
172 lines
6.5 KiB

import re
import string
import numpy as np
from stable_baselines3 import PPO, DQN
from letter_guess import LetterGuessingEnv
def load_valid_words(file_path='wordle_words.txt'):
Load valid five-letter words from a specified text file.
- file_path (str): The path to the text file containing valid words.
- list[str]: A list of valid words loaded from the file.
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
valid_words = [line.strip() for line in file if len(line.strip()) == 5]
return valid_words
class AI:
def __init__(self, vocab_file, model_file, num_letters=5, num_guesses=6, use_q_model = False):
self.vocab_file = vocab_file
self.num_letters = num_letters
self.num_guesses = 6
self.vocab, self.vocab_scores, self.letter_scores = self.get_vocab(self.vocab_file)
self.best_words = sorted(list(self.vocab_scores.items()), key=lambda tup: tup[1])[::-1]
self.domains = None
self.possible_letters = None
self.use_q_model = use_q_model
if use_q_model:
# we initialize the same q env as the model train ONLY to simplify storing/calculating the gym state, not used to control the game at all
self.q_env = LetterGuessingEnv(vocab_file)
# load model
self.q_model = PPO.load(model_file)
self.q_env_state = None
def solve_eval(self, results_callback):
num_guesses = 0
while [len(e) for e in self.domains] != [1 for _ in range(self.num_letters)]:
num_guesses += 1
# sample a word, this would use the q_env_state if the q_model is used
word = self.sample()
# get emulated results
results = results_callback(word)
if self.use_q_model:
# step the q_env to match the guess we just made
for i in range(len(word)):
char = word[i]
action = ord(char) - ord('a')
self.q_env_state, _, _, _, _ = self.q_env.step(action)
self.arc_consistency(word, results)
return num_guesses, word
def solve(self):
num_guesses = 0
while [len(e) for e in self.domains] != [1 for _ in range(self.num_letters)]:
num_guesses += 1
word = self.sample()
# # Always start with these two words
# if num_guesses == 1:
# word = 'soare'
# elif num_guesses == 2:
# word = 'culti'
print(f'Guess #{num_guesses}/{self.num_guesses}: {word}')
print(f'Performing arc consistency check on {word}...')
print(f'Specify 0 for completely nonexistent letter at the specified index, 1 for existent letter but incorrect index, and 2 for correct letter at correct index.')
results = []
# Collect results
for l in word:
while True:
result = input(f'{l}: ')
if result not in ['0', '1', '2']:
print('Incorrect option. Try again.')
self.arc_consistency(word, results)
print(f'You did it! The word is {"".join([e[0] for e in self.domains])}')
return num_guesses
def arc_consistency(self, word, results):
self.possible_letters += [word[i] for i in range(len(word)) if results[i] == '1']
for i in range(len(word)):
if results[i] == '0':
if word[i] in self.possible_letters:
if word[i] in self.domains[i]:
for j in range(len(self.domains)):
if word[i] in self.domains[j] and len(self.domains[j]) > 1:
if results[i] == '1':
if word[i] in self.domains[i]:
if results[i] == '2':
self.domains[i] = [word[i]]
def reset(self):
self.domains = [list(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(self.num_letters)]
self.possible_letters = []
if self.use_q_model:
self.q_env_state, _ = self.q_env.reset()
def sample(self):
Samples a best word given the current domains
# Compile a regex of possible words with the current domain
regex_string = ''
for domain in self.domains:
regex_string += ''.join(['[', ''.join(domain), ']', '{1}'])
pattern = re.compile(regex_string)
# From the words with the highest scores, only return the best word that match the regex pattern
for word, _ in self.best_words:
if pattern.match(word) and False not in [e in word for e in self.possible_letters]:
return word
def get_vocab(self, vocab_file):
vocab = []
with open(vocab_file, 'r') as f:
for l in f:
# Count letter frequencies at each index
letter_freqs = [{letter: 0 for letter in string.ascii_lowercase} for _ in range(self.num_letters)]
for word in vocab:
for i, l in enumerate(word):
letter_freqs[i][l] += 1
# Assign a score to each letter at each index by the probability of it appearing
letter_scores = [{letter: 0 for letter in string.ascii_lowercase} for _ in range(self.num_letters)]
for i in range(len(letter_scores)):
max_freq = np.max(list(letter_freqs[i].values()))
for l in letter_scores[i].keys():
letter_scores[i][l] = letter_freqs[i][l] / max_freq
# Find a sorted list of words ranked by sum of letter scores
vocab_scores = {} # (score, word)
for word in vocab:
score = 0
for i, l in enumerate(word):
score += letter_scores[i][l]
# # Optimization: If repeating letters, deduct a couple points
# if len(set(word)) < len(word):
# score -= 0.25 * (len(word) - len(set(word)))
vocab_scores[word] = score
return vocab, vocab_scores, letter_scores