empty string indicates "end of table" and will be
// the last response given, if present.
// Note that row keys in this list may not have ever been written to or read
// from, and users should therefore not make any assumptions about the row key
// structure that are specific to their use case.
bytes row_key = 1;
// Approximate total storage space used by all rows in the table which precede
// `row_key`. Buffering the contents of all rows between two subsequent
// samples would require space roughly equal to the difference in their
// `offset_bytes` fields.
int64 offset_bytes = 2;
// Request message for Bigtable.MutateRow.
message MutateRowRequest {
// The unique name of the table to which the mutation should be applied.
// Values are of the form
// `projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/tables/<table>`.
string table_name = 1;
// This value specifies routing for replication. If not specified, the
// "default" application profile will be used.
string app_profile_id = 4;
// The key of the row to which the mutation should be applied.
bytes row_key = 2;
// Changes to be atomically applied to the specified row. Entries are applied
// in order, meaning that earlier mutations can be masked by later ones.
// Must contain at least one entry and at most 100000.
repeated Mutation mutations = 3;
// Response message for Bigtable.MutateRow.
message MutateRowResponse {
// Request message for BigtableService.MutateRows.
message MutateRowsRequest {
message Entry {
// The key of the row to which the `mutations` should be applied.
bytes row_key = 1;
// Changes to be atomically applied to the specified row. Mutations are
// applied in order, meaning that earlier mutations can be masked by
// later ones.
// You must specify at least one mutation.
repeated Mutation mutations = 2;
// The unique name of the table to which the mutations should be applied.
string table_name = 1;
// This value specifies routing for replication. If not specified, the
// "default" application profile will be used.
string app_profile_id = 3;
// The row keys and corresponding mutations to be applied in bulk.
// Each entry is applied as an atomic mutation, but the entries may be
// applied in arbitrary order (even between entries for the same row).
// At least one entry must be specified, and in total the entries can
// contain at most 100000 mutations.
repeated Entry entries = 2;
// Response message for BigtableService.MutateRows.
message MutateRowsResponse {
message Entry {
// The index into the original request's `entries` list of the Entry
// for which a result is being reported.
int64 index = 1;
// The result of the request Entry identified by `index`.
// Depending on how requests are batched during execution, it is possible
// for one Entry to fail due to an error with another Entry. In the event
// that this occurs, the same error will be reported for both entries.
google.rpc.Status status = 2;
// One or more results for Entries from the batch request.
repeated Entry entries = 1;
// Request message for Bigtable.CheckAndMutateRow.
message CheckAndMutateRowRequest {
// The unique name of the table to which the conditional mutation should be
// applied.
// Values are of the form
// `projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/tables/<table>`.
string table_name = 1;
// This value specifies routing for replication. If not specified, the
// "default" application profile will be used.
string app_profile_id = 7;
// The key of the row to which the conditional mutation should be applied.
bytes row_key = 2;
// The filter to be applied to the contents of the specified row. Depending
// on whether or not any results are yielded, either `true_mutations` or
// `false_mutations` will be executed. If unset, checks that the row contains
// any values at all.
RowFilter predicate_filter = 6;
// Changes to be atomically applied to the specified row if `predicate_filter`
// yields at least one cell when applied to `row_key`. Entries are applied in
// order, meaning that earlier mutations can be masked by later ones.
// Must contain at least one entry if `false_mutations` is empty, and at most
// 100000.
repeated Mutation true_mutations = 4;
// Changes to be atomically applied to the specified row if `predicate_filter`
// does not yield any cells when applied to `row_key`. Entries are applied in
// order, meaning that earlier mutations can be masked by later ones.
// Must contain at least one entry if `true_mutations` is empty, and at most
// 100000.
repeated Mutation false_mutations = 5;
// Response message for Bigtable.CheckAndMutateRow.
message CheckAndMutateRowResponse {
// Whether or not the request's `predicate_filter` yielded any results for
// the specified row.
bool predicate_matched = 1;
// Request message for Bigtable.ReadModifyWriteRow.
message ReadModifyWriteRowRequest {
// The unique name of the table to which the read/modify/write rules should be
// applied.
// Values are of the form
// `projects/<project>/instances/<instance>/tables/<table>`.
string table_name = 1;
// This value specifies routing for replication. If not specified, the
// "default" application profile will be used.
string app_profile_id = 4;
// The key of the row to which the read/modify/write rules should be applied.
bytes row_key = 2;
// Rules specifying how the specified row's contents are to be transformed
// into writes. Entries are applied in order, meaning that earlier rules will
// affect the results of later ones.
repeated ReadModifyWriteRule rules = 3;
// Response message for Bigtable.ReadModifyWriteRow.
message ReadModifyWriteRowResponse {
// A Row containing the new contents of all cells modified by the request.
Row row = 1;